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文/ ​美国弗吉尼亚军事学院副教授小克利福德·克雷柯夫(Clifford A.Kiracofe)




































































Dr. Clifford A. Kiracofe


Russia’smove to assist Syria against international terrorism marks a new phase in thedevelopment of a multipolar world.   Nolonger does the West have the initiative in the Middle East because its regimechange policy there has been a complete failure.   USleadership is in question.

The Westerndestabilization of Iraq, Libya, and Syria has proven to be a disaster for theworld.  The result has been the spread ofinternational terrorism not only in the Middle East but also from the MiddleEast to other areas.

Western alliesof the United States are now suffering the beginning of the consequences asexemplified by the present immigration crisis caused by Middle Easternersfleeing the chaos caused by the West.

US policy hasbeen unchanged through two presidencies. First, George W. Bush made war against Iraq to cause a regime change andthe downfall of its leader, Saddam Hussein. This unnecessary war against Iraq has been called the greatest strategicmistake in the history of the United States. 

Mistakes haveconsequences and strategic mistakes can weaken a country’s capabilities andcall into question its international standing.  This has been the case with Washington’s Iraq war and the mistake hasbeen compounded by US policy in Libya and in Syria.

The regimechange wars in Libya and in Syria have been strongly supported by the UnitedKingdom and France.  British leaders TonyBlair and David Cameron and French leaders Nicolas Sarkozy and FrancoisHollande have been partners of President Barak Obama in the destabilization ofthe Middle East.



Washington’sregime change policy in Syria is about world order.  While human rights and democracy are featuredin the propaganda mix, the real issue turns on the future of the internationalsystem and the role of international law.

The Obamaadministration, as the Bush administration before it, mistakenly seeks throughgeopolitical measures to enforce a US led unipolar world and to delay theemergence of a multipolar world.

In theMiddle East region, many Washington politicians and policymakers see Israel asthe key US strategic ally.   As the US pivots to the Asia-Pacific region,they want Israel’s regional position strengthened and its enemies, such asSyria and Iran, weakened.

USGeneral Wesley Clark in 2007 revealed the game plan of the neoconservativepolicy network around Vice President Dick Cheney which played the key role inthe Iran and Afghan wars of the Bush administration.  In a speech to the Commonwealth Club of SanFrancisco, General Clark said that in the wake of the 911 attack, he learnedfrom Pentagon sources that the Middle East game plan for the future would beregime change in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.

It shouldcome as no surprise that Washington calls for regime change in Syria.  Despite a difference in administrations, theunderlying interventionist policy shows continuity.  This is explained by the political influenceof the pro-Israel lobby and neoconservative policy network, the Christianfundamentalists, and the human rights and democracy activists.

Whiletheir ultimate agendas may differ, these three influential pressure groups havea common foreign policy direction: military intervention to support regimechange in the Middle East and elsewhere. These pressure groups called for the Iraq and Afghan wars and have sincecalled for military intervention against Syria and Iran.

Regimechange policy requires a parallel policy to undermine international law,international institutions such as the United Nations, and the traditionallegal principle of state sovereignty. 

Withintraditional international law, the principle of the sovereignty of states, andthe concomitant illegality of intervention into the internal affairs of states,was put forward as a foundation of the European states system established in1648 at the Peace of Westphalia.  Infollowing centuries, these principles received general internationalacceptance.

Duringthe Kosovo crisis in 1999, however, Tony Blair launched a significant attack oninternational law and state sovereignty in a speech to the Chicago EconomicClub.  Blair said that militaryintervention should be used to solve human rights issues. 

Blair’sdoctrine of military interventionism with state sovereignty as an anachronismwas well received by human rights and democracy activists in the UnitedStates.  Indeed, the Clinton, Bush, andObama administrations have all been in step with the Blair doctrine.  In recent years, this policy concept hasemerged as the “Responsibility to Protect (R2P)” doctrine.

Insupport of the R2P doctrine, the Obama administration recently made asignificant bureaucratic change to promote interventionism as a tool of USforeign policy.  The White Houseestablished an Atrocities Prevention Board which reports to the president.  Irish-born Samantha Power, a close Obamaconfidante and human rights activist, is director of the new board which willadvise on when, where, and how to intervene in support of human rights.

