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封面文章 Cover Stories

金砖国家 行稳致远


文 | 季莫菲·博尔达切夫(Timofei Bordachev)



文 | 江时学


文 | 宁胜男


现状·趋势   Status and Trends


文 | 宋鲁郑


文 | 日瓦丁·约万诺维奇(Zivadin Jovanovic)

丝路影像   Belts and Roads Images


国别 Country


文 | 马苏德·哈立德 (H.E. Mr.Masood Khalid)巴基斯坦驻华大使


文 | 朱拜尔·哈桑(Jubair Hasan)

| 媒体纵览|


文 | 穆罕默德·扎米尔·阿萨迪(Muhammad Zamir Assadi)

区域 Region


文 | 郑东超


文 | 叶建勇 祝诗蓓

产业·金融 Industy and Finance


文 | 李连成


文 | 刘振中 张振


文 | 李辰

PPP 观察 Observation of PPP

《PPP 项目绩效评价机制应以目标为导向》

文 | 陈宏能

《金融资本如何更好的参与PPP 项目》

文 | 吴亚平

丝路数据 Belts and Roads in Numbers


文 | 宁波航运交易所



Cover Stories

BRICS Sustainable Integration

“BRICS as the New Form of International Communication and Cooperation”

by Timofei Bordachev

“How should the BRICS nations increase their influence?”

by Jiang Shixue

“BRICS’s decade: the path towards development and cooperation”

by Ning Shengnan


Status and Trends

“The Heaven Sent: A Reassessment of the China-US relationship under the presidency of Donald Trumps ”

by Song Luzheng

“Peace and Development”

by Zivadin Jovanovic

Belts and Roads Images

“Belts and Roads Images”


“Build the road of connectivity between Pakistan and China”

by H.E. Mr. Masood Khalid

“Bangladesh emerges as hotspot for China’s outbound investment ”

by Jubair Hasan


“Protecting the Chinese Interests in the Middle  East”

by Zheng Dongchao

“The 3-steps prospects of the globalization of transportation sector in Zhejiang ”

by Ye Jianyong   Zhu Shibei

Industy and Finance

“The business opportunities within the urban-suburb railway development ”

by Li  Liancheng

“Take three regions: International Agricultural Cooperation under BRI”

by Liu Zhenzhong   Zhang Zhen

“Securitization: the new trend of Financial Leasing”

by Li Chen

Observation of PP

“The mechanism of performance appraisal of PPP project should be target-oriented”

by Chen Hongneng

“How can the Financial capital better integrate with PPP projects?”

by Wu Yaping

Belts and Roads in Numbers

“Index of Maritime Silk Road(June, 2017) ”

by Ningbo Shipping Exchange

