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环球观察 Global View


文 | 克利福德·基拉科菲(Clifford A.Kiracofe)


文 | 季莫菲·博尔达切夫(Timofei Bordachev)

政策趋势 Policies and Trends


文 |牛犁陈彬

封面文章 Cover Story



文 | 栾大龙


文 | 张嘉国  安家康  胡冬梅


文 | 周添  赵治亚  刘若鹏

聚焦十三五   The 13th five-year Plan


文 | 杨宜勇  曾志敏

一带一路论坛   Forum on the Belt andRoad 


文 | 宁赋魁  中国驻泰国大使


文 | 李满长  中国驻塞尔维亚大使


文 | 郑东超

海外投资 Overseas Investment 


文 | 达利娅·布迪萨克罗地亚驻华大使馆经济参赞

产业·企业 Industy and Enterprise



文 | 刘雨菲


文 | 周丽莎

金融·资本 Finance and Capital 


文 | 赵锡军


文 | 邹晓梅

区域·城镇 Region and Urbanization 


文 | 黄跃

PPP观察 Observation ofPPP  


文 | 潘安  陈宏能

方略·实务 Strategy and Practice  


文 | 刘慧勇


文 | 吴亚平


文 | 杜月

投资数据 Investment Data 



文 | 林勇明  袁博




Global View

“US-China Relations Moving Forward”

by Clifford A. Kiracofe

“The key word in ‘Russia’s pivot to the East’ is Russia”

by Timofei Bordachev

Policies and Trends 

“6.5% GDP Growth Target, a Proactive Reduction”

by Niu Li, Chen Bin

Cover Story

Civil military integration for a strongerpower

“Civil-Military Integration, a Way Up to a Wealthy and PowerfulNation”

by Luan Dalong

“Issues concerning Civil-Military Integration in the Defense Scienceand Technology Industry”

by Zhang Jiaguo, An Jiakang, Hu Dongmei

“Civil-Military Integration, a Boost to Enterprise Innovation in theMilitary Field”

by Zhou Tian, Zhao Zhiya, Liu Ruopeng

The 13th Five-Year Plan

“Equal Delivery of Basic Public Services Underlined in the 13thFive-Year Plan”

by Yang Yiyong, Zeng Zhimin

Forum on the Belt and Road 

“Promoting ASEAN Connectivity, Fostering Incorporation of the Beltand Road Initiative into the Region”

by Ning Fukui, Chinese Ambassador toThailand

“China-Serbian Cooperation, a New Connectivity Corridor”

by Li Manchang, Chinese Ambassador toSerbia

“Perceptions on the Belt and Road Initiative from Central and EasternEuropean Think Tanks”

by Zheng Dongchao

Overseas Investment  

“Croatia Ready to Attract Foreign Investment”

by Dalija Budiša, Economic Counselor at theCroatian Embassy in China

Industy and Enterprise

“Mixed Ownership Reform Provides Historic Opportunity to China’sCommercial Aerospace Sector”

by Liu Yufei

“2017: an Emphasis on Corporatization Reform”

by Zhou Lisha

Finance and Capital 

“Financial Regulation, to Strike a Balance between Efficiency andRisk”

by Zhao Xijun

“The Development of Municipal Bond in the U.S. ”

by Zou Xiaomei

Region and Urbanization  

“Guizhou: a Sample of Urbanization in Mountainous Region”

by Huang Yue

Observation of PPP 

“Feasibility, a Key to Design Rail Transport PPP Programs”

by Pan An, Chen Hongneng

Strategy and Practice 

“Policy Support, a Dire Need to Agricultural Modernization”

by Liu Huiyong

“Developing Low-Carbon Economy Should Stress the Root Cause”

by Wu Yaping

“Global Practice on Pushing Enterprises Innovation with GovernmentalFund”

by Du Yue

Investment Data

“No Steady Signs of Future Growth in Investment Yet”

by Lin Yongming, Yuan Bo

“Investment Data”


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