38 越南为推动东盟-中国经济合作努力发挥桥梁作用
范星梅(Pham Sao Mai) 越南社会主义共和国驻华特命全权大使
58 中华文化与人类文明的可持续发展
64 加快中国和世界实现碳中和的步伐——《2021 年世界能源展望》洞见
Tim Gould 国际能源署首席经济学家
68 后疫情时代如何对农村人口和农村地区进行投资
多拉尔·布朗(Donal Brown) 国际农业发展基金助理副总裁
14 如何应对单边数字税对我国跨国数字企业的冲击
刘方 杨宜勇
16 推进新型基础设施统建共用
马潮江 吴洁倩
72 赴日本投资与承包工程的风险分析
76 一心强 四维张 推动江西区域经济高质量发展
肖金成 罗小娟
80 铁路项目财务评价的现状及建议
82 提高金融科技普惠性助推共同富裕
应晓妮 田玉铎
金准·PPP 观察
84 南宁临空经济示范区建设资金平衡规划实践
86 海上丝路贸易指数(2021年11月)
88 落实新一届论坛精神 以投资推动中非合作
梅世文 中非发展基金总裁
90 达累斯萨拉姆大学简介
92 汇率贬值与外汇管制下的中企在喀商贸投资困境
94 新政府、新政策、新变化——赞比亚大选后投资环境前瞻
96 在乌干达进行土地交易的四大风险与防范
洪永红 李匡
98 “双循环”新发展格局下非洲农产品输华现状与展望
唐斌 肖皓
100 非洲民族独立国家的涌现
102 城市与土地:两种复杂的交织
Cover Stories
20 Upholding the Spirit of China-Africa Friendly Cooperation to Create a Better Future for China and African
Liu Yuxi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Head of Chinese Mission to the African Union and Chinese Representative to UN Economic Commission for Africa
22 South Africa and China — Fruitful and Promising Relations
H.E. Siyabonga Cwele,South African Ambassador to China
28 Towards a Win-Win Rwanda-China Cooperation in the post COVID-19 era
H.E. James Kimonyo,Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to China
32 Indonesia – China’s Economic Cooperation On 2022 Perspective: Optimism & the Way Forward
H.E. Mr.Djauhari Oratmangun,Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the People’s Republic of China and Mongolia
41 Vietnam Plays Important Role of Bridge Promoting ASEAN – China Economic Cooperation
H.E. Mr. Pham Sao Mai,Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the People’s Republic of China
44 Creating China-ASEAN Super Dual Circulation
Xu Qingqi, Chairman of Center for New Inclusive Asia
46 The economic dimension of the Russia-China strategic partnership: the current state and the outlook for 2022
Artyom Lukin, Far Eastern Federal University
54 Outlook 2022: Tenacity of China-Africa Cooperation
Tang Xiaoyang
56 Can Europe Seize the Short Window of Opportunity?
Song Luzheng
58 Chinese Culture and Sustainable Development of Human Civilization
Hok-Lin Leung
62 Quickening the pace to achieving carbon neutrality in China and the world
——Insights from the new IEA World Energy Outlook 2021
Tim Gould,Chief economist of the International Energy Agency
66 The case for investing in rural people and in rural areas in the post-Covid era
Donal Brown,Associate Vice-President, International Fund for Agricultural Development
Observation And Reflection
14 How to Respond to the Impact of Unilateral Digital Tax on China’s Transnational Digital Enterprises?
Liu Fang and Yang Yiyong
16 Promoting Coordinated Construction and Shared Use of New Infrastructure
Ma Chaojiang and Wu Jieqing
72 An Analysis of Risks in Investing and Contracting Projects in Japan
Zhu Zhonghua
Regional Economies
76 Strengthening One Center, Unfolding Four Dimensions, and Promoting Jiangxi’s High-Quality Regional Development
Xiao Jincheng, Luo Xiaojuan, Huang Xinzao and Lu Xingxing
Investment And Financing Studies
80 Conditions and Recommendations for Financial Evaluation of Railway Construction
Zhou Amin
82 Increasing the Inclusiveness of Financial Technology to Boost Common Prosperity
Ying Xiaoni and Tian Yuduo
Ktrue·Observation Of PPP
84 Practice of Planning for Financial Balance in Constructing Nanjing Airport Economic Demonstration Zone
Mo Yixiang
86 Trade Indicators of Maritime Silk Road (November 2021)
Ningbo Shipping Exchange
Observation And Reflection
88 Implementing the Spirit of the Latest Forum and Promoting China-Africa Cooperation by Investment
Mei Shiwen, President of China-Africa Development Fund
Understanding Africa
90 A Brief Introduction to University of Dar es Salaam
Xiao Qijia
Investing In Africa
92 Trade and Investment Dilemma of Chinese Enterprises in Cameroon with Exchange-Rate Devaluation and Foreign Currency Control
Weng MIngfa
94 New Government, New Policy and New Changes: an Outlook of Investment Environment in Post-Election Zambia
Li Tie
96 Four Risks in Land Trade in Uganda and Their Prevention
Hong Yonghong and Li Kuangg
China-Africa Academic Field
98 Conditions and Prospect of Africa’s Agricultural Export to China in Context of the New Development Paradigm of “Dual Circulation”
Tang Bin and Xiao Hao
Society And Culture
100 The Emergence of Countries of National Independence in Africa
Liu Weicai
102 City and Land: the Two Intermingled Complexities: Review on Land Issues in Urban Governance of Sub-Saharan Africa
Liu Weicai
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