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保罗 · 奇卡瓦:津巴布韦新时代 中国的作用


文|保罗 · 奇卡瓦(H. E. Mr. Paul Chikawa) 津巴布韦共和国驻华大使    翻译|王晓波

● 投资指南

● 津巴布韦与中国的投资合作

● 传授专项技术




























津巴布韦不仅沿海,而且与南非和莫桑比克这些沿海国家接壤,这使得它有机会从 “一带一路”倡议中获益。“一带一路”大力倡导的发展基础设施建设对津巴布韦非常有利——在这一倡议下,沿海国家都将兴建公路和铁路。现在东非国家已经利用中国的资金和技术修建了一条始于蒙巴萨的铁路。一旦坦桑尼亚和乌干达之间建成一条途径肯尼亚的铁路,它就会与另一端位于赞比亚的坦赞铁路线连接起来,而津巴布韦和赞比亚之间已经有铁路连接。这样一来,津巴布韦就可以与直至乌干达的所有南部非洲国家连接起来,这将使其把商品运输到东部和南部非洲的共同市场(COMESA)以及其它第三方市场变得更加方便。


经济的可持续发展,需要财政援助为有关项目和方案提供资金。中国在津巴布韦基础设施项目建设的融资方面发挥着重要作用,这种重要性无论怎样表达都不过分。中国政府通过商务部或以贷款的方式对一些项目给予了资金援助。津巴布韦还有机会通过中非合作论坛(FOCAC)获得资金,包括来自中国进出口银行(China Eximbank)的贷款以及中国在津巴布韦的投资。中方的投资者通常会得到国家开发银行、中非发展基金(CADFUND)或商业银行的融资。这些融资需要得到中国出口信用保险公司的担保,就如同商业贷款需经中国进出口银行担保一样。津巴布韦的新政府已经公开承诺要去除一切妨碍外国投资的障碍。








●    农机制造、农药、化肥和农业灌溉设备;

●    从棉花到服装产业链的发展:轧棉、纺纱、织造、整理、纺织、针织品和服装;

●    皮革产业产业链的发展:皮革加工、各种皮革制品和鞋类的制造;

●    大豆产业产业链的发展:润滑油和洗涤剂的制造;

●    药品和医疗设备的制造;

●    烟草加工成香烟与医药产品;

●    矿物筛选和金属深加工;

●    机动车辆装配;

●    罐装水果和蔬菜;

●    肉类加工。

















埃默森·姆南加古瓦总统表示, 他所领导的政府将尽一切可能帮助外来投资者在津巴布韦创业,并且热切地希望那些有意愿的投资者能够抢占先机,充分利用津巴布韦大量的投资机会。他说,津巴布韦的愿景就是积极进取的人都能投身到正在进行的经济改革中,并且利用目前诸多投资机遇,在这片处女地上发挥作用。


The Role of China in the New Zimbabwe Economic Development Era

By H.E. Mr. Paul Chikawa, Ambassador of the Republic of Zimbabwe to the People's Republic of China

The relationship between China and Zimbabwe can be described as that of all weather friends that has passed the test of time. The two countries have been there for each other during challenging and happy times from as far back as the 1960s when China supported Zimbabwe during the latter’s war of liberation. The good political relationship between the two countries presents a good basis for economic cooperation. China is, therefore, expected to play a key role in the new economic dispensation.

Zimbabwe, under the leadership of His Excellency, President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has entered a new economic development phase in which it is determined to attract private investment to stimulate economic recovery. All indications are Zimbabwe is set to reclaim its position as an economic giant in Africa. To achieve that position, the Government recognizes the importance of foreign direct investment that comes with modern technology, capital and job creation.

In his inauguration speech His Excellency, President ED Mnangagwa said that Zimbabwe’s economic policy was going to be predicated on agriculture as the mainstay of the economy. The bottom line is that Zimbabwe is open to business and is prepared to correct all those issues that have been a deterrent to the high inflow of investment.

Investment Guidelines

To attract foreign direct investment, it became very necessary to review the investment policies taking into consideration concerns that were being raised by some prospective investors. On 18 January, 2018, the Government of Zimbabwe launched the Investment Guidelines and Opportunities blueprint. These Guidelines outline the country’s investment policy strategy, and present available investment opportunities in agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism, information communication and technology (ICT), and infrastructure development sectors. The new Investment Guidelines are expected to help the Government address, among other issues, domestic challenges such as high unemployment levels and low economic growth.

The Government of Zimbabwe is committed to create a conducive business environment that enhances growth and competitiveness and brings jobs and opportunities to the people of Zimbabwe. The new policies seek to address issues of efficiency, effectiveness and transparency, so as to render Zimbabwe the best investment destination. Further, the Government is committed to building an economy founded on sound investment principles and international best practices such as non-discrimination, effective protection of property rights and high standards of governance.

