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Global View|环球观察


文|海尔格·策普·拉鲁旭(Helga Zepp-LaRouche)


Policies and Trends|政策趋势






《投资增长格局分化 民间投资增长乏力》

——2016 年1~4 月投资形势分析



Cover Story|封面文章


文|牛犁 胡祖铨



Forum on the Belt and Road|一带一路论坛


文|努雷舍夫(Shahrat Nuryshev, Ambassador)哈萨克斯坦驻华大使

哈萨克斯坦,已经开始实施的大规模交通设施现代化项目涵盖所有交通方式,计划于2020 年前再投入400 亿美元升级交通运能。



文|日瓦丁·约万诺维奇(Zivadin Jovanovic)


Overseas Investment|海外投资


——专访波兰奥尔什丁市市长彼得·格日莫维奇(Piotr Grzymowicz)


来自著名天文学家尼古拉·哥白尼故乡的波兰奥尔什丁市市长彼得·格日莫维奇(Piotr Grzymowicz)先生在中国国家主席习近平即将访问波兰前夕,在北京接受《中国投资》记者采访,对中波双方合作方向和领域进行展望。



文|高戈锐(Gary Cowan) 




文|张永军 徐占忱 梅冠群


Finance and Capital|金融·资本


文|刘振中 马晓河






Region and Urbanization|区域·城镇






Observation of PPP|金准·PPP观察



文|魏保平 柏云




Strategy and Practice|方略·实务

《提高财政赤字率 展现新方略》



Society and Culture|社会·文化


文|杜益民 詹昌吉





China Investment,June 2016



Global View

“ HowDangerous is the Emergence of Right Populist Parties All Over Europe?”

 by Helga Zepp-LaRouche


Policies and Trends

“Prosperityof Northeast China Relys on Reform and Innovation”

——An Exclusive Interview to Head of Subministry Department ofProsperity of NDRC

by Zhang Mei

adapt to the new situation and resolvethe new problems, “Opinion” does
play a key role in improving thequality and efficiency of economic
development, strenthening structural reformof the supply front,
activiating the developing vitality of the old industrialbases in
Northeast China, endogenous dynamics and overall


“InvestmentGrowth Pattern Differentiating, Private Investment Growth Weak”

——InvestmentSituation Analysis Between Jan. and Apr. this Year

by Yang Ping


Cover Story

“13th Five-Year” New WorldEconomic and Development Pattern

by Niu Li Hu Zuquan

economic pattern is expected toevolve into such a “Multi Pattern” that
is driven by China andAmerica, and in which the EU, Japan and new
economies will take effecttogether.


Forum on the Belt and Road

“Inauguratinga new future of China-Kazakhstan cooperation”

by Shahrat Nuryshev, Kazakhstan Ambassador toChina

projects of large-scaletransportation facilities implemented covers all
traffic modes. And Kazakhstan,is planning to invest $40Bn into
upgrading the traffic capacity.


“Chinaand Serbia Expanding Cooperation”

by Zivadin Jovanovic


Overseas Investment

“Cofidencein A Reinforcing China-Poland Relationship”

——An exclusiveinterview to the mayor of Olsztyn Piotr Grzymowicz

by Zhang Mei

mayor of Olsztyn, from Poland, which isthe hometown of famous
Astronomer Copernicus Nicola, accepted an interview withthe China
Investment on the eve of President Xi Jinping’s visit to
Poland,prospecting the directions and areas of the China-Poland


“China-AustraliaCooperation Going Well”

by Gary Cowan, Australianembassy minister counsellor  to China

is leading the world in such fivekey fields as agriculture, education,
capital management, energy andtravelling. The service industry maks up
70 percent of the whole economy, ofwhich growth rate among the top 4 are
all in the service industry in the past20 years.


“Czech,an important model country of the “16+1” cooperations made among thecentral and eastern Europe”

by Zhang Yongjun  Xu Zhanchen Mei Guanqun


Finance and Capital

“InternationalReference for the Management of Financial Support for Agriculture”

by Liu Zhenzhong Ma Xiaohe


“PandaBonds May Speed up the Process of the Internationalization of the RMB”

by Zhang Yao


“Crackthe Financing Difficulties of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises”

by Zou Xiaomei


Region and Urbanization

“TheOld Town Features the New Development Path”

by Liu Keli

“PromotingNew Urbanization Needs to Implement the Four Principles”

by Wang Xiangxia


Observation of PPP

“PPPMode Driving Construction of Sponge City”

——Take the spongecity project of Zhenjiang for example

by Wei Baoping Bo Yun

“ScientificallySet the Rate of ROI of PPP Project”

by Wu Yaping


Strategy and Practice

“Increasethe Budget Deficit Rate, Show A New Strategy”

by Liu Huiyong


Society and Culture

“Thestory of Marshall and Keynes (upper part)”

by Du Yimin Zhan Changji