 Predictably, the Houla massacre in Syria was cited as the atrocity which shouldtrigger military intervention.  SomeAmerican officials, such as Susan Rice, the US Ambassador to the United Nationsand ally of Power on human rights issues, call for countries to go outside theUN process and independently intervene with military force in Syria.

Such anextremist position reflects the increasing influence of American policy circleswho wish to undermine international law and launch military interventions insupport of their unipolar world project. Human rights and democracy promotion provide convenient cover for themain strategic objective of hegemony. 

For manyaround the world, however, movement toward a progressive multipolar world undertraditional principles of international law cannot come soon enough.

The fact todayis that US and Western air strikes and other actions in Syria are illegal underinternational law because they have not been authorized by the UN SecurityCouncil nor by the legitimate government of Syria.

The Russianassistance to Syria, on the other hand, is legal because the government ofSyria requested such assistance to defend against international terrorism.  It is a fact that the world well knows by nowthat the US and Western countries support international terrorism in Syria inorder to promote regime change and eliminate the Assad government.



How much longer can the West further destabilize the MiddleEast by launching military strikes against Syrian government targets?  Debate in Washington is  by the so-called Obama “legacy.”

InWashington, pro-war and pro-peace factions in both the Republican andDemocratic parties have lined up on Syriapolicy.  Although the American public isstrongly opposed to more US intervention, the pro-war faction could care less about public opinion.

Thespectacle in Washington today pits the US military which is reluctant tointervene in Syria against the pro-war forces in the Congress and in the mediawhich are pressured by the pro-Israel lobby and by the Human Rights lobby. 

Whatabout Obama’s legacy?

President Barack Obama’s inner circle isfixated on his historical legacy now that he is in his second and final term ofoffice.  His inner circle is focused onforeign policy for legacy making. So the White House spins the foreign policylegacy presenting the president as ending two wars.

Butcritics say President George W. Bush’s Iraq War, unnecessary in the firstplace, was needlessly prolonged by Obama. They also say that the Obama escalation in Afghanistan wascounterproductive and delayed a timely US exit.

TodayWhite House advisors, not to mention presidentialcandidate Hillary Clinton, face a worsening scandal with theBenghazi affair, a failed Arab-Israeli peace process, and a complex and bloodysituation in Syria.  In short, the MiddleEast is a disaster zone owing to US policy.

The US attemptedto blame the Syrian government for chemical weapons attack but it was shownthat the terrorists themselves were responsible.  Pro-war European and US politicians areinclined to use the recent incident as a pretext for military strikes againstSyrian government targets.

On the other hand, the just retired chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,General Martin E. Dempsey, repeatedly warned Congress and the American publicthat direct US military action against Syria could be highly destabilizing andcould even help America’s terrorist enemies.

Not onlyis the US military cautious but active and retired senior British militaryleaders reportedly are opposed to any destabilizing use of force.  On top of this, very senior active andretired Israeli military and intelligence leaders are also said to oppose anydestabilizing actions.

In spiteof the caution of military, intelligence, and diplomatic officials, it is thepro-war politicians in Washington and in Westerncapitals who are driving the move towardexpanded military intervention and war. These politicians, in turn, are under the strong ideological andfinancial influence of the pro-Israel Lobby whether in Washington, London, or Paris.

What isthe situation now in Washington?

PresidentObama reorganized his national security team after his reelection in 2012.  Susan Rice, his former Ambassador to the United Nations, was made had ofthe National Security Council at the White House.  Samantha Power, an academic human rightsadvocate, replaced Rice as the UN.  BothRice and Power are proponents of humanitarian interventionism and theassociated doctrine of responsibility to protect.

PresidentObama has spoken of the US as the so-called “indispensible nation” a phrasefirst used by Madeleine Albright, President Bill Clinton’s Secretary ofState.  Albright was the key figurebehind the US and NATO military intervention in the Kosovo war in 1999. 

SusanRice is a protégé of Albright and is a passionate advocate of the use of militaryforce in humanitarian intervention situations as is Power.  Power has a very close personal relationshipwith President Obama.  The Kosovo casenow is invoked by White House advisors.

The 1999Kosovo intervention by the US and NATO was done outside the UN process to avoidproblems with the Security Council. Thus, the use of this precedent is convenient for Washington today as away of preparing global public opinion for military action against the Syriangovernment.

