阿富汗| 国家公园
左:阿富汗| 舞蹈 右上1:阿富汗| 族长会议 右上2:阿富汗| 午餐 右下: 阿富汗| 拱门
封面文章 Cover Stories
文 | 努雷舍夫(H. E. Shahrat Nuryshev) 哈萨克斯坦共和国驻华大使
文 | 张梅
文 | 杨海霞
文 | 屈春晖
文 | 余阳
现状·趋势 Status and Trends
文 | 贺乔治(H. E. Jorge Heine) 智利共和国驻华大使
文 | 蒂瓦里 ( Nanda Lal Tiwari)
文 | 朱拜尔·哈桑(Jubair Hasan)
丝路影像 Belts and Roads Images
国别 Country
文 | 贝美蕾(Rotem Bitron) 以色列驻华使馆商务官
文 | 翁·卡纳卡(Kaneka Ung)
| 媒体纵览 |
文 | 森吉特(Sangeet Sangroula)
商机 Business Opportunity
文 | 王文华
文 | 刘坚 崔成
文 | 康溪顺
风险与安全 Risk and Security
文 | 王洪一
PPP 观察 Observation of PPP
文 | 肖靓 李成勇
丝路数据 Belts and Roads in Numbers
文 | 宁波航运交易所
Cover Stories
Forerunner in Capacity Cooperation
“The Cooperation Forerunner on the Silk Road Economic Belt”
by H. E. Shahrat Nuryshev
“Chinese, Kazakh Governments Lead Efforts in Production Capacity Cooperation”
by Zhang Mei
“NFC: Win-Win Cooperation Comes From Mutual Complementarity”
by Yang Haixia
“China Three Georges Corporation: Clean Energy Investment in Kazakhstan”
by Qu Chunhui
“JAC Drives into Kazakhstan”
by Yu Yang
“List of China-Kazakhstan Capacity Cooperation Projects”
Status and Trends
“Chile-China: Upgrading A Path-Breaking FTA”
by H. E. Jorge Heine
“Investment Opportunities in Railways in Nepal”
by Nanda Lal Tiwari
“Can 5-nation Bloc Break Down Five Walls”
by Jubair Hasan
Belts and Roads Images
“Belts and Roads Images”
“Investment Opportunities in Israel”
by Rotem Bitron
“Chinese Encouraged to Invest More in Cambodia”
by Kaneka Ung
| Media Scan |
“Journey from a Hand Printing Press to New Media”
by Sangeet Sangroula
Business Opportunities
“Shale Gas: the New Investment Opportunity”
by Wang Wenhua
“Breakthrough in Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles”
by Liu Jian Cui Cheng
“Zhangzhou Industrial Park: Inject New Vitality into Economic Growth”
by Kang Xishun
Risk and Security
“Building BRI Security System Imperative”
by Wang Hongyi
Observation of PP
“Break Away from the Single Point-Scoring System”
by Xiao Liang Li Chengyong
Belts and Roads in Numbers
“Maritime Silk Road index (August) ”
by Ningbo Shipping Exchange
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