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Bond through Communication

Thetouching feelings from a successful masterpiece can reach anywhere and simplyknows no boundaries.
Whenever Africa is ever thought of or talked about in our world today, the movieOut of Africa would be always so moving to all because of its tender mostaffection and drumbeating to hearts and minds. If an epic novel has beenwritten by a Chinese author or a classic movie of this kind has been producedby a Chinese director, it can be readily assumed that China’s attractivenesswould be numerously amplified and the consequent closeness in hearts betweenthe people of China and Africa would be surely enhanced.

In fact, China does have made quite a many marvelous movies and TV drummers,which, unfortunately, remain virtually unknown yet to Africans. Nonetheless,they have been of no avail to the needed communication. After all, a close andbosom and steadfast relationship has to be forged by people to people bond.

The very essence of the Belts and Roads Initiative is exactly the building ofthe Five Goals, i.e., policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpededtrade, financial integration, and people to people bond. Among them, obviously,the people to people bond will be the loftiest ideal which tends to be the mostdifficult, slowest, and also most lasting and runs deepest in hearts.

Reasons behind that can be the inherent mindset, sporadic contacts and basicimpressions living in the grassroots and public populace. This majority in eachand every society can be classified as ordinary people, and their understandingof another country can be superficial and even unreasonable. But theirinformation for feeding are largely from mass media and only a very tiny partmight be from personal experience. The collective acknowledgment and socialattitude thus fermented are not unimportant at all. Indeed, their opinions mayhelp change the country to country relationships and the underling nationalinterests as it goes, and shape the political developments in country policies,to say the least.

This means, without misunderstandings, that the national characters, modes ofaction and social propensity in a country are determined right by the combinedstereotype which often be interpreted as “people will” or the tide of peoplehearts.

And, matter of factly, these are the very guidelines that policy makers mastfollow and the golden rules the top leader must observe. Chinese President XiJinping has a famous quotation on this, that is, “The target of all our effortsis only the pursuance of better life by the people.”

The brief analyses of above mentioned indicate that sources of spiritual foodof the mass populace are mass media and art works, and the monumental influenceseeping deep into minds would be novels, movies and TV series. They themselvesconstitute communication.

Relationships in countries stem from contacts of their people, and people topeople bond brings with closeness in hearts. So true.


现状·趋势 Status and Trends


 / 赵昌会


 / 谢意

认识非洲 Understanding Africa 


  / 苏健 中国驻莫桑比克大使

 莫桑比克政府制订了《2015 〜2019 年经济社会发展规划》,要优先推进工业化、基础设施建设,提出在今后五年把工业占GDP 比重由现在的11% 提高到21% 的目标


   / 张梅

中国愿意与肯尼亚《2030 远景规划》对接,帮助肯尼亚推进港口、铁路、电力等基础设施领域的发展和工业化进程


组织机构 Organizations and Institutions




封面报道Cover Story


/ 吕晓峰



   / 彭睿


   / 吕晓峰


   / 张勇


   / 龙小农


合作实践 Efforts on the Ground  


/ 张怀强王亚琼



/ 黄卫国宋艋



投资非洲 Investing in Africa


/ 智宇琛 于游



/ 骆雅婷



/ 朱伟东



社会人文 Society and Culture 


/ 潘华琼

| 专栏 | 我眼中的非洲人


/ 王正龙


/ 董丽微

数说非洲 Africa in Numbers


/ 智宇琛

| 荐书 |



Status and Trends

“An Unexpected but Tolerable Gift”

/ Zhao Changhui

“Tanzania:Capital city relocation effort that is delayedfor 40 years has restarted”

/ Xie Yi

Understanding Africa

“Mozambique:A Hot spot for Chinese Investment andCooperation in Africa”

/ H.E. Mr. Su Jian  Chinese Ambassador to Mozambique

“Pushingforward cooperation in productivity capacitythrough positive action”

/ Zhang Mei

Cover Story

“Looking forward to the beautiful era forChina-Africainteraction in film and television”

/ Lyu Xiaofeng

“BeautifulDaughter-in-law Era: The inspirations we candraw from a made-in-China TVseries”

/ Peng Rui

“GaoWei: A good TV series imported to Africa can alsobring about rich revenues inadvertisement”

/ Lyu Xiaofeng

“Whethermade-in-China TV and film industry can go toAfrica”

/ Zhang Yong

“Bracingfor the window period of the telecommunicationsand media industry in Africa”

/ Long Xiaonong

Organizations Institutions

“EconomicCommunity of Central African States”

“TheRwandan Patriotic Front”

Efforts on the Ground  

“TheChina General Nuclear Power  Corporation:Seekingwin-win cooperation with location of programs”

/ Zhang Huaiqiang and Wang Yaqiong

“China-KenyaFarm: Taking root in Kenya and developing for23 years”

/ Huang Weiguo and Song Meng

Investing in Africa  

“Solvingthe problem of trade balance and sustainabledevelopment in China Africa trade”

/ Zhi Yuchen and Yu You

“Thegood prospects of African education”

/ Luo Yating

“Investmentsshould take action daringly when faced withnational localization policies inAfrica”

/ Zhu Weidong

Society and Culture 

“Seeing and believing in Mauritania”

/ Pan Huaqiong

Special Column African In My Eyes

“Theethnic groups and languages of people in Africa”

/ Wang Zhenglong

“AnEgyptian young man who is fighting to realize hisChinese media dream”

/ Dong Liwei

Africa in Numbers

“Puttingthe Africa economy in a global perspective”

/ Zhi Yuchen

Book Review

“Ananalysis of the development of Chinese centralgovernment-owned enterprises inAfrica”

