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文I 塔尼亚·罗穆阿尔多(H.E.Ms. Tania Romualdo)  佛得角共和国驻华大使     翻译I 王晓波 

佛得角是一个有十个岛屿的群岛国家,位于西非海岸600英里处。在历史上它曾长时期人迹罕至。英国作家加文·孟席斯(Gavin Menzies)在其著作《1421:中国发现了世界》中认为,是郑河最终抵达了佛得角的圣安唐岛。按照历史的记载,1456年大西洋风暴把葡萄牙人带到了这里,他们很快就在圣地亚哥岛上建立了大里贝拉这座古城(现在称为Cidade Velha),它是热带地区的第一个欧洲殖民城市,专门从事奴隶买卖。克里斯多弗·哥伦布和瓦斯科·达·伽马在航海时都曾在此停留。佛得角隐蔽的海湾和海角也招来了海盗和无赖们。1585年,弗朗西斯·德雷克在对大里贝拉洗劫一空后又与葡萄牙人转移至另一个殖民城市普拉亚,也就是现在佛得角的首都,它毗邻一个更具防御能力的港口。后来英国人也对这里产生了兴趣,十九世纪时,圣文森特这个迎风的岛屿变成了一个非常重要的装煤站,进一步加强了帝国海军和英国商业在该地区的影响。




































佛得角贸易投资署是境外投资者跨入佛得角后第一个取得联系的机构,它为投资者提供一站式电子平台旨在使投资流程变得快速高效,并且能够增进部门、客户、其他利益相关方、公共企业和私人企业以及项目开发商之间的理解和沟通。与投资有关的信息包括佛得角投资法、财政福利法则和合同税收优惠政策,它们可以在佛得角贸易投资署的网站获得(http://cvtradeinvest.com )。这一平台可以帮助投资过程中去行政化,保证整个过程在不超过三十天内完成。













An archipelago country, Cabo Verde

By H.E.Ms. Tania Romualdo, Ambassador of Cabo Verde in China

Cabo Verde is an archipelago with 10 islands, located 600 miles off the coast of West Africa. It remained uninhabited during most part of its history. British writer Gavin Menzies in the book «1421: The Year China Discovered the World» suggests that jugs of Zheng He eventually arrived in Santo Antão Island, Cabo Verde. According to history, Atlantic gales eventually brought the Portuguese in 1456 and they soon established at Ribeira Grande (old town, now Cidade Velha) on Santiago Island, the first European colonial city in the tropics specialized in slave trading. Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama made stops during their voyages beyond. The hidden bays and concealed gulfs of Cabo Verde have also attracted pirates and scoundrels. In 1585, Francis Drake, sacked Ribeira Grande and the Portuguese moved the colonial seat to Praia, the present capital city, adjacent to a more defensible harbor. Later the British took an interest and during the 19th century, São Vicente, a windward island, housed an important coaling station that furthered the influence of the imperial navy and British commerce within the region.

Relations between Cabo Verde and China

Since the two established bilateral relations on the 25th of April, 1976, China has played a significant role in the development of Cabo Verde. Chinese founded public buildings, such as the presidential and governmental palaces, covers the capital city. The National Stadium built by China is hailed by many as “the greatest construction after Independence” on those islands. Poilão Dam that became operational in 2008 provides water for agriculture irrigation and is very appreciated by local farmers in Santiago Island. Chinese investments in key economic sectors such infrastructure, industries and tourism is welcomed as they can promote economic growth.

After 41 years of diplomatic relations, Cabo Verde has proven to be “a faithful friend” of China. Although Cabo Verde has little to offer in the realm of natural resources, it enjoys an important geostrategic position, giving China an essential influence at the heart of the Atlantic Ocean if a strategic partnership is set up. As China promotes the One Belt – One Road Initiative as well as the 21st Maritime Silk Road, Cabo Verde’s excellent geostrategic position might prove to be of significant services interest being it included on this course. Cabo Verde can be utile in serving China’s African goal, hitherto the economic partnership is still in its beginning as only small garments shops represent China in the archipelago. Today it is estimated that as many as 3000 Chinese migrants live in Cabo Verde trading textiles with an annual trade volume underneath a $100 million.

