您做在的位置: 中国投资 > 过往期刊目录 > 过往期刊 > 2017年9月(上)



封面文章 Cover Stories



文 | 杨海霞



文 | 潘英丽


文 | 刘军红


文 | 许文鸿


文 | 朱拜尔·哈桑(Jubair Hasan)


文 | 阿里迪乌夫(Aly Diouf)


现状·趋势   Status and Trends


——专访乌拉圭驻华大使费尔南多· 卢格里斯(Fernando Lugris)

文 | 许成之 杨海霞


文 | 朱拜尔·哈桑(Jubair Hasan)

| 专栏 |


文 | 季莫菲·博尔达切夫(Timofei Bordachev)

丝路影像   Belts and Roads Images


国别 Country

《推进改革 创造商机》

文 |  何塞˙路易斯˙贝尔纳尔(Jose Luis Bernal) 墨西哥驻华大使


文 | 何芬华


文 | 孔沙万(Khonesavanh Latsaphao)


文 | 蒂瓦里( Nanda Lal Tiwari)

| 媒体纵览 |


文 | 帕尔维兹(Karokhail Parwiz)

实践 Business Practices

《互促共进 联动发展》

文 | 张永伟


文 | 王文华  吕佳伟

商机  Business Opportunity


文 | 王海滨


PPP 观察 Observation of PPP

《优化设计 注重项目可行合理》

文 | 徐亮


丝路数据 Belts and Roads in Numbers


文 | 宁波航运交易所



Cover Stories

Building up financial Connectivity

“The Challenge of Financial Innovation under OBOR”

by Yang Haixia

“Two-Pronged Strategies on Guard against Investment abroad”

by Pan Liying

“Bring forth New Ideas in Regional Financial Cooperation”

by  Liu Junhong

“Financial Investment Opportunities and Risks in Central Asia”

by  Xu Wenhong

“Microcredit Debate: An Anti-Poverty Tool or Trap”

by  Jubair Hasan

“Financing Development of West Africa”

by  Aly Diouf


Status and Trends

“Uruguay Eyes Upgrading Infrastructure for Logistics Hub”

——An exclusive interview with Uruguay ambassador to China Fernando Lugris

by Xu Chengzhi,  Yang Haixia

“The Yangtze river connectivity triangle reshapes Chinese economy”

by Jubair Hasan

| Column |

“Towards the new Eurasian security architecture”

by Timofei Bordachev

Belts and Roads Images

“Belts and Roads Images”


“Mexico, An Ideal Partner for Business”

by H.E. Mr. Jose Luis Bernal

“Promote Pragmatic Cooperation between China and Latin America to be Upgraded”

by He Fenhua

“China’s Cooperation Raises Hope for Slowly Developed Laos”

by Khonesavanh Latsaphao

“Nepal: A Virgin Land for Investment”

by Nanda Lal Tiwari

| Media Scan |

“Development Process of Afghanistan Media”

by  Karokhail Parwiz

Business Practices

“Mutual Promotion and Joint Development”

by Zhang Yongwe

“Case Analysis on Renminbi Cross-Border Settlement”

by Wang Wenhua, Luy Jiawei

Business Opportunities

“Business Opportunities for Electric Vehicles”

by Wang Haibin


Observation of PP

“Optimize the Design, Emphasize the Feasibility of Projects”

by Xu Liang


Belts and Roads in Numbers

“Index of Maritime Silk Road(July, 2017) ”

by Ningbo Shipping Exchange