One of the most contentious issues viewed as deterrent to foreign investment in Zimbabwe was the Indigenization and Economic Empowerment Act. While the Government continues to encourage partnerships between international and Zimbabwean firms, the Act will be amended to confine the 51/49 percent indigenisation threshold to two minerals in the extractive sector, namely diamonds and platinum. The amendment of this Act will go a long way in improving the quality of investment into Zimbabwe.
The Investment Guidelines are expected to contribute to the restoration of business confidence and to create predictability within the investment community. At the same time the Government is addressing the Ease of Doing Business in Zimbabwe.

One of the major concerns of prospective and current Chinese investors was the issue of policy inconsistencies. To address that, when the Government is enacting all laws, regulations, administrative guidelines and policies pertaining to investment, it will ensure that they are enacted following proper notice and consultations. This is aimed at assuring investors of the safety of their investment.

Zimbabwe/China Investment Cooperation

Infrastructure Development

The Chinese Government, through concessional and commercial loans, has assisted Zimbabwe in infrastructure development projects such as in the rehabilitation of energy power plants, airports extensions, rehabilitation of water and sewer systems, construction of schools, hospitals, parliament (new project) and ICT.

Infrastructure development is a pre-requisite for achieving economic growth and development and may facilitate improved functioning of other sectors of the economy such as manufacturing, trade and tourism. The Chinese investors may consider participating in the rehabilitation of the railway infrastructure, expansion and modernization of highways, water reticulation, power generation and dam construction. Investment may be in the form of Build Operate and Transfer (BOT), or Build Own Operate and Transfer (BOOT).

The following projects are available for consideration;

a) Gokwe North Thermal Power Station,

b) Western Area Power Plant,

c) Lupane Coal Bed Methane,

d) Mini Hydro Power, (where?)

e) Small Thermal Power Stations,

f) Transmission and Distribution Networks and

h) Solar Energy; a 100MW solar plant in Gwanda.

In the New Economic Development Era, the Government of Zimbabwe is privatizing some State owned Enterprises through disposing part of its shareholding or completely disinvesting. The privatization of the companies is expected to attract new capital, new ideas and modern technology. Chinese investors may take this opportunity to invest in these companies. Included in the companies to be privatized are those under the management of the Industrial Development Corporation of Zimbabwe (IDCZ) such as:

a) Zimbabwe Glass Industries (ZimGlass) – container glass manufacturing, (equity participation);

b) Chemplex Corporation Limited (equity participation in an existing entity);

c) Stone Holdings Limited, and

d) Multi-Fruit Juice and Avocado Processing.

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

While Zimbabwe is not along the sea coastline, it shares borders with coastal countries like South Africa and Mozambique. There is an opportunity for Zimbabwe to benefit from the Belt and Road Initiative that is connecting China to all continents. Zimbabwe may benefit from the BRI infrastructure development – roads and rail constructed under this initiative in the coastal countries. There is a railway line connecting East African countries starting from Mombasa constructed using the Chinese resources. Once there is a railway connection between Tanzania and Uganda via Kenya, the new railway will be connected to TAZARA railway line that ends in Zambia. Zimbabwe and Zambia are already connected by rail. Therefore, Zimbabwe together with all the Southern African countries will be connected to Uganda by rail. Zimbabwe would benefit a lot from this development as it will be easier to transport bulk products to the Common Market for East and Southern Africa (COMESA) as well as the Tripartite Market.

Financial Assistance

For the New Economic Dispensation to be a success there is need for financial assistance to fund the projects and programs. The role of China in helping Zimbabwe finance infrastructure development projects can never be over emphasized. The Chinese Government may fund some agreed projects as grants directly through the Ministry of Commerce or through loans. There are opportunities for Zimbabwe to access funding through the Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). Such funding comes as loans from the China Import and Export Bank (China Eximbank) or financing of Chinese investment into Zimbabwe. Chinese investors are usually financed by the China Development Bank, China Africa Development Fund (CADFUND) or commercial banks. Such funding needs insurance from SINOSURE just like Commercial Loans financed through China Eximbank. The new Government has given public assurance on its commitment to remove all impediments to foreign investment
Among the current challenges facing Zimbabwe, is the liquidity shortages, there is an opportunity for both the Chinese and Zimbabwean Governments to work out some mechanism of coming up with Lines of Credit or some understanding to help Zimbabwe out of the current liquidity pressure. As China is Zimbabwe’s all weather friend, Zimbabwe needs the Chinese assistance to finance the ambitious economic recovery program.


Zimbabwe is blessed with fertile soils and wonderful climatic conditions, that good for both crop and livestock farming. Opportunities are also available in production of sunflower, groundnuts, barley, sugar cane, corn and livestock farming, among others. Investment may be in the form of providing new technology and farming methods, farming equipment and working capital.

