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文| 鲁赫萨尔·佩克詹(Ruhsar Pekcan) 土耳其共和国贸易部长    翻译| 王晓波

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● 土耳其经济


































Taking an Optimistic View of New Opportunities for Cooperation

By Ruhsar Pekcan

Turkish and Chinese economies resemble each other in the sense that both are characterized by an important level of dynamism and high growth trend. While China has achieved important success in the recent past in terms of sustainable development and increasing welfare for its citizens, Turkey has been determinedly pursuing the goal of taking its place among the highest income countries. Both countries are realizing their industrial and technological potentials more and more every day.
In this vein, economic partnership between Turkey and China is critical not only for the wellbeing of both countries but also for the positive effects it may have to global trade and business.   
Global economic conditions seems blurry these days especially due to the rise in protectionist tendencies in global trade. It isn’t surprising that the World Trade Organization expects merely a 2.6% increase in merchandise trade in 2019, while the IMF reduced its global growth projection for 2019 to 3.5%.   
Restrictive trade measures, coupled with a number of other issues such as the Brexit are certainly putting global economic actors under pressure. However, in today’s globalized economy it is very unrealistic and also somewhat miss-guided to think that a “trade war” can bring reliable economic gains to any particular country. On the contrary, by disrupting the global supply chain and infusing pessimism into international business environment, such discourse and measures adversely affect all nations, one way or another.
Turkey, as always, is willing to contribute to a more cooperative global economic environment. In this sense, we are eager to seize every opportunity to foster trade and investments with China, the EU, the US and all other economic partners.

Turkish Economy
Turkey continues to be one of the most dynamic economies. Currently, it is the 7th largest economy in Europe and 18th in the World. Some of Turkey’s greatest economic assets are its relatively large population, 68% of whom are at working age; its geographical proximity to many critical markets; its Customs Union with the EU and most importantly, the industrious and entrepreneurial spirit of its people. Thanks to these factors and a sound macro-economic policy, Turkey has been enjoying a high growth trend. It has also been one of the most attractive foreign direct investment (FDI) destinations.
The average growth rate has been 5.8% in the last 15 years. Last year, Turkish exports rose by 7% and amounted to 168 billion Dollars. Currently.
Turkey had established its Customs Union with the EU in 1996. After more than 20 years of close economic partnership with the EU, it is now in our agenda to update the Customs Union and extend it to new areas such as services, agriculture and government procurement. This will certainly open up a large area of new business opportunities for Turkish companies as well as foreign investors in Turkey. The EU member countries will benefit from this as well; and that is why the EU Commission has a very positive approach for the Updating process to start as soon as possible.     
While Turkey has attained significant economic success in the recent past, our ultimate goal is to build up on this success and place Turkey among the highest income countries in the soonest time possible. Towards this goal, Turkey emphasizes structural reforms.
Turkey has risen up 17 steps in the World Bank Doing Business Report last year and was placed 43rd. As for the Foreign Trade Index, Turkey moved up 29 steps and became 42nd. Turkey was pointed out as one of the 10 countries that showed most notable improvements.
In 2018, Turkey shifted to Presidential system with a vision to ensure more efficiency in government services. Hence, the public sector is now focusing more on result oriented strategies in economy and other fields. Our government announced the New Economy Program (NEP) in the last quarter of 2018. It has also very recently declared the first part of the structural reform package that is planned to be revealed incrementally and implemented over the next few years towards the centennial of the Turkish Republic in 2023.       
The New Economy Program (NEP) prioritized a low public and household debt, a disciplined fiscal policy, a dynamic and enterprising private sector, open markets and an accelerated decision-making process with the new government system. Likewise, the structural reform package touches upon reinforcing the already sound financial markets as well as important renovations in the social security and tax system.
Thanks to its diversified economy and a persistent emphasis on structural improvements, Turkey and Turkish companies offer lucrative partnership opportunities in almost all sectors.  

Turkey – China Economic Relations
Turkey’s bilateral trade volume with China has almost tripled in the last ten-year period. As of 2018, with a volume of $23,6 billion, China is Turkey’s third biggest trade partner after Germany and Russia. Even though the volume of trade between Turkey and China is significantly high, it has an unbalanced nature: In 2018, Turkey imported $20,7 billion worth of products from China while exporting only $2,9 billion.
In terms of investments, Turkey has attracted $4.3 billion of Chinese investments in particular in finance, energy, logistics and telecom sectors. Considering the dynamics of both economies, China and Turkey should achieve a much higher bilateral investment volume.
The more mobility we provide for our people and business persons for mutual visits between China and Turkey the more chance we get for achieving a higher bilateral business and investment volume. In tourism, around 400 thousand Chinese citizens visited Turkey last year. This is an important figure and we hope that the number of Chinese visitors to Turkey will continue to increase in the coming years. I believe, our global brand, Turkish Airlines, will continue to help this figure increase with more flights. In addition, easing visa requirements and procedures for tourists and business people can have a noticeably positive effect on our business relations.
EXPOs Ahead
We have special preparations for two major events to be held in China in 2019. One is the EXPO 2019 that is going to be realized in Beijing. We believe China will host this major event in the best way possible and Turkey will be happy to participate this prestigious event with a major pavilion.
The other event is the China International Import Expo. Turkish companies showed a significant interest in last year’s trade fair. This year, the number of Turkish participants are expected to increase much more.
Another important event that is foreseen for 2019 is Turkey-China Joint Economic Commission (JEC) Meeting. JEC platform is indeed a very crucial.

| 鲁赫萨尔 佩克詹

编辑 | 张梅

翻译 | 王晓波

  设计 | 孙子悦