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封面文章 Cover Stories




  文 | 罗建波



文 | 许钦铎


文 | 奎音·莫科瓦佩(Queen Mokwape)


文 | 万丽眸(Anne Wairimu Wanjau)


现状·趋势 Status and Trends

《加深关系 探索合作》

——专访冈比亚共和国外交、国际合作和侨民事务部长乌赛努·达博(Ousainou Darboe)

文 | 周洋   依翁·桑杜(Yvonnie Sundu)


文 | 王洪一


影像非洲  Africa Images



认识非洲 Understanding Africa


文 | 多拉娜·姆西曼(H.E.Ms Dolana Msimang)南非驻华大使


文 | 杨洋

《摆脱病态 走向正轨》

文 | 西普里安·卡普库(Cyprien Kapuku)

| 媒体纵览 |


文 | 梅兰妮·彼得斯(Melanie Peters)

| 组织机构 |




合作实践 Efforts On The Ground


文 | 谭学韬  孙孝云


投资非洲 Investing  in Africa


文 | 吴桐

社会人文 Society and Culture

| 专栏 | 非洲人写非洲史



文 | 奎音·莫科瓦佩(Queen Mokwape)


文 | 布兰甸·尼永格蕾(Blandine Niyongere)

| 专栏 | 非洲世界文化遗产巡礼


文 | 潘华琼

| 专栏 | 我眼中的非洲人


文 | 王正龙

数说非洲 Africa in Numbers


文 | 智宇琛


文 | | African Development Bank

| 书架 |



文 | 朱伟东



Cover Stories

“Mutual Understanding & Mutual Support in A New Journey ”

“Mutual Understanding Affection and Assistance”

 ——Six Decades’ of Steady Growth of China-Africa  Relationshi

| Luo Jianbo

“Media Cooperation Conference, a Face-to-Face Opportunity for Journalists from China and Africa”

| Chang Hao

“The high-speed ‘rail transmit’ towards development”

——An exclusive interview with Mr. JoeGhartey, Ghana’s newly appointed minister of railways development

|  Xu Qinduo

“Understanding the China-Botswana Cultural Exchange ”

| Queen Mokwape

“Media Exchange Helps Reduce Barriers and Prejudices”

| Anne Wairimu Wanjau


Status and Trends

“Deepen Relations and Explore Cooperation”

  ——Interview H.E. Mr. Ousainou Darboe the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Gambians Abroad, the Republic of The Gambi

| Zhou Yang, Yvonnie Sundu

“Significance Behind the East African Crude Oil Pipeline ”

| Wang Hongyi

African Images

“Africa in Pictures”

Understanding Africa  

“BRICS Conducive to the Development of Africa ”

| H.E. Ms Dolana Msimang Ambassador of South Africa to the People’s Republic of China

“Uganda, a Shining Pearl in Africa ”         

|  Yang Yang

“Break away from the Unhealthy Mode, Get in the Right Track”         

|  Cyprien Kapuku

|Media Scan |

“South Africa Media: Thriving and Vibrant”      

|  Melanie Peters

|Organizations  Institutions |

“African Intellectual Property Organization”

“Gabonese Democratic Party”


Efforts on the Ground

“From ‘Going out’ to ‘Fitting in’ ”       

| Tan Xuetao  Sun Xiaoyun

Investing in Africa

“Gold Rush with FinTech in Africa”       

| Wu Tong


Society and Culture  

|Column| African History in African Eyes

“Botswana, the once Bechuana Dynasty”

| Queen Mokwape

“The drum of Burundi, A sacred symbol recognized by UNESCO”

| Blandine Niyongere

|Column| Survey of Africa World Heritage Sites

“The Ancient City of Cairo”

| Pan Huaqiong

|Column| Africans in My Eyes

“Workers in Africa”

| Wang Zhenglong

Africa in Numbers

“Evaluation on Africa’s Global Competency”

| Zhi Yuchen

“Currency Exchange Table in Africa”

|  African Development Bank

Book Review

“Arbitration Mechanism Vital for both China and Africa”

  ——China & Africa Dispute Resolution: A Look into Arbitration Mechanism from Legal, Economical and Cultural Perspectives

| Zhu Weidong

