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文|多拉娜·姆西曼(H.E. Ambassador Dolana Msimang)  南非共和国驻华大使  翻译|王晓波

 导 读 


● 非洲与中国在历史上的关系











编辑   | 裴安迪

设计   | 李玉丹


South Africa heartily welcomed the announcement by President Xi Jinping at the Forum of China/Africa Cooperation in Beijing on 3 September 2018 that China will implement eight major initiatives with African countries in the next three years and beyond, covering fields such as industrial promotion, infrastructure connectivity, trade facilitation, and green development.

Africa/China relationship historic

The Africa/China relationship is historical and ancient. There is incontrovertible evidence that as early as 200 BC, China, which was in the Han Dynasty at that time, exchanged goods indirectly with Africa through silk roads. A map drawn up in the early Ming Dynasty of China was the first map in the world that depicted Africa, in which Lake Victoria was clearly marked. In the Ming Dynasty, Mr. Zheng He, China’s greatest navigator, led a fleet composed of over 200 vessels and more than 27 000 crew members and carried out seven maritime expeditions to the Western Seas. It is reported that he reached four times the eastern coast of Africa, where current Tanzania, Kenya and Somalia are located.
With regard to South Africa/China relations, they are formally only twenty (20) years old. However, in fact the South Africa/China relations date back to the fifteenth (15th) century as reflected in the archival evidence of trade with China in South Africa’s Mapungubwe world heritage site in the northern Limpopo province of South Africa.
It is worth noting that China and the African continent collectively contain a third of the global population and have recorded the fastest growth rates in the world over the past fifteen (15) years.
At the Johannesburg Summit of FOCAC in December 2015, the Africa/China strategic partnership was upgraded to a comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership. The partnership is based on, inter alia, political equality and mutual trust, and promoting win-win cooperation. China is the African continent’s biggest trading partner with the trade volume set to reach an estimated US$1.7 trillion by 2030.
Since the establishment of FOCAC in 2000, China-Africa cooperation has yielded fruitful results. It has become a successful example of South-South cooperation and has attracted world attention.
It is worth noting that the five major goals of the 2018 Beijing FOCAC Summit, have been co-determined through intense interaction between the two sides in both China and Africa were the following:
(a) strengthening the strategic consensus between Africa and China so as to consolidate the political foundation of unity and cooperation of the two sides;
(b) promoting economic and trade cooperation and further build the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership;
(c) chart the course for developing future relations and to build a stronger community of a shared future between China and Africa;
(d) take more targeted and effective measures to align Africa’s natural resources and demographic dividends and market potential with China’s investment;
(e) foster global support and understanding of Africa/China friendship and cooperation, as well as appreciation for the Africa/China partnership as an exemplary model of South-South cooperation.

South Africa on FOCAC
South Africa was privileged to be a co-chair of FOCAC. South Africa had assumed the co-chair position of the at the FOCAC 5th Ministerial Conference in Beijing in July 2012, and during this period co-chaired with China, several meetings including the African Ambassadors in Beijing, Senior Officials, Coordinators and Ministerial Meetings and hosted the 2nd FOCAC Summit in Johannesburg (2015) the first Summit to take place on African soil.
South Africa regards FOCAC as the premier platform through which trade and investment is mediated between China and African countries. Since its formation in 2000, FOCAC has evolved through six Ministerial Meetings and two Summits, each of which led to a growing portfolio of development projects that have led to significant growth in investment and trade. FOCAC has become a pacesetter in China-Africa cooperation, a champion for greater international attention to and input in Africa, and the largest and most effective South-South cooperation platform in the world.
The past 18 years have seen fruitful progress in China-Africa practical cooperation across the board. Since the establishment of FOCAC, the ties between Africa and China have witnessed huge progress with increasing influence of FOCAC and South-South cooperation. Cooperation between China and Africa strengthened in major areas as industrialisation, agricultural modernisation, infrastructure, green development, poverty alleviation, public health, trade and investment facilitation, people-to-people and cultural exchanges, peace and security. The trade volume between China and Africa has risen from US$10.6 billion to US$170 billion from the year 2000 to 2017. China’s outward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) stock in Africa has soared from US$500 million to more than US$41 billion in the same period of time. I am aware that a number of African countries will participate in the international import-export expo fair that will be held in Shanghai on 5 to 10 November 2018. It is anticipated that the Shanghai Expo will help African countries explore trade and investment opportunities in the world’s second largest economy.

