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政策趋势 Policies and Trends  

《补短板 强基础加速推进农业现代化》

文 | 吴晓



文 | 黎瑞鑫 白韫雯


文 | 杨萍

聚焦十三五 The 13thfive-year Plan


文 | 张梅


封面文章Cover Story

《猜想世界 定位中国》



文 | 许钦铎


文 | 克利福德·基拉科菲


文 | 牛犁


文 | 任剑涛

一带一路论坛 Forumon the Belt and Road


文 | 黄惠康 中国驻马来西亚大使


文 | 易先良 中国驻斯里兰卡大使

海外投资 OverseasInvestment


文 | 支东生


文 | 张梅

产业·企业 Industyand Enterprise


文 | 张龙

金融·资本 Financeand Capital


文 | 刘英

区域·城镇 Regionand Urbanization


文 | 陈颖丽 魏毅坤

PPP观察 ObservationofPPP


文 | 李菲 刘大庆

方略·实务 Strategyand Practice


文 | 刘慧勇


文 | 任荣荣



Policies and Trends  

“Shoring up the weak spots and strengthening the foundation toaccelerate the modernization of agriculture”

by Wu Xiao

“How Trump is to affect global climate energy”

by Li Ruixin, Bai Yunwen

“2016: investment demonstrates signs of stabilization, reversing thetrend of slowdown”

by Yang Ping

The 13th Five-Year Plan

“Help poverty stricken areas achieve a comprehensive well-off Society”

by Zhang Mei

Cover Story

2017: China and the world

 “OneChina Principle”, Trump and China’s global positioning”

by Xu Qinduo

“The United States and the World”

by Clifford A. Kiracofe

“With the increasing uncertainty of global economy, China’s economyis slowing down but stable”

by Niu Li

“National rejuvenation in political discourse”

by Ren Jiantao

Forum on the Belt and Road 

“Joint stragegy and pragmatic cooperation to promote Sino-Malaysiacommon development

by Huang Huikang; Chinese ambassador toMalaysia

“ ‘The belt and road’ brings new opportunities to the cooperationbetween China and Sri Lanka”

by Yi Xianliang; Chinese ambassador to SriLanka

Overseas Investment 

“Security mechanism along ‘The belt and road’ need to be reinforcedurgently”

by Zhi Dongsheng

“Upgrading China-New Zealand FTA: seeking new programs”

by Zhang Mei

Industy and Enterprise

“Intelligent manufacturing to enter a stage of rapid growth”

by Zhang Long

Finance and Capital 

“The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect accelerating the constructionof capital market and the process of RMB internationalization”

by Liu Ying

Region and Urbanization

“Daimei,Zhangzhou: a construction blueprint with a five-hundred-yearhistory”

by Chen Yingli, Wei Yikun

Observation of PPP  

“Project plan for comprehensive management of water environment:Strategy on design innovation mechanism”

by Li Fei, Liu Daqing

Strategy and Practice 

“Optimize the structure of rural land property rights”

by Liu Huiyong

“Japanese experience on China’s regional development trend of housingmarket”

by Ren rongrong

“Investment Data”

