26 认识都市圈,做好都市圈规划
29 中国都市圈:识别、特征与发展态势
黄艳 安树伟
64 海上丝路贸易指数(2021年12 月)
66 对非农业投资的历史逻辑、现实逻辑与路径选择
70 谢赫·安达·迪奥普 – 达喀尔大学简介
沈晓兰 陈丽娟
72 积极应对马达加斯加破产法律风险
洪永红 龙婷
74 中非减贫惠农工程的建设路径
文春晖 徐海涛
78 卢旺达大学孔子学院的内涵发展之路
82 从邮票了解马诺河联盟
84 南部非洲的民族解放
86 非洲城市化进程中的机遇与风险
Cover Stories
26 Understanding Metropolitan Area and Doing Good Planning for It
——Interview with Xiao Jincheng, Vice-President of the Regional Science Association of China
Xiao Jingqiu
29 Chinese Metropolitian Area: Identification, Characteristics and Development Trend
Huang Yan and An Shuwei
Observation And Reflection
14 China’s Early Investment in Energy Efficiency Provides Key to Carbon Neutrality and Economic Development
Nicholas Howarth and Clara Camarasa, Engergy Efficiency Analysts, Engergy Efficiency Unit of International Energy Agency
20 People-Centered Land Use
Hok-Lin Leung
38 Kyrgyz Republic: A Land of Unlimited Business Opportunities
H.E. Baktygulova Kanaiym, the Kyrgyz Ambassador to China
46 A Risk Analysis for Investing and Contracting Projects in Uzbekistan
Zhu Zhonghua
Regional Economies
50 Pushing for Accelerated Transformation from Administration Area Economy to Economic Area Economy
Ma Yankun
Manufacturing Industry
54 Constructing Strong Development Ecology for Manufacturing Industry to Go Steady and Far
Xu Jianwei
57 To Overcome Baumol’s Cost Disease Requiring Mutual Promotion of Manufacturing Industry and Service Industries
Tan Yongsheng
Investment And Financing Studies
60 Progress and Impact Analysis of Insurance of “Next Generation EU” Bonds
Liu Xuchang
Ktrue·Observation Of PPP
62 Reflecting on Innovation in Investment and Financing Model for Major Water Conservancy Projects
Tong Mei and She Zhaolin
64 Trade Indicators of Maritime Silk Road
(December 2021)
Ningbo Shipping Exchange
Observation And Reflection
66 Historical Logic, Realistic Logic and Path Selection for Non-Agricultural Investment
Gen Jianzhong
Understanding Africa
70 A Brief Introduction to the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakarestablishment of Tanzania-China Diplomatic Ties
Shen Xiaolan and Chen Lijuan
Investing In Africa
72 Actively Responding to Legal Risks from Madagascar’s Bankruptcy Law
Hong Yonghong and Long Ting
China-Africa Academic Field
74 Development Route for China-Africa Poverty Reduction and Agricultural Development Program
Wen Chunhui and Xu Haitao
Society And Culture
78 Window, Bridge and Platform of China-Rwanda Cultural Exchange: The Confucius Institute of the University of Rwanda
Zeng Guangyu
82 Learning about Mano River Union from Postage Stamp
Xu Gang
Zeng Guangyu
84 National Liberation of Southern Africa
Liu Weicai
86 Opportunities and Risks in Africa’s Urbanization Process: Reviewing Reflections on African Cities in Transition
Liu Weicai
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