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文/ ​海尔格·策普·拉鲁旭Helga Zepp-LaRouche















Are the United States heading for a classical breakdown crisis?

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

A wide range of social, financial and economic factors in the United States taken together protray a worrysome picture.A recent study  issued by two Princeton University eonomists,Anne Case and 2015 Nobel Economics Laureate Angus Deaton show, that there has been a sharp increase in mortality rates among white, non-Hispanic Americans aged 45- 54. The study shows, that from 1999 to 2014 the mortality rate of that age group rose by 10%, the poorer, less educated stratum within this age even saw a 22% rise. The main causes of death were drug and alcohol poisonings, suicide, and chronic liver deseases and cirrhosis. Graph (2)

Case and Deaton write, that if the mortality rate would have remained as it was  between 1979- 1998, half a million of death could have been avoided. A decade long progress concerning mortality has been reversed.  The study emphazises, that this was unique to the US, that many coutries, such as Germany and France, saw declines of 25% and 30% in mortality rates for the same age cohort during this same period. Graph ( 1 )

In its just released 2015 Drug Threat Assesment, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) reveals the terrifying extent of the drug epedemic in the United Statesm with the starting statistics, that drug overdoses now constitute the leading cause of   2013, the latest year for which data is avaiable, more than 46 000 people died from drug overdoze and more that half of those were caused by prescription painkillers and heroin. According to a survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), between 2013 -2014 the number of heroin users increased by 51%. In Baltimore for example, known as the „Heroin Capital of the United States“, one in ten citicens is using heroin.

In a CBS-TV broadcast Nov. 1 describing how heroin is ravaging the formerly industrial state of Ohio, State Attorney General Michael DeWine said, "In my lifetime, I've never seen anything like it."

The mayor of a formerly industrial town of 50,000 on the Ohio River, Huntington, in rust-belt West Virginia, reacted to the report of the unprecedented rising death rates among the middle-aged  and “middle class.” “The data are behind the fact,” said Mayor Steve Williams, calling it “the disease of hopelessness.” More than 1% of his citizens, 650, have overdosed on drugs this year, 50 have died. “The bottom is falling out for people. Industry is down to nothing.” Once his town had glass making, auto systems manufacturing, steel alloy production; all is gone.

According to the official statistics, the unemployment rate in the US is down to 5%, which is regarded to be Full emplyment. But 94 millions do not appear in that statistics, who are working age, but either youth who never had a job, or people who stopped looking for jobs and are therefore no longer counted, or are students, handicapped, military, incarcerated etc. Another way to look at it is the inverse, the socalled „labor participation rate“. This is the percentage of the total working age population, who actually have jobs. That number has been dropping dramaticaly, as shown in the graph( 4 ), which goes only untill 2013, but in 2014 dropped even further.

Productive employment (as differentiated from service sector, military, administrative jobs etc.) has fallen to 8%, technological productivity is a zero growth since 2000, and Americans median weekly incomes are 20% lower in real terms than they were 40 years ago.

According to Reuters November 6. freight carried by major US railroads fell by 7% in the second quarter of 2015 compared with the same period of 2014, confirming, that large parts of the industrial economy are in recession, the slowdown continued into the third quarter. According to the Association of American Railroads (AAR) coal shipments went down by 27 million meric tons, around 15%. And shipments of sand and gravel (fracking) plunged by more than two million metric tons, nearly 14%. And concerning freight carried by trucks, the decline was even sharper, In september, the load to truck ratio was 42% below a year earlier.

But even more dangerous black clouds are moving up on the horizon. The controller of the currency, Thomas Curry, warned on October 31. and November 2. in public presentations, of „rising credit risks“ in the US financial system. On November 5. the Federal Reserve published the 2015 Shared National Credits Review. They surveyed more than 25% of the financial systems 4 trillion in loans. The review found, that the exploding leveraged loan portfolio of the banks and non- banks had grown another 23% and is very near one trillion. Leveraged loans are loans to companies already overindebted by various accounting standards, prior to the loan.The review also noted an increase in weakness among credits related to oil and gas exploration, production, and energy services (total 276 billion Dollar in leveraged loans.

The financial analyst  Jim Rickards wrote in an October 22. Article entitled „The $5 Trillion  Oil Debt Bomb“, which reported, that there are about $ 5,4 trillion of cost incurred in the last five years for exploration and drilling in the alternative energy sector (shale ois/ fracking).  Agood portion of that represents borrowing through either bank loans or issuing high yield junk bonds. Rickards estimates that there were conservativly 20% of that total to be written down because companies fail, which would be about $ i trillon. Even if it would be only $750 billion, this would still devastate the financial system, since there are tens of trillions of dollare of derivatives piled upon the oil and commodity debt. 

Another potential trigger for a new financal crash is the commercial real estate bubble, which is bigger that 2007, before it blew up. Several analysts have warned, that such a blowout could occur before the end of the year and the IMF has issued a warning, that all the instruments used after the 2008 Lehman Brothers crisis have been used up already and that the transatlantic world is presently unprepared to deal with a new crisis.

If however, the US would take up President Xi Jinpings offer to cooperation in a win-win perspective, the US could only profit by rebuilding its own economy, as well as cooperation with China and other nations abroad. For example, the US would greatly benefit, if they would build a domestic fast train system, like China is doing.