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现状·趋势 Status and Trends

《中小企业: 非洲腾飞的新引擎》

| 谢意

认识非洲 Understanding Africa 


| 查尔斯·纳蒙德维  马拉维共和国驻华大使

《马拉维: 静待开发的投资热土》

| 王世廷 中国驻马拉维大使


| 吕晓峰


| 张梅

组织机构 Organizations and Institutions



封面文章 Cover  Story




| 张梅


| 王建军


| 多拉娜·姆西曼 南非驻华大使


| 鲁门


| 曾爱平


| 艾利亚斯


| 祖米里

合作实践 Efforts on the Ground  


| 管善远


| 王玺

投资非洲 Investing  in Africa 


| 骆雅婷

《欧盟- 南共体经济伙伴协议的影响》

| 朱伟东

社会人文 Society and Culture  


| 潘华琼

| 专栏 | 我眼中的非洲人


| 王正龙

数说非洲 Africa in Numbers


| 智宇琛

| 荐书 |


| 李合


Status and Trends

“Small- and Medium-size enterprises: The new engine for the takingoff of Africa”

| Xie Yi

Understanding Africa 

“Malawi: An ideal destination for Chinese Investment”         

| H.E. Mr. Charles E.Namondwe

“Malawi: A Fertile Land for Investment Waiting for Development”          

| H.E. Mr. Wang Shiting

“Mozambique: multiple areas awaiting Chinese investment”         

| Lyu Xiaofeng

“The Republic of Guinea: a nation offering new opportunities forinvesting in Africa”         

| Zhang Mei

Organizations Institutions

“The Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries”

“Party of the Revolution in Tanzania”

Cover Story

“One Year After the Jo’burg Summit The Through Road Ahead”

“Lin Songtian: Pushing forward sustainable development ofChina-Africa cooperation in a safe, orderly and efficient manner”

| Zhang Mei

“Expanding the production capacity cooperation between China andAfrica in multiple areas”

| Wang Jianjun

“China-Africa Cooperation:Prospects and Priorities followingtheJohannesburg Summit”

| H.E. Mrs. Dolana Msimang

“Tanzania: a demonstration of production capacity cooperation betweenChina and Africa” 

| Armene.G

“Infrastructure being the biggest highlight”

| Zeng Aiping

“Chinese investment set to help Africa to revive prosperity”

| Elias Mhegera

“Central Africa Republic stay in action after the Jo’burg Summit”

| Saint-Régis ZOUMIRI

Efforts on the Ground  

“Chinese sisal fiber farms establish a‘community with acommon future’ in Tanzania”           

| Guan Shanyuan

“Henan Guojer Construction Group: Starting a new and leapfrogundertaking in Mozambique”         

| Wang Xi

Investing in Africa 

“The investment market for African art works heats up”

| Luo Yating

“The impact on EU-Southern African Development Community Economic PartnershipAgreement ”

| Zhu Weidong

Society and Culture  

“Revisiting Rissani: the cradle to the Alaouite dynasty”

| Pan Huaqiong

Special Column African In My Eyes

“The etiquette among the prevailing areas of Islam”

| Wang Zheng Long

Africa in Numbers

“The mining resources in the South of Africa”

| Zhi Yuchen

Book Review

“An introduction-level book on investing in Africa”

| Li He