China’s development experience a model for Africa
As a developing country, China understands how difficult it is for a developing country to survive and thrive in the existing global system which is far from perfection and is ready to exchange development experiences and share development opportunities with African countries including South Africa to promote inclusive development. The Africa/China partnership is rooted in the desire to obtain prosperous future for our respective peoples.
FOCAC is by all standards an exemplary form of South-South cooperation. The Africa/China partnership is rooted in the desire to obtain prosperous future for our respective peoples.
China’s participation in infrastructure projects to build and improve infrastructure such as roads, railways and telecom systems have been a boon to Africa’s manufacturing sectors. These projects are regarded as game-changers which enable new economic activity on a significant scale that will stimulate Africa’s economic growth in line with the African continent’s own developmental objectives.
China’s projects to build and improve infrastructure such as roads, railways and telecom systems have been a boon to Africa’s manufacturing sectors; have freed up domestic resources for other critical needs such as health care and education; and have aided everyone doing business on the continent.
China and African countries are developing commercial ties that are more balanced, diversified, and beneficial to both regions. China and the African continent collectively contain a third of the global population and have recorded the fastest growth rates in the world over the past 15 years.
China’s surging trade and investment into Africa over the last two decades underpins much of the contemporary interest in its engagement with the continent. While trade is still dominated by Chinese exports of finished products and its imports of African resources, the investment picture in some countries is beginning to reflect Chinese foreign direction investment (FDI) into manufacturing, media, property and services.

African agency in the partnership
The economic and power imbalance between China and African countries has led to the relationship being criticised as neo-colonial. Sceptics of the Africa/China partnership have expressed misgivings about Africa’s deepening financial ties to China and China’s growing influence in Africa.  The emergence of China as a major financier of African infrastructure has resulted in a narrative that China is using debt to gain geopolitical leverage by trapping poor African countries in unsustainable loans. This narrative posits that African governments are being deliberately lured into debt by the Chinese government through debt trap diplomacy and that China has an ominous plan to mire the continent in debt in order to gain economic and geopolitical control of Africa.
The truth, however, is that Africa able to freely make its own decisions and negotiate for the best outcomes in its deals with China. African agency is expressed in the frameworks and documents that govern bodies like the forum. For example, in the early years of the FOCAC partnership, only limited attention to the issue of industrialisation. However, that changed after the formal adoption in 2015 of the African Union’s Agenda 2063, which is Africa’s blueprint for sustainable development. Consequently, the forum held in Johannesburg in December 2015 saw an increase in how many times the issue of industrialisation was mentioned. By 2016, African industrialisation had become a key initiative of China’s presidency of the G20 and China directed an unprecedented level of G20 attention to the African continent.
By 2018, the Beijing Summit ended with fewer declarations of intent relating to industrialisation since it had become integrated into African and bilateral planning processes. In particular, industrialisation features regularly in discussions on development financing.
This clearly indicates that there has been a shift from declarations of intent to more specific engagement towards industrialisation. This might not necessarily guarantee the success of Africa’s industrialisation. However, it shows that China does respond to African agenda-setting.
South Africa views the assertion by some critics that China has an exploitative “neo-colonial” business partnership with Africa as both misleading and untrue. In reality, the Africa/China partnership has forged numerous win-win deals. African countries are developing commercial ties that are more balanced, diversified, and beneficial to both parties.
On the other hand, the debt-trap diplomacy narrative does not reflect the complexity of the relationship between the China and individual African countries. South Africa is of the view that the debt-trap narrative fits into a skeptical discourse about the Africa/China partnership and that such skepticism reflects their anxiety about China’s policy of encouraging Chinese firms to invest globally.
It is worth noting that the Chinese government is far from the only Chinese actor undertaking development cooperation projects in Africa. Many Chinese multinationals and small and medium-sized enterprises are entering African markets without Chinese government support and are directly partnering with local businesses.

China is an important ally for the African continent and has for the past nine consecutive years remained Africa’s largest trading partner as well as one of the most important investor, and source of tourists. On its part, Africa boasts vast natural and human resources and has huge development potential. Africa is a continent that is most likely to be the new driving force to promote future world economic development.
There are mainly three bottlenecks holding back Africa’s development, namely inadequate infrastructure; lack of professional and skilled personnel and funding shortage, accelerating Africa’s industrialisation as well as achieving sustainable self-development. South Africa hopes that the FOCAC Summit will discuss mechanisms on how these could be addressed.
The 2018 Beijing FOCAC Summit provided further impetus on the Africa/China relationship and  provided an opportunity for the two sides to discuss practical mechanisms of including Africa in the Belt and Road Initiative. It injected fresh and strong impetus into China-Africa mutually beneficial cooperation, and pushed forward the China-Africa comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level.

Author | Pei Andi

Design | Li Yudan