您做在的位置: 中国投资 > 过往期刊目录 > 过往期刊 > 2024年3月








22 项目谋划应当考虑的主要因素


25 重大项目谋划的主要原则和基本逻辑
郭建斌 衣梦耘 伍思宇 龚瑶


29 重大项目谋划的阶段划分与主要工作
郭建斌 龚瑶 衣梦耘 伍思宇


33 重大项目谋划的重点任务与主要成果
郭建斌 伍思宇 衣梦耘 龚瑶


39 重大项目谋划案例:舟山国家大型绿色石化产业基地
郭建斌 衣梦耘 齐景丽 伍思宇


43 重大项目谋划案例:宁德锂电新能源产业基地
郭建斌 汪志鸿 龚瑶 衣梦耘



12 探索经济逻辑及其应用逻辑


14 日本泡沫经济特点及与我国经济发展的比较分析


16 城中村改造工作的社会治理探索



18 推动钢铁行业双一流建设助力钢铁强国新发展
赵梦静 赵宏 王文博 李延辉 周光辉



46 欧盟“全球门户”战略:进展与特点
王强 温源远


48 欧委会出台“欧洲经济安全一揽子计划”


52 乌兹别克斯坦经济中的私营部门:改革与挑战
穆罕默德约尔·奥尔基库洛夫(Muhammaddiyor Orzikulov) 乌兹别克斯坦经济大会新闻秘书


54 外交扩张与美国“印太战略”



58 强省会战略下的济南都市圈


64 建设开放创新的大连都市圈
陶然婷 米启星



70 苏州工业园区绿色产业发展SWOT 分析与策略研究
徐璐 薛会 许相敏



74 亏损结转政策:国际实践与启示
郝晓婧 蔡杨


76 全生命周期下政企合作项目双方融合式沟通研究
訾建峰 徐志超 肖靓


78 雄安新区多元化住房体系发展:基于合作共生社区视角的比较研究
王志锋 李姝婷 葛雪凝 吕京根 侯永周 李媛



82 提高我国地方政府专项债券使用效能的思考与建议
周荣 郭建斌 郑立 周茜



88 海上丝路贸易指数(2023 年12月)



90 索马里成为东共体第八个成员国



92 联合国社区速效项目在非实践概述


94 南非夸祖鲁- 纳塔尔大学
王骏阳 留郁芊



96 埃及外汇管制政策变迁及其启示


98 投资非洲应筑牢刑事合规防线
吴卡 王恩


100 安哥拉《公共采购法》六大新规
杨振伟 洪永红



102 Mathari 马塔瑞里的北京学校


106 非洲的口述文化传统


108 非洲王国历史书写的新方向


110 探讨非洲刑法的多元面貌
郭炯 范晓楠 罗薇薇





Cover Stories
Planning for Projects: Studies and Practices


22 Major Factors to Consider in Project Planning
Ma Xiaoding


25 Main Principles and Basic Logic of Planning for Major Projects
Guo Jianbin, Yi Mengyun, Wu Siyu and Gong Yao


29 Phasing and Main Work of Planning for Major Projects
Guo Jianbin, Gong Yao, Yi Mengyun and Wu Siyu


33 Key Tasks and Main Results of Planning for Major Projects
Guo Jianbin, Wu Siyu, Yi Mengyun and Gong Yao


39 Planning for Major Projects: The Case of Zhoushan Green Petrochemical Base
Guo Jianbin, Yi Mengyun Qi Jingli and Wu Siyu


43 Planning for Major Project: The Case of Ningde Lithium-ion New Energy Base
Guo Jianbin, Wang Zhihong, Gong Yao and Yi Mengyun


Observation And Reflection

12 Exploring the Economic Logic and Its Application Logic
Cheng Yi


14 Features of Japanese Bubble Economy in Analytical Comparison to China’s Economic Development
Yue Shengyuan


16 Exploring Social Governance in Shantytown Redevelopment
Hok-Lin Leun


Voice Of Think Tanks    

18 Promoting “the Double World-Class Project” in Steel Industry to Help Make China a Steelmaking Powerhouse
Zhao Mengjing, Zhao Hong, Wang Wenbo, Li Yanhui and Zhou Guanghui



46 The EU’s“Global Portal”Strategy: Progress and Features
Wang Qiang and Wen Yuanyuan


48 European Commission Launches European Economic Security Package
Gao Rongwei


50 Private sector as a driver of a modern economy of Uzbekistan: reforms and challenges
Muhammaddiyor Orzikulov, Press secretary of the Economic Assembly of Uzbekistan


54 Diplomatic Expansion and US“Indo-Pacific Strategy”
Chen Jimin


Metropolitan Area Observation    

58 Jinan Metropolitan Area in Context of the National Central City Strategy
Xu Ruining


64 Building an Open and Innovative Dalian Metropolitan Area
Tao Ranting and Mi Qixing


Investment In Green Industry    

70 SWOT Analysis and Strategic Sturdies for Green Development of Suzhou Industrial Park
Xu Lu, Xue Hui and Xu Xiangmin


Investment And Construction Forum

74 Losses Carrying-Forward Policy: International Practice and Implications
Hao Xiaojing and Cai Yang


76 A Study on Two-Way Integrated Communication for Complete Lifecycle of Public-Private Partnaership Projects
Zi Jianfeng, Xu Zhichao and Xiao Liang


78 Development of a Diversified Housing System in Xiongan New Area: The Case of Comparative Study in Perspective of Cooperative Symbiotic Communities
Wang Zhifeng, Li Shuting, Ge Xuening, Lu Jinggen, Hou Yongzhou and Li Yuan


Investment And Financing Research And Practice

82 Reflections and Policy Proposals on Improving Efficacy of Chinese Local Government Special Bonds
Zhou Rong, Guo Jianbin, Zheng Li and Zhou Qian


88 Trade Indicators of Maritime Silk Road (December 2023)
Ningbo Shipping Exchange


Observation And Reflection

90 Somalia Becomes the Eighth Member of East African Community
Wang Ting


Understanding Africa

92 An Overview of Practices in Africa by UN Quick Impact Projects for Communities
Gao Haoyue


94 University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Wang Junyang and Liu Yuqian


Investing In Africa

96 Evolution of Foreign Exchange Control Policy in Egypt and Its Implications
Huang Chao


98 Investing in Africa Needs Focusing on Criminal Compliance
Wu Ka and Wang En


100 Six New Rules of Angola’s Public Procurement Law
Yang Zhenwei and Hong Yonghong


Society And Culture

102 Beijing School in Mathari
Zhao Min


106 Oral Tradition in Africa
Liu Weicai


108 A New Direction in Historical Writing of African Kingdoms: Reviewing Great Kingdoms of Africa
Liu Weicai


110 Exploring Diverse Features of African Criminal Law: A Take of the African Criminal Law Review
Guo Jiong, Fan Xiaonan and Luo Weiwei

