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文|伊娜·玛邱罗尼塔(H. E. Ms. Ina Marčiulionytė)立陶宛共和国驻华大使    翻译|王晓波

































2016年,在立陶宛科学、创新和技术机构、上海市科学技术委员会、上海创新中心以及立陶宛驻华使馆的共同努力下,一个针对位于立陶宛科技园区的一些公司的试点加速计划正式启动。五家公司参与了这个为期两周的加速计划,其中包括两个私营加速器(“XNODE 共同工作空间启动加速器”和“太库创业者国度”;和一个公共加速器(“同济大学自然科学与技术产业园”)。





Bridge to Link China and the EU

by H. E. Ms. Ina Marčiulionytė Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania

Welcoming China’s Belt and Road Initiative and believing in its great potential, Lithuania has recently signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on Cooperation within the Framework of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative.

The Belt and Road Initiative aiming to connect economies, communities and people is meant to bring benefit in terms of high quality infrastructure, inclusiveness and economic cooperation. Lithuania sees a great value of full use of the Belt and Road initiative as this is in the interests of our two countries.

Lithuania and China are already cooperating in the development of innovative young companies, partnership in R&D cooperation has a great potential to be further developed.

Lithuania and China share a friendship that is under pinned by frequent high-level visits, increasing economic cooperation, joint participation in the EU-China dialogue, 16+1 platform and close people-to-people links. Our bilateral cooperation is multi-faceted and it has developed on the priorities and needs of our two countries.

Lithuania sees a great value of full use of the Belt and Road initiative, which puts a significant focus on logistical chain with Baltic region. Lithuania has been constantly developing its railway and road connections, logistic hubs, industrial clusters to meet the forthcoming needs and demands. Partnership between Lithuania and China in transport and logistics has been a priority of Lithuanian policy with one of the major goals of the Lithuanian transport system to become a bridge between China and the EU and a reliable Silk Road cooperation partner for China.

Lithuania is resolute to provide the necessary transportation and logistics chain for the sea transported cargo via Klaipeda Sea Port as well as railway cargo via intermodal terminals.Lithuania’s physical infrastructure gives investors a broad range of reliable, fast and high quality logistics options for streamlining their operations.

Klaipėda is the only ice-free seaport on the Eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. It is the largest port in the Baltic states, handling up to 65 million tons of cargo annually. The shortest distances connect the port with the most important industrial regions of the Eastern hinterland (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine etc.). The main shipping lines connects it to the ports of Europe. The latest information system speeds up cargo traffic via the port of Klaipėda, strengthens the competitive advantage of the port, and facilitates the operations of ship’s agents and forwarders. It ensures the exchange of electronic data between businesses and institutions operating in the port.

Port Traffic Management System is designated to manage in an automated way navigation processes of large and small vessels in the port, accounting of port dues, data forwarding to information systems of other institutions as well as rendering of e-services applying the method of a "single window".

Rail cargo services directly connect Lithuania to Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Ukraine and Asia, including China.Just one example, in September 2017, Lithuanian railway’s in cooperation with neighbouring countries and China Railway International Multimodal Transport (CRIMT) opened a new route of cargo transportation connecting Poland and Chengdu, Lithuania being in a unique position of a transit railway corridor. Lithuania focuses on modernization and development of rail infrastructure as an essential precondition for successful performance within the European railway system. Priority is given to renovation and upgrading of the rail infrastructure in international transport corridors, mostly focusing on assurance of technical interaction of Lithuanian and European railways, on meeting today's safety and environmental requirements, on increase of railway load and trains speed, and on promotion of combined shipments. The goal is to ensure a continuous and convenient traffic by using the latest communication and alarm technologies, increasing line capacity, train speed, and the permitted axle load, as well as by implementing infrastructure modernization projects that directly determine the attractiveness of rail infrastructure network.

Lithuanian international airports are offering access to key European locations in 2-3 hours. We are pleased to note positive movements between Lithuania and China in the area of civil aviation with the aim to establish direct air connection.

We see the potential for setting new cargo consolidation/deconsolidation points and industrial park platforms for Chinese investors in our free economic zones aiming to serve European market through Lithuanian sea and road transport systems.

Lithuania is an attractive place to invest and start innovative business. According to various global innovation and competitiveness rankings, Lithuania is a good place to develop innovative business. Lithuania’s supportive business environment has been streamlined to ensure maximum profitability with a minimum of hassle. With short set-up times and e-government administrative solutions, Lithuania ranks alongside the likes of Germany and Ireland for ease of doing business. Companies established in Lithuania benefit from some of the lowest commercial rental costs in the region, combined with generous tax support.

A business can be set up electronically in just a few days. According to the World Bank’s Doing Business 2017 report, Lithuania ranks 21st in the world for ease of starting a business. Lithuania’s strengths are also demonstrated in the fields of dealing with construction permits, registering property and enforcing contracts.

Lithuania is one of the TOP3 countries in the world regarding number of procedures to start a business (No 3), is among leaders with regard to time to start a business (No 13), trade tariffs are among the most favourable (No 5). Lithuania ranks 2nd in the world for ease of property registration.

Lithuania’s e-infrastructure is EU-leading. In fact, it is amongst the best worldwide. Lithuania is ranked first globally for fulfilling business needs for ICT, and is a regional leader for bandwidth and fibre-optic infrastructure. Combined with its convenient time zone for broad international service coverage, Lithuania is an excellent location for international IT and service operations. Lithuania has the fastest public internet in the world.

