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现状·趋势 Status and Trends


| 谢意


认识非洲 Understanding Africa 


| 张梅


| 张梅


| 尚静

组织机构Organizations and Institutions



封面文章Cover  Story



| 梁尚刚


| 刘明哲


| 王建军


| 阿萨耶·阿乐麦尤(AsayeAlemayehu Dejjenie)埃塞俄比亚驻华使馆临时代办


| 吕晓峰


| 郑军


| 吕晓峰


| 陈亮

合作实践Efforts on the Ground  


| 智宇琛

《扎根塑造企业 助力非洲发展》

| 丘亮新

投资非洲Investing  inAfrica  


| 骆雅婷


| 朱伟东

社会人文Society and Culture


| 潘华琼

| 专栏 | 我眼中的非洲人


| 王正龙

数说非洲Africa in Numbers


| 智宇琛

| 荐书 |


| 李艳




Status and Trends

“IsAfrica a rich ground for gold digging?”

| Xie Yi

Understanding Africa  

“China-the Republic of Congo: Cooperation on production capacity entering fast lanes”

|Zhang Mei

“Ethiopia:the preferred choice for Chinese investment in Africa”

|Zhang Mei

“Benin:A pragmatic and open “peaceful oasis” in West Africa”

|Shang Jing

Organizations  Institutions

“TheUnion of the Arab Maghreb”

“TheZimbabwe African National Union –Patriotic Front-Zimbabwe African NationalUnion”

Efforts on the Ground  

“Enalbingthe local youth to take the Initiative In the training process of vocationaleducation”

|Zhi Yuchen

“Workingin depth to develop the enterprise and helping the development of Africa”

|Qiu Liangxin

Investing in Africa  

“ Innovation,Science and technology is changing Africa ”

| Luo Yating

“ Problemsthat are worthy noting when choosing arbitration in Africa”

 Zhu Weidong

Society and Culture 

“Areality check in Mali after its glorious ancient civilization”

| Pan Huaqiong

Special Column  African In My Eyes

“Thedistribution of African people and its main tribes”

| Wang Zheng Long

Africa in Numbers

“The10 programs in Africa that area supported by China’s Concessional Loans andExport Buyers’ Credit”

|Zhi Yuchen

Book Review

“Africanwomen in loud expression of their true selves”

|Li Yan