WesternAlliance with Fundamentalist Islam Spreads Terrorism

AlQaeda and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) want Uighur help to createa pan-Islamic “caliphate.”   Thisstrategic objective on the part of Muslim terrorist organizations has wideranging implications.

Thereis nothing new about Muslim extremists plotting to create a vast so-calledcaliphate extending from the Middle East into Central Asia.  In modern times, an extensive pan-Islamicpolitical movement was created by Jamal al-Din al-Afghani (1838-1897).  The movement was transnational, did notrecognize state boundaries, and focused on traditionally Islamic zones.

Althoughan ethnic Persian, al-Afghani claimed to be an Afghan Sunni.  Scholars in recent years have shown how hewas used by several Western intelligence services and secret organizations tofoment insurrection and instability in the nineteenth century.  This method continued in the twentiethcentury and is now with us in the twenty-first century.

Duringthe Cold War era, the fundamentalist Islam of the Saudi Arabian Wahhabi sectwas used by the West from the 1960s in its ideological struggle against SovietCommunism.   The policy continued in theAfghan War era against the Soviet Union. 

Duringthis era, the West with funding by Saudi Arabia and others orchestrated theanti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda and many other terrorist organizations grew out of thismilieu.  Experts at the time warned of“blowback” from such a reckless and short sighted strategy. 

Itwas well known that Islamic terrorists from Uzbekistan interfaced with Al-Qaedaand other terrorist organizations.  Inturn, analysts have said, Uighur extremists developed relations with Uzbek andother extremist organizations.     

Fastforward to al-Qaeda and ISIS today and we find the same pan-Islamic politicalideology that combines fundamentalist Islam with geopolitical objectives.

Al-Qaeda,ISIS, and similar organizations make no secret about their pan-Islamicperspective and geopolitical agenda.  Arecent edition of an official al-Qaeda publication specifically discussed therole of Uighurs to bring the Xinjiang province of China into the geographiccaliphate being created today in the minds of extremists and on the ground inthe Middle East.  The head of ISISrecently referred specifically to Xinjiang as part of the caliphate.

Thepresent turmoil in the Middle East is a direct result of the Western strategyof regime change in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. The destabilization and radicalization of the region is directly relatedto the foreign policies of the United States, Britain, and France and the Westernregime change strategy.

Forover a century, Western governments have supported and even created radicalIslamic organizations as strategic tools. But history has shown that the Westcannot effectively manage such tools even with the assistance of fundamentaliststates such as Saudi Arabia.   

Middle Eastallies supporting Western policies have their own agendas which are often atvariance with the best laid plans of Western policy makers. 

It is no wonderthat US Vice President Joe Biden expressed concern about the overt and covert supportfor terrorism by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.  Washington thought that it could create andcontrol the regime change game but instead its reckless policy has blown up inits face. 

The Middle East regionalsituation is spinning out of control and extremist pan-Islamic forces pose athreat to Russia, Central Asian states, China, and India.  South East Asia is not outside the boundariesof such a threat. Under present circumstances it is little wonder that somecapitals express deep concern about Western policies.

Without majorchanges in thinking and in policy by Washington the situation will notimprove.  Given the mindset of the WhiteHouse and Congress the likelihood for real and consequential change appearsdim. 

Until the US andthe West come to their senses, others in the world will have to move forward ontheir own.  For example, suchorganizations as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS, and ASEAN must develop their own appropriate policies.

As the spreadingIslamic caliphate movement shows, Washington must changes its ways soonerrather than later.

Russian policyto assist Syria against terrorism draws a line against internationalterrorism.  Moscow knows only too wellhow the West for decades has used fundamentalist Islam to advance itsinterests.   The bold policy of PresidentVladimir Putin comes at a critical time when the forces of internationalterrorism operating against Syria and also Iraq have destabilized the entireregion.

Russianassistance to Syria has been effective in just a short time because theobjective is to destroy ISIS and related Al Qaida terrorist groups.  Western policy has been to assist thesegroups to overthrow the Syrian government. The contrast could not be clearer because the policies are polaropposites.

In recent days,it appears that the Russian assistance combined with the patriotic Syrian armedforces is making good progress against the terrorists.  Of course, time will tell, but theinternational community can thank Russia and the Syrian government for theirfirm against international terrorism.