Macau Legend Development Ltd, led by billionaire David Chow, has begun constructing a $275-million casino complex on Santiago Island. The luxury development will feature hotels, office buildings, property development, retail, dining, convention center, museum, function areas, a clubhouse and a marina. Chow credits the project as an extension of China’s “One Belt, One Road”.

In May 2017, during a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Praia, H.E. the President Jorge Fonseca reiterated that his country supports the China-proposed One Belt One Road Road (OBOR) Initiative and is eager to deepen economic cooperation, starting with a Special Economic Zone in Sao Vicente Island. For his part, Wang said Cabo Verde is one of China's important partners in Africa and their bilateral traditional friendship sets an example for large and small countries cooperation, based on mutual respect and treating each other equally. China is willing to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with Cabo Verde in the fields of agriculture, fishery, marine economy, development of Special Economic Zones, tourism, infrastructure and human resources development, he added.

Current economic situation

Cabo Verde’s economy is service-oriented with commerce, transport, tourism, and public services accounting for about three-fourths of the GDP. Tourism is the mainstay of the economy and depends significantly on economic conditions in the euro-zone countries. Cabo Verde runs a high trade deficit financed by foreign aid and remittances from its large pool of emigrants; remittances as a share of GDP are one of the highest in Sub-Saharan Africa. Although about 40% of the population lives in rural areas, the share of food production in GDP is less than 10%. The local economy suffers from a poor natural resource base and the country imports most of what it consumes. The fishing potential, namely lobster and tuna, is not fully exploited. Economic reforms are aimed at developing the private sector and attracting FDI to diversify the economy and lessen the unemployment rate of the youth.

Cabo Verde’s Investment Opportunities

Good governance, prudent macroeconomic management, trade openness and increasing integration into the global economy, and the adoption of effective social development policies have produced relatively positive results throughout the archipelago’s 42 years of independence. The new government in power for less than 2 years is preaching more proactive investment reforms. Broad political stability is expected to prevail in Cabo Verde, underpinned by strong democratic institutions and decent protection of civic rights. The business and investment climate continues to improve. However, the government’s lack of capital is limiting its capacity to finance any shortfalls. The economy is service-oriented, with tourism, transport, commerce, and public services accounting for more than 60 percent of GDP. Tourism alone accounts for approximately 25 percent of GDP, and it is expected to continue its strong performance.

In Cabo Verde foreign investors receive the same treatment as the nationals regarding taxes, license approvals and registration, and access to foreign exchange. Foreign investment in Cabo Verde is concentrated in tourism and light manufacturing. In terms of transportation, Cabo Verde’s strategic and geographic location places the country in a position to become a regional and international shipping and air hub for both passengers and cargo. Nevertheless, the country remains underserved, with insufficient and inefficient maritime interisland transportation. The energy sector in Cabo Verde is undergoing important regulatory changes and attracting investment. As a regional leader in renewable energy, Cabo Verde has wind farms on four islands. About 27 % of the energy consumed in Cabo Verde comes from renewable sources.

The government’s goal is to increase to 50 percent by 2020.

Policie towards foreign direct investment

The government looks to both private and foreign investment to drive the country's economic growth. A great effort has been made to promote a market-oriented economic model where all investors, have the same rights and are subject to the same duties and obligations under the law. The government is investing in administrative decentralization, reduction of the state’s role in the economy and empowerment of the private sector, improving the business climate to attract investments.

Cabo Verde Trade Invest (CVTI), the agency responsible for investment promotion, is the One-Stop-Shop for external investors. It provides assistance based on a single approach. The investors express their interest, attach the necessary documents for formalizing their project, and monitor all the approval stages.
Services provided for the investor:

● Expression of interest in investment and upload of documents;

● Monitoring the investment process using a code;

● Payment of certificate issuance fee.

CVTI also provides to the investor/exporter support with the following services:

● Information about preferences of the country´s trade agreements Act (AGOA, ECOWAS, GSP +);

● Market information;

● Organization and participation in exhibitions, fairs, congresses, conferences, seminars or other events in the field of exports of goods and services;

● Contacts with other State institutions, providing or promoting partnerships, etc.

