封面文章 Cover Stories
文 | 刘志颐
文 | 苏更·拉哈尔佐(H.E. Mr. Soegeng Rahardjo)/印尼驻华大使
文 | 阿扎马特·乌谢诺夫(Господин Азамат Усенов)/吉尔吉斯驻华大使
《伙伴 创新 减少农村贫困》
文 | 马文森(Dr Vincent Martin)/联合国粮农组织驻华代表处代表
文 | 周洋
文 | 周洋
文 | 周洋
文 | 陈华林
环球观察 Global View
文 | 宋鲁郑
文 | 季莫菲·博尔达切夫(Timofei Bordachev)
国别 Country
《“一带一路”: 白中合作新纽带》
文 | 鲁德·基里尔·瓦连其诺维奇(Господин Рудый Кирилл Валентинович)/白俄罗斯驻华大使
文 | 亚美尼亚共和国经济发展与投资部
区域 Region
文 | 石建昌
产业·金融 Industy and Finance
文 | 张楠 林勇明
文 | 方正 周睿杰
PPP 观察 Observation of PPP
文 | 肖靓 牛嘉
《PPP“蛋糕”巨大 民企需苦练内功》
文 | 吴亚平
丝路数据 Belts and Roads in Numbers
文 | 宁波航运交易所
Cover Stories
Agricultural Cooperation Justice Meets Interests
“Interests Meet Justice in International Agricultural Cooperation”
by Liu Zhiyi
“Agriculture, A Starting Point for Enhanced Cooperation”
by H.E. Mr. Soegeng Rahardjo
“Agriculture: the Priority in Kyrgyzstan-China Cooperation”
by H.E. Mr. Azamat Usenov
“FAO and China, Fruitful Past and Prosperous Future”
by Dr Vincent Martin
“An “International Grain Trader’s” Pursuit of Community of Shared Interests”
——An Exclusive Interview with Zhao Shuanglian, Chairman and Party Secretary of COFCO
by Zhou Yang
“Establishing Cotton Industry Chain in Tajikistan”
——An Exclusive Interview with Chairman Zhang Qihai of XinjiangLihua Cotton Industry Co. Ltd
by Zhou Yang
“Julong Group: Agricultural Investment Leads to Comprehensive Development”
by Zhou Yang
“Model of “Teach, Help and Guide” Practice”
by Chen Hualin
Global View
“Malfunction and Decline:New Trends of Contemporary Western Democracies”
by Song Luzheng
“Russia and China Relations in the Global Context”
by Timofei Bordachev
“New Link between Belarus and China: Belt and Road Initiative ”
by H.E. Dr. Rudy Kiryl
“Investment climate and opportunities in Armenia ”
by Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of the Republic of Armenia
“How Sichuan’s Enterprises Seize the Belt and Road Opportunities ”
by Shi Jianchang
Industy and Finance
“Let ‘Bond Connect’ Better Serve the Real Economy ”
by Zhang Nan Lin Yongming
“New Opportunity in China-Iran Cooperation over Industrial Capacity”
by Fang Zheng Zhou Ruijie
Observation of PP
“Typical Mechanism Design in Rail Transit PPP Projects ”
by Xiao Liang Niu Jia
“The Cake of PPP Is Huge But Private Enterprises Need Do More”
by Wu Yaping
Belts and Roads in Numbers
“Index of Maritime Silk Road(May) ”
by Ningbo Shipping Exchange
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