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封面文章 Cover Stories


《寻求合作 加速经济转型》

——专访加纳共和国副总统马哈茂杜·巴武米亚(Mahamudu Bawumia)

  文 | 张梅 Armene·G


——专访加纳共和国贸易工业部部长艾伦·约翰·基耶雷马滕(Alan John Kyerematenr)

文 | 常浩


——专访加纳共和国铁路发展部部长乔·加蒂(Joe Ghartey)

文 | 周洋

《向中国学习 与中国合作 实现加纳愿景》

——专访加纳共和国驻华大使爱德华·博阿滕(Edward Boateng)

文 | Armene·G


文 | 加纳共和国驻华使馆


——中国- 加纳贸易投资论坛侧记


现状·趋势 Status and Trends



文 | 曾爱平


影像非洲  Africa Images



认识非洲 Understanding Africa

《中国与加纳:优势互补 强化合作》

6 月,国家发改委与加纳贸工部签署产能合作的框架协议。重点加强基础设施建设及运营,


文 | 周洋


文 | 奎音·莫科瓦佩(Queen Mokwape)

| 媒体纵览 |


文 | 奎音·莫科瓦佩(Queen Mokwape)

| 组织机构 |




投资非洲 Investing  in Africa


文 | 骆雅婷



社会人文 Society and Culture

| 专栏 | 非洲人写非洲史

《马拉维:  53年的和平与欠发达》


文 | 伊翁·桑杜(Yvonnie Sundu)

| 专栏 | 非洲世界文化遗产巡礼


文 | 潘华琼

| 专栏 | 我眼中的非洲人


文 | 王正龙

数说非洲 Africa in Numbers


文 | 智宇琛 高锦


文 | 中国银行

| 书架 |


文 | 唐任伍



Cover Stories

“Ghana’s Economic Take-Off”

“Wishing to Join the Belt and Road and Seeking Independent Road toDevelopment”

——An Exclusive Interview with GhanaianVice-President Mahamudu Bawumia

| ZhangMei  Armenen¸G

“Ghana: Attracting foreign investment to accelerate economicdevelopment”

——Interview Mr. Alan John Kyerematen,Minister of  Ghana’s Trade and Industry

| Chang Hao

“The high-speed ‘rail transmit’ towards development”

——An exclusive interview with Mr. JoeGhartey, Ghana’s newly appointed minister of railways development

| Zhou Yang

“Learn from China, Cooperate with China, Realize the Dream of Ghana”

——Interviewee: Ambassador of the Republicof Ghana to China, Edward Boateng

| Armenen¸G

“Building Trusted Economic Partnership:  Ghana-China Relations In Perspective”

| Ghana Embassy to China

“Aiming to Become A Bright Spot and A Name Card of Belt and RoadInitiative”

——On the Sidelines of China-GhanaInvestment and Trade Forum

Status and Trends

“AU Summit Focuses on Reform, Development and Stability” 

| Zeng Aiping

“Malfunction and Decline: New Trends of  Contemporary Western Democracy”

| Song Luzheng

African Images

“Africa in Pictures”

Understanding Africa  

“China and Ghana: Highly Complementary with Enhanced Cooperation”    

| Zhou Yang

“Botswana: A diamond within a dessert”         

| Queen Mokwape

|Media Scan |

“Botswana Media Landscape, the balance in check”      

| Queen Mokwape,

|Organizations  Institutions |

“Central African Economic and Monetary Community”

“Farmers and Nomads in Africa”

Investing in Africa

“Manufacturing in Egypt”       

| Luo Yating

“China Assists Nigeria in Manufacture & Power Sectors”


Society and Culture  

|Column| African History in African Eyes

“Malawi: 53 years of peaceful underdevelopment”

| Yvonnie Sundu

|Column| Survey of Africa World Heritage Sites

“Legacy of Pharaohs in Ancient Egypt”

| Pan Huaqiong

|Column| Africans in My Eyes

“Farmers and Nomads in Africa”

| Wang ZhengLong

Africa in Numbers

“Analytic Report on Tourism in East and South Africa”

| Gao Jin Zhi Yuchen

“Currency Exchange Table in Africa”

| Bank of China

Book Review

“Frontier Information: ‘The Treasure of Investing in Africa by Chinese Private  Enterprises’”

| Tang Rengwu