CVTI has an After Care service aimed at supporting investors after they obtain their Investment Registration Certificate and implement their project. It assists investors in their implementation process, in resolving bureaucratic issues in conjunction with other public institutions and in establishing reinvestment and export processes such as:

● Obtaining operating authorization and licensing;

● Obtaining tax and customs incentives;

● Obtaining work permits for foreign workers;

● Obtaining visas for company workers;

● Assistance with obtaining housing for foreign workers;

● Assistance with registering workers with social security;

● Assistance to investors and their families in the process of settling in the country;

● Assistance with obtaining premises for company offices;

● Introduction to service providers, such as banks, lawyers, accountants, estate agents;

● Export assistance.

CVTI is the first point of contact for foreign investment in Cabo Verde. It offers an Electronic Platform, “One-Stop-Shop for Investors” which aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the investment processes, improving understanding and communication between the agency, its customers, other stakeholders, public and private entities, and project developers.

Information pertaining to investment including Cabo Verde's Investment Law, the Code of Fiscal Benefits, and the Contractual Tax Benefits-Incentives can be found on the CTI (http://cvtradeinvest.com ). The platform is helping with de-bureaucratization of the investment process, ensuring that the process is completed within a maximum period of 30 days.

The State Budget 2018 law contains measures that facilitate and stimulate business activity, including a one percentage point lowering of the maximum personal income tax (IRPS) to 24 percent, the easing of the Special Scheme for Micro and Small Business, and the introduction of new tax benefits. Elimination of double taxation, release from payment in installments for taxpayers who had negative results or began their activity in the previous year, and elimination of the obligation to pay the minimum installment are some of the new measures undertaken by the 2017 State Budget law. The tax benefit package included in the 2017 State Budget comprises reducing the amount of investment to benefit from contractual benefits US$4.8 million, 50 percent investment credit and extension of the period for deduction of credit for investment to 15 years.

Special Regime for Micro and Small-sized Companies:

a. Micro-sized company: up to five people with an annual turnover (gross amount of sales and services) that does not exceed 5 million Cabo Verdean escudos (US$50,000).

b. Small-sized company: employs between six and ten persons with an annual turnover (gross amount of sales and services) of between 5 million and 10 million escudos (US$50,000 – $100,000).

Bilateral Investment Agreements and Taxation Treaties
Cabo Verde has bilateral investment agreements with Angola, Austria, Belgium, China, Germany, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Russia, United Kingdom, Sweden, and Switzerland and enjoys a special partnership with to the European Union as a Peripheral Region Nation. Cabo Verde also benefits from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). Cabo Verde does not have a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) with the United States, but as a member of ECOWAS, it benefits from the existing TIFA agreement which was signed in August 2014, but has not yet entered into force.

Regular organized accounting is in line with local regulations and international standards. The taxation system in Cabo Verde is based on a worldwide principle, where foreign-source profits earned by resident companies are also subject to tax.

Cabo Verde has made significant progress in simplifying its business registration process. At the Commercial Registry Department (Casa do Cidadão) a company can be created and registered on a single day. The overall business environment has become more efficient.

Information website on business registration is available at: https://portondinosilhas.gov.cv/ and http://caboverde.eregulations.org/show-list.asp?l=pt&mid=1.
Step by step information on procedures, time and cost involved in starting a company can be found at: http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/cabo-verde/starting-a-business/.

The country is investment-friendly and particularly appealing to foreign investors as all investors, regardless of their nationality, have the same rights and are subject to the same duties and obligations under the laws of Cabo Verde.

Investors have the right to convert their investment to any other freely convertible currency and transfer all of their income. The government gives foreign investors important guarantees such as privately managed foreign currency accounts, which can be credited from abroad or from other foreign accounts in Cabo Verde. In addition, it allows undisputed repatriation of dividends, profits, and capital from foreign investment operations. To receive these benefits the investor has to be registered with the government’s investment agency. The regulatory legislation specifies that for the first five years of operation, dividends may be freely expatriated without tax and that for the next fifteen years dividends may be expatriated with a flat tax rate of 10%.

Cabo Verde’s exchange-rate fluctuation risk is low as the escudo is pegged to the euro since its introduction in 1999 at the rate of 110.27 escudos per euro. Cabo Verde’s government is looking at the possibility of introducing euro in the local economy.