Fiscal Incentives on Offer into Special Economic Zones

Manufacturing Sector
The Zimbabwe manufacturing sector is well diversified and is linked with the agriculture and mining sectors as it beneficiates products from those two sectors. Zimbabwe and China signed an agreement that provides for Chinese companies with excess capacity to invest in Zimbabwe. The agreement was signed by the National Reform and Development Commission (NDRC) and the Office of the President and Cabinet and was witnessed by the Presidents of China and Zimbabwe during the State Visit of His Excellency President Xi Jinping, in December, 2015. Investment opportunities are in the:

• Manufacture of agricultural machinery and equipment, agro-chemicals, fertilisers and irrigation equipment to support the agricultural sector.

• Cotton-to-clothing value chain development, cotton ginning, spinning, weaving, finishing textiles, knitting products and clothing.

• Leather sector value chain development, leather processing and manufactures of a wide range of leather products and footwear.

• Soya bean value chain development, oil expressing and detergents manufacturing.  

• Manufacture of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment.

• Tobacco processing into cigarettes and pharmaceutical products.

• Mineral beneficiation and metals value-addition.

• Motor vehicle assembly.

• Canning of fruit and vegetables and

• Meat processing

Special Economic Zones (SEZs)

The Government intends to accelerate the implementation of the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) as a tool of investment promotion. Currently, there are three pioneer Special Economic Zones that have been identified in Bulawayo, Harare and Victoria Falls.  The aim of establishing the SEZs is to attract investments, increase exports, and promote value addition and beneficiation through offering special and appropriate incentives to investors within the identified zones. Zimbabwe would like to learn from the Chinese experience in operating Special Economic Zones. The Government has put in place some of the incentives for investing in the SEZs and Chinese investors are expected to lead the way in investing in the SEZs. The incentives include the following:



Currently there are a number of Chinese investors in the mining sector mining gold, chrome, coal, dimension stone and others. More Chinese investors are invited to invest in the sector. They may do the actual mining, value addition, supply of mining equipment or in transport. Zimbabwe has abundant deposits of diamonds, platinum, nickel, chrome, lithium, tin, copper, tantalite, dimension stone, coal bed methane, coal and other minerals. The Chinese investors are invited to invest in the sector because they have expertise in mining and beneficiation of most of the minerals found in Zimbabwe. 

Services Sector


The services sector has a lot of investment opportunities, especially in tourism where the Chinese may consider investing in the hotel and catering industry, safari and tour operations, gaming, construction of international convention centers and developing of tourism facilities and adding value to the existing ones. The sector requires vehicles and boats to boost tourism. Investors may consider investing in shopping centers or malls and duty-free shops in tourist destinations like Victoria Falls. Lack of additional activities at the natural tourist destinations result in very limited visit days because other than visiting sites there is nothing else do. The Chinese tourists are also invited to visit areas of interest in Zimbabwe that include among others, the Victoria Falls, Balancing Rocks, Matopo Hills, the Great Zimbabwe, the Eastern Highlands, Mana Pools, Hwange and Gonarezhou Game Reserves. Chinese airlines may consider flying directly between China and Zimbabwe, thereby increasing Chinese tourists’ arrivals into Zimbabwe. 

Non-fiscal incentives for foreign investors into Special Economic Zonesa

Financial Sector

Zimbabwe is thirsty for Funding, investors may take the opportunity to invest in the existing financial institutions or invest in green projects in the sector. The Victoria Falls Special Economic Zone is targeted to house international financial institutions, Chinese investors may, therefore, invest in banks, insurance or any other areas of interest.

Trade relations

As Zimbabwe aggressively works towards economic recovery, there are initiatives to increase exports to China. Zimbabwe wishes to export gold, chrome, dimension black stone, tobacco leaf, cotton, oranges and roses. Zimbabwe in also promoting exports of manufactured products such as spices, biscuits, teas and beverages.  Currently, China exports to Zimbabwe equipment and machinery, mostly for use in the manufacturing, mining and agriculture sectors. There is an opportunity for increased trade relations between China and Zimbabwe.


Well located at an advantageous position in the center of the SADC Region, Zimbabwe shares borders with South Africa to the south, Zambia to the North, Mozambique to the East, Botswana to the West and it is not far from other SADC countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Swaziland, and Tanzania.

There is a well developed transport and communication infrastructure to support any investment in the country. Zimbabwe has highly skilled, and educated and friendly human capital that is easily trainable.

His Excellency, President ED Mnangagwa said that his Government was going to do everything possible to assist investors keen on starting businesses in Zimbabwe and urged those interested to take the first-mover advantage, to explore the abundant investment opportunities in the country. He said that Zimbabwe was now a vision every progressive person wanted to be associated with given ongoing economic reforms and innumerable virgin investment opportunities it presented.

The role of China in the New Economic Development Era can never be over-emphasized. Zimbabwe looks up to the Chinese to grab the vast investment opportunities that come with the new attractive investment policies. The early bird catches the best worm. Investors are encouraged to visit Zimbabwe to get first-hand experience of the available limitless investment and business opportunities. With the experience and resources the Chinese have, Zimbabwe looks forward to Chinese investors participating in the economic revival of the country. Zimbabwe is indeed open for business.