环球观察 Global View
文|克利福德·基拉科菲(Clifford A.Kiracofe)
政策趋势 Policies and Trends
文 | 杨斌
文 | 赵江林
封面文章 Cover Story
一带一路论坛 Forum on the Belt andRoad
文 | 若热·托雷斯·佩雷拉(Jorge Torres-Pereira)葡萄牙驻华大使
我们认为, 葡萄牙可以为充分开发大西洋的海上互联互通建设做出决定性的贡献
海外投资 Overseas Investment
文 | 瓦西里·优奇施恩(Vasyl YURCHYSHYN)乌克兰经济和政治研究中心(拉祖姆科夫中心)经济项目部主任
文 | 贾怀远
区域·城镇 Region and Urbanization
文 | 县永平
文 | 刘长松
PPP观察 Observation of PPP
《地下综合管廊PPP 项目实施三大关键点》
文 | 林彦 匡思维
《“鸟巢”PPP 模式失败原因探析》
文 | 吴亚平
方略·实务 Strategy and Practice
文 | 杨琦萍 彭玉玮 刘慧勇
文 | 张昭
文 | 杜益民 夏建峰
社会·文化 Society and Culture
文 | 李知键
Global View
“United States Politics and Foreign Policy”
by Dr. Clifford A. Kiracofe
Policies and Trends
“Global turbulence calls for the reform in currency issuingsystemGlobalturbulence calls for the reform in currency issuing system”
by Yang Bin
“China-the Philippines investment cooperation: A prospect worthyofall expectations”
by Zhao Jianglin
Cover Story
“A Rehersal of The Road of China Revisitation to G20 Hangzhou Summit”
By Zhao Changhui
Forum on the Belt and Road
“Blueand White Porcelain in LisbonThe old and new Silk Road and the New Future”
by H.E. Dr. Jorge Torres-Pereira;Ambassadorof Portugal to The People’s Republic of China
Overseas Investment
“Ukrainian Platform for China’s Investment Expansion”
“China should speed up the revision of bilateral investment treaties”
by Jia Huaiyuan
Region and Urbanization
“The new urbanization pilot accelerate construction of Happinessxining”
by Xian Yongping
“Low-carbon development help boost the industry upgradinginfree-trade parks ”
by Liu Changsong
Observation of PPP
“Three key points in the implementation of Public-PrivatePartnershipsfor underground pipelines”
by Lin Yan and Kuang Siwei
“An analysis of the reason why the PPP model of the “BirdNest”stadium failed”
by Wu Yaping
Strategy and Practice
“Clearing the Air for the New Social Security Law”
by Yang Yiping, Peng Yuwei and Liu Huiyong
“An analysis of the legal problems that can apply to thedisputesinvolving the cases of government investment administrative approval”
by Zhang Zhao
“A dialogue through the vein of time between Kerzner and Hayek”
by Du Yimin and Xia Jianfeng
Society and Culture
“Gather the credit information and establish a credit system”
by Li Zhijian
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