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文/ 盖铁戈(H. E. Ambassador Diego Ramiro Guelar) 阿根廷共和国驻华大使


文|盖铁戈( H.E. Ambassador Diego Ramiro Guelar) 阿根廷共和国驻华大使   翻译|阿根廷共和国驻华大使馆


  • 从世界谷仓到世界超市

  • 多方面的合作

  • 进口博览会的机遇
































By H.E. Ambassador Diego Ramiro Guelar of the Republic of Argentina to China

The Argentine Republic and the People's Republic of China established diplomatic relations in February 1972. During the first 30 years, almost nothing significant happened between our two countries. It was not until the beginning of the 21st century when the bond begins to strengthen.

The "stars" of the commercial relationship are the bean and soybean oil, the bovine meat -60% of the meat that Argentina exports to the world comes to China- and, most recently, the table grape, the blueberries and the peas (the market for these products has just opened). We will also add pork products next year.

Argentina faces 3 major challenges: I) reduce the very large trade deficit with China – among $ 14 billion of bilateral trade, we have $ 8000 of deficit; II) add value to our agricultural production to sell products that can reach Chinese supermarkets; III) develop our mining production – we have rich deposits of copper, gold, lithium and potassium – that would allow us to join neighboring countries such as Chile, Peru and Brazil, whose commercial surpluses are based on their important mineral exports.

Regarding the first objective – reduction of the trade deficit -, we have to recognize that our exports are concentrated in raw materials – 85% is made up of soybeans, meats with a low processing index and fuels. In our case, unlike Peru, Chile or Brazil, mining products do not yet have significant value.

On the other hand, Chinese exports are composed of products with high industrial added value (capital goods and electronic products). Our great challenge lies in the aggregation of value to our agricultural production. President Macri always points out that "we must stop being the granary of the world and transform ourselves into the supermarket of the world". It is very striking to see how Argentina produces the most diverse products with great sophistication in its presentation and high nutritional quality for domestic consumption.

Many years of isolation lead us to situate our agroindustry as a provider for the local market and, only in small quantities, to our neighbors.

In the case of the third major challenge – the development of the mining sector -, China has contributed with a very important acquisition: the Shandong Gold company bought from Canada’s Barrick, 50% of the Veladero gold mine in the province of San Juan; together – Barrick and Shandong Gold – are the first mining company in the world, and have in Argentina three investment projects totaling $ 3 billion.

In addition to other ongoing projects, the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between China and Argentina will have a key sector in mining that will balance our trade.

In all cases, it is essential that we advance in the development of the "export infrastructure": our country is located 20,000 km away from China. Our products have to reach at least one of the 11 free zones so that, once there, they would be able to be sold to supermarkets and / or to consumers' homes by e-commerce.

We have to establish "hubs" in these free zones – we are already organizing the first in Shanghai with the company Kerui and we will continue to organize the next ones in Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Tianjin.

Of course, the whole relationship between Argentina and China is not just about trade! Investments and finances are very important and growing chapters, too: important Chinese companies are already installed in Argentina: Gezhouba (constructing 2 hydroelectric dams), PowerChina (constructing a 300 mgwts solar plant – the most important in Latin America), Cofco (2nd exporter of Argentine grains), CNOOC and Sinopec (2nd and 3rd oil companies after the Argentine State-owned YPF),etc.

ICBC – China's leading commercial bank – has acquired the 3rd most important private bank in Argentina, and Bank of China has just announced its decision to settle in the country.

A new proposal that is being constituted in a very rich chapter of our relationship are the PPP (Private Public Participation) projects, by which private companies face public works projects at their own risk with financing that does not require a sovereign guarantee. The most recent – the tender for six road corridors – has been successfully awarded to different business groups. One of these projects has been won by a Chinese company: China Construction America S.A (subsidiary of CSCEC, the largest civil construction company in China and one of the largest in the world), and represents an investment of U.S. $ 1.2 billion.

Another chapter to highlight is the retrofitting and enhancement of the rail network. We have a procuring program of $ 7 billion on locomotives and wagons, which is 70% executed and will be expanded by another $ 1 billion.

We cannot forget that the project of the nuclear plant with Chinese technology will be signed by Presidents Xi and Macri on December 1 of the current year in the framework of the State Visit of the Chinese president, to be held immediately after the G-20 summit, which will take place from November 30 to December 1 of this year.

These are only some examples among hundreds who participate in very diverse activities that include the fishing sector, the pharmacist, the hotelier, the communications – Huawei has its regional headquarters in Buenos Aires and ZTE is carrying out its "smart cities" program in several cities in Argentina

We also have a thriving "Argenchina" community – with more than 180000 members – and the "Chinatown" has become a great tourist attraction.

The chapter on "Cultural Exchange" has been developing with great intensity. In the year of 2019 China will inaugurate its Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, while the Argentine Embassy has signed an agreement with AIO Space – in the neighborhood of 798 – which runs the "Argentine Cultural Center" with an intense agenda of cultural activities.

The Confucius Institute has opened 3 venues where several thousand young people are studying Chinese-Mandarin. The city of Buenos Aires has the only public Chinese-Spanish bilingual school outside China. And this story is just beginning. 

Finally, it is noteworthy that the People's Republic of China convenes, for the first time, all exporters in the world to the great Shanghai Fair – between November 5 and 10 -, which will become an annual event for all who want to sell their products to China. Chinese imports grow twice as much as their exports, stimulated by their booming domestic market.

We are convinced that this fair in Shanghai demonstrates the decision to open the Chinese market, as well as proves that China does not seek to achieve a trade surplus with its partners but makes efforts to achieve a balanced trade in line with the win- win situation. 

We are working hard to make many Argentine companies to take full advantage of this opportunity presented by the Shanghai fair.

The history of a poor, isolated China, with low technological development and a market closed to the world, are things of the past.

Modern China has materialized in the last 40 years the greatest process of economic and social change in the history of Humanity.

The 21st century is the "Century of China", in which the "Belt and Road" initiative will be fully developed in favor of connectivity, progress and well-being for many nations and we will also benefit from the Chinese impulse and creativity.

Humbly, we, the Argentines, hope that it is also "our century".