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再生能源 点亮非洲




现状·趋势 Status and Trends


| 谢意




| 鲁门


认识非洲 Understanding Africa 


| 张梅


| 梁承重


| 张梅

《刚果( 布) 驻华大使:黑角特区建设方兴未艾》

| 吕晓峰


组织机构Organizations and Institutions



封面文章Cover Story

再生能源 点亮非洲



| 朱利伟


| 曾爱平


| 李合 王宇栋


| 查理斯·曼努埃尔


合作实践Efforts on the Ground 


| 梁尚刚

《邯郸联创: 在刚果(布)施工送电》

| 朱井来


| 祖米里

投资非洲Investing in Africa 


| 吴桐


| 朱伟东

社会人文Society and Culture 

|专栏| 非洲世界文化遗产巡礼》


| 潘华琼

|专栏| 我眼中的非洲人


| 王正龙

数说非洲Africa in Numbers


| 智宇琛



| 林媛媛


Status and Trends

“All Connected: ICT in Full Swing”

| Xie Yi

“Changing Dynamics within US-China-Africa Relations”

| Aisha Udochi

“Rwanda: The secret behind its fast development”

| Armene ¸ G

Understanding Africa 

“Mauritius:An Island Country Full of Opportunities”        

| Zhang Mei

“Angola:Attractive to Chinese Investors”          

| Liang Chengzhong

“Tanzania:Industrial Capacity Cooperation Accelerates Growth”        

| Zhang Mei

“Congolese Ambassador:Bright Future of Pointe-Noire Special Economic Zone”        

| Lyu Xiaofeng

Organizations Institutions

“West African Economic and Monetary Union”

“Liberation Front of Mozambique”


Cover Story

Renewable Energy, Lighting up Africa

“Investment in Africa’s Promising Power Sector”

| Zhu Liwei

“Chinese Photovoltaics Companies in Africa”  

| Zeng Aiping

“The Five Renewable Energies in Africa”

| Zeng Aiping

“Experiences of renewable energy development in South Africa”

| Charles Manuel

“Africa in Pictures”

Efforts on the Ground 

“Huajian Shoes:Becoming Ethiopian”            

| Liang Shanggang

“Handan Lianchuang: Build the Power Infrastructures inCongo(Brazzaville) ”           

| Zhu Jinglai

“Hainan Province: A Model for Africa”           

| Saint-Régis ZOUMIRI

Investing in Africa 

“Time for Chinese Pharmaceutical Companies to Invest in Africa”

| Wu Tong

“Investors in Africa: Clean Hands, Please”

| Zhu Weidong


Society and Culture 

|Column| Survey of Africa World HeritageSites

“Senegal: Islands of Gorée and Saint-Louis”

| Pan Huaqiong

|Column| Africans in My Eyes

“The Etiquette of Christian and the Prevailing Local Religions”

| Wang ZhengLong

Africa in Numbers

“African Countries in World Bank Doing Business Ranking (2017) ”

| Zhi Yuchen

Book Review

“A Grain of Wheat Reveals the Dark Colonial Rule”

| Lin Yuanyuan


