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Policiesand trends   政策趋势

14         中非三网一化与产能合作助力非洲工业化进程

18         积极推进峰会成果落实中非携手开创合作共赢共同发展的新时代

22         本土化政策到底是什么?

28         助力中非发展相向而行

48         如何看非洲和中非关系


UnderstandingAfrica   认识非洲

32         尼日利亚:谋求加快工业化和经济多元化发展

35         刚果(布):投资中部非洲的桥头堡   

38         吉布提的再生

42         非洲联盟

44         中非发展基金


Effortson the ground   合作实践

56         何烈辉:我们在吉布提建经济特区

64         三峡集团走进非洲的国际化经验

68         互鉴共赢的中非合作


Investingin Africa   投资非洲

70         东非大湖区旅游业增值前景

72         如何利用移动终端提高付费电视收益

74         埃及经济改革后的投资状况

80         “后埃博拉时代中非卫生合作

84         中非经贸合作转型升级

86         非洲经济多元化须立足一体化


Societyand culture   社会人文

92         难忘阿加德兹:清真寺、骆驼市场和图阿雷格人的家

98         喀麦隆小伙在中国收获事业和爱情

102        荒原上的石头城:大津巴布韦遗迹





Policiesand trends

14         Theconstruction
of high-speed railway, highways, and regional airline networksinAfrica,
and cooperation in productivity between China and Africa, and howitwill
help the industrialization process of Africa

18         Putting
the achievements of theJohannesburg Summit into practice and
jointlyopening up a new age ofcooperation and win-win development

25         Indigenization Policy Explained ForChina Investment Magazine

28         Enabling joint efforts to facilitatedevelopment for both China and Africa

48 Africa and the relationship betweenChina and Africa



32         In Nigeria,authorities seek a quickened industrialization and diversifiedeconomicdevelopment

35         The Republicof Congo, a frontline forinvesting in Central Africa

38       The Rebirth of Djibouti

43         The AfricanUnion

45         China-AfricaDevelopment Fund


Effortson the ground  

56         He Liehui: we areestablishing a “special economic zone” in Djibouti

64         China ThreeGorges Corporation’s experience on investing in Africa

68         China and Africa Cooperation andAchieving a Mutual Reference and Win-winoutcome


Investingin Africa

70         Economic Prospectof the Tourism Sector in the Lake Areas of East Africa

72         How to Use theMobile Terminals to Improve the Earnings of Pay Television

77         The Investment in Egypt after theEconomic Reform

80         The CooperationBetween China and Africa in the “Post-Ebola” Era

84         TheTransformation and Upgrading of China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation

86         Centralizationshould be the foundation of the Diversification of the AfricaEconomy


Societyand culture

92         The UnforgettableAgadez: Mosques, Camel Markets and the home of Tuareg people

100       ACameroon Guy,s Story inChina

102       AStone City on a Wasteland: the Relics of GreatZimbabwe