Lithuanian authorities at both national and municipal levels have shown strong levels of commitment to the FinTech sector, creating a FinTech-friendly regulatory environment that offers companies direct access to SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) via Lithuania's central bank and the ability to issue their own IBANs (International Bank Account Number), plus a one-year sandbox period of friendly regulation for start-ups. This environment, combined with cost competitiveness and dynamic young talent, is why a company like Barclays chose Vilnius for one of only 7 international Rise hubs for FinTech start-ups.

Lithuanian laws are fully EU compliant, providing safe and transparent legal framework. The legal system of Lithuania recognizes the generally accepted principles of the legal regulation of investments. The principle of equal treatment means that both Lithuanian and foreign investors have equal business conditions defined in the Lithuanian Law on Investment and other relevant legislation. The principle of equal protection means that the laws of Lithuania protect the rights and lawful interests of both local and foreign investors. Lithuanian Investment agency “Invest Lithuania” is ready to assist and guide of foreign investors.

The Belt and Road Initiative is not only about infrastructure construction, land and sea transport connections linking continents physically. It is also about cooperation in the field of science and technology, about connecting people and ideas.

Lithuania and China have the same strategic economic development goals, i.e. innovation driven modernized economy with focus on research and development. Lithuanian innovation is impacting research and product development globally: from the world’s most powerful laser through to the extra-resistant glass in over 4.5 billion smartphones. In Lithuania companies are assembling international-quality research teams at highly competitive costs,and there is a strong and committed governmental support for R&D.

Lithuania invests wisely and intensively in R&D and innovation through Smart Specialization.In 2014 Lithuanian Government approved the national Smart Specialization Strategy. The strategic goal is to increase the impact of high value added, knowledge-intensive and highly-qualified-labour-intensive economic activities on the GDP and structural changes of the economy. It sets out six R&D and innovation priority areas determined considering business potential, strengths in research and technological development, capacity to foster collaboration among different stakeholders:1) Health technologies and biotechnologies; 2) Transport, logistic and information and communication technologies; 3) Energy and a sustainable environment; 4) New production processes, materials and technologies; 5) Agro-innovation and food technologies; 6) Inclusive and creative society.So it’s not surprising that Lithuania has jumped 8 places in the European Innovation Scoreboard and now ranks ahead of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Spain.

Lithuania combines large-scale commitment to innovation with small-scale, sector-specific tailoring. This enables it to support dynamic businesses with both generous support and an ability to adapt to niche needs. R&D expenses are fully deductible 3 times, while corporate tax can be reduced by up to 50%. Nurturing talent is a top priority, 50% of employee training costs can be reimbursed.

Therefore, Lithuania is a perfect partner for China in R&D cooperation. Combination of the top-class infrastructure and a remarkable multi-lingual of talents and professionals in Lithuania’s science institutions make Lithuania a perfect destination for joint R&D projects. Lithuania stands out by the achievements in laser and optic technologies, life sciences, information and communication technology (ICT), financial technologies, electronics, mechanics.

In 2013 Lithuanian government adopted Lithuanian Innovation Development Programme 2014–2020, a strategic planning document setting guidelines for innovation policy in Lithuania. It sets goals, objectives and results to be achieved in the field of innovation up to 2020. The programme was drafted with a view to mobilising the state resources for the improvement of Lithuania’s innovativeness and development of competitive economy based on high level knowledge, high technologies, qualified human resources. Objectives of the Lithuanian Innovation Development Programme 2014–2020: to develop innovative society by developing new knowledge and its application; to enhance business innovation potential of business; to promote the creation of value networking, development and internationalization; to increase efficiency of innovation policy-making and implementation and promote innovation in the public sector.

Lithuania and China are already cooperating in the development of innovative young companies. In 2014 a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation between science and technology parks of Lithuania and China was signed between the Lithuanian Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) and Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (STCSM).

In 2016, under the joint efforts of MITA, STCSM, Shanghai Innovation Centre and Lithuanian Embassy in the People’s Republic of China a pilot acceleration program for Lithuanian companies located in Lithuanian science and technology parks was launched. Five companies took part in a two-week acceleration program in two private accelerators (“XNODE CO-Working Space Startup Accelerator” and  “TechCode Startups Nation”) and one public accelerator (“Tongji University National Science & Technology Park”).

On 15-28 November2017, 11 companies underwent 2 weeks acceleration program in China. This time Shenzhen and Beijing have been chosen as partners. We expect  the program to help Lithuanian companies to open a gate to Chinese market.

Small and medium-sized enterprises comprise the backbone of Lithuanian economy, majority of them are technology based. China is also encouraging its SME’s to apply advances of science and technology. There is a big potential for SME’s cooperation which has to be explored, encouraged and enhanced. The Belt and Road Initiative could serve as a platform of establishing an SME exchange programme of the Silk Road countries. It would help to better understand business environment, promote mutual contacts among different cultures and people within the Belt and Road countries.

China is an important trade partner of Lithuania. Since 2009 trade relations between our two countries have been steadily intensifying: exports from Lithuania to China have increased more than four times, imports from China grew twice. The increase of economic and trade cooperation is followed by a greater people to people contacts and growing tourism. The vivid example is an increase by 45.1% in number of tourists who visited Lithuania from China in 2017 in comparison with 2016.

The Silk Road Initiative opens wide horizons for new mutually beneficial cooperation opportunities between Lithuania and China as well as among all Silk Road countries. There are lots of spheres with numerous undiscovered yet possibilities of unleashing the unlimited potential of the new Silk Road.