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文/ 海尔格·策普·拉鲁旭Helga Zepp-LaRouche














The Refugee Crisis in Europe is becoming a gamechanger

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche



She was born in 25thofAugust 1948 in Germany. She studied at the Free University Berlin andFrankfurt/Main University in 1968. She pursued her political activities in manynations in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas, where she met with numerouspolitical leaders, including Lopez Portillo and Indira Gandhi. She is thefounder of the Club of Life and the International Schiller Institute,Chairwoman of the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity. She has extensive studiesand publications about Nikolaus von Kues, Friedrich Schiller, and is coauthorof the Eurasian Land-Bridge Programm in1991, coauthor of „The New Silk Roadbecomes the World Land Bridge“.



The largest refugeecrisis, which has errupted in Europe since the Second Worldwar, is presentingEuropean politics with challenges, how to deal with hundred thousands, evenmillions of people, fleeing from war in Syria, Irak, Yemen, or hunger andunrest in Eritrea, Somalia, or Mali. Heartbreaking Videos or Photos, of drowninghuman beeings in the Mediterrenian Sea, of dead children washed to the shore,ofhorrified loooking children caught in between refugees trying to surmountbarbed wire fences and police, trying to prevent them from doing so, have beenanswered by a majority of people in Germany with an unprecedented outpouring ofcharity and gestures of welcome to those, who made it to Germany.

But a small rightwingminority in Germany has also comitted terrorist attacks against accomodationfacilities for refugees almost every second day of the year so far. And manyEU- countries, like the Baltic nations, Polen, Hungary, the Chech Republik,Slovakia, Danmark and Great Brittain, are refusing to accept any refugees atall. End of August,the situation on the Greek Agaeis Islands, where dailythousands of refugees were stranding, reached a total crisis point, because theauthorities on these impoverished islands lacked completely the means toprovide food, drink and medical care. Also, the small country of Macedonia couldnthandle the stream of refugees, trying to reach Austria, Germany or Sweden. Therefugees were in complete panick, trying to make it through the Balkans, beforeHungary had completed the NATO barbed wire fence, it was building along itsentire border.

Atthat moment, end of August, the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, made an aboutface change of policy. In a national press conference she announced, thatGermany would basicly accept all refugees coming from Syria or other war torncountries. „We can cope with this“, she said, emphazising, that Germany is astrong country, which can manage this situation, as it did manage many before.The overwhelming majority of the german population reacted with outstandingsupport for this policy shift, contributing so many private donations of food,cloth and necessities, that im many cities they had to be turned away. There isa completely changed mood in Germany in the population, which is also in thisway reacting to their anxiety about the danger of war, be it out of thesituation in Ukraine, or the advances ot the terrorist organisation ISIS inSouthwest Asia.

But this refugeecrisis has also brought to the surface, that the entire structure of theEuropean Union, as it has developed from the EU summits from Maastricht toLisbon, is standing on extremely shaky foundations, and that its cohesion hasbeen lost. The much invoked “values”, such as democracy, human rights and thevalidity of international treaties, have already been lost in large parts ofEurope. This crisis revealed the enormous cracks in the self-perception ofEuropean nations, and the impossibility of adhering to the official “narrativeof the trans-Atlantic” Establishment, while at the same securing one's ownexistential interests. Even in public media politicans, journalists and authorshave appeared in the recent two weeks, blaming the wars of the US in themideast and the support of “good” or “moderate” rebells against electedgovernments for the refugee crisis. Than, after beeing trained by the US, manyof these “moderate” rebells have joined the evolving terrorrist organisations,to which the answer was more war, etc.etc.

On the cohesion ofthe EU, Jean-Claude Juncker pronounced a scathing judgment in his first speech“on the state of the Union” at the European Parliament on September 9. “OurEuropean Union is not in a good state,” said the chairman of the EuropeanCommission. “There is not enough Europe in this Union. And there is not enoughUnion in this Union.” He spoke of the solidarity shown by some, and the totallack there of in other EU member states.

As tragic as therefugee crisis is for the millions of people fleeing, it potentially has a goodside: more and more Europeans are realizing that the policy of Europe mustfundamentally change, that the causes for the outflow of refugees from theircountries must be eliminated, and that this requires, in addition to ascrupulous analysis of those causes, a comprehensive economic developmentprogram for Southwest Asia and Africa. Above all, the 180 degree change of theGerman government and its pledge to accept all refugees from Syria, offers anexceptional chance to bring about a change in Europe. The charity shown by agreat majority of the German population can become an orientation point for a newparadigm that would open Europe up to cooperation with the Silk Road EconomicBelt policy of  China.

Instead of herdingthe refugees into barracks, damning them to inactivity, they could be developedin language and educational training programs and integrated into the nationaleconomy, becoming an enormous economic benefit in the nations of Europe whichare currently suffering from demographic shrinkage.

The UNHCR recentlyissued a report, that worldwide about 60 million human beeings are alreadydisplaced from wars,conflict and persecution is at the highest level everrecorded and accelerating fast. The main acceleration has been since early 2011when war erupted in Syria, propelling it into becoming the world's singlelargest driver of displacement. In 2014, an average of 42,500 people becamerefugees, asylum seekers, or internally displaced every day, representing afour-fold increase in just four years.

Apart from theurgency to form the kind of international coalition against terrorism,President Putin is calling for, to defeat terrorism, there is obvoiuslysomething else, which needs to be done. Both large parts of Southwest Asia andAfrica are destroyed by wars, insurgencies, hunger and epedemics. It is hightime, that the international community joins hands to adopt the economicdevelopment of these regions in a serious way as the common mission of mankind.The extension of the OBOR-Silkroad policy to the Middle East and Africa for areal reconstruction programm is the only lesson out of the european refugeecrisis. Yes, “We can cope with it”.