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立足自身发展 紧密务实合作

立足自身发展 紧密务实合作

——专访塞舌尔财政、贸易、投资和经济规划部部长莫里斯·卢斯托·拉兰(Maurice Loustau-Lalanne)

文|本刊记者  张梅 翻译|王晓波 

  导 读 


● 提出行动方案 落实峰会成果


分享经验 加强能力建设





提出行动方案 落实峰会成果









⬆塞舌尔首都维多利亚的别墅区(新华社 查春明摄 )



分享经验 加强能力建设





《中国投资》:不久前,您曾说过“塞舌尔目前正在与一些中资银行合作,并希望尽快与其中一家银行签署代理银行协议。”到目前为止,情况如何? 从金融稳定的角度来看,这是否会进一步加强对银行业的保障?










Based on Our Own Development, Seeking Close Practical Cooperation

——Interview with Mr.Maurice Loustau-Lalane, Minister of Finance, Trade, Investment and Economic Planning of Seychelles

By ZhangMei  China Investment    

last eight months, following the successful summit in Beijing, ahead of
state level, they created a strategy and also an action plan of how to
implement. I think we are small islands, and in the text of the joint
statement, you would find that a small island is given special mention
and special attention. That is very encouraging.” On Jun.25, During the
Coordinators’ Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-up Actions of
the Beijing Summit of the Forum on  China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC),
the Minister of Finance, Trade, Investment and Economic Planning of
Seychelles Mr.Maurice Loustau-Lalane told the China Investment reporter.
said, We joined very recently, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU),
but when you look at the old trade routes, you find that Seychelles was
in fact an island stopping location, especially to trade spices between
East and Europe, through Seychelles.

Investment: Minister Maurice Loustau Lalanne, the Forum on China-Africa
Cooperation (the FOCAC Summit) was successful held in September 2018 in
Beijing. What role has the meeting play in China-Africa cooperation,
and more specifically between China and Seychelles?

Maurice Loustau-Lalane:
As you know, President Xi Jinping had a very focused leadership with
regard to putting more money to support the initiatives of the FOCAC. He
put additional 60 billion dollars to the program, and it was up to
Africa to choose projects, which had to be done through feasibility
studies for investment. He had given eight main areas to focus, and as
far as the contentness concern, most of it is to do with infrastructure
improvement, some technology transfer, some capacity building. But what
was very important for us, like Seychelles, which is a very small, very
f, island in the middle of the ocean, and there are all the small island
states, is that for the first time, they considered that they should
also assist vulnerable islands, what they call the peculiarity and
vulnerability of small islands. So we are very excited about this,
because we know that we can access funds. For example, for climate
change adaptation projects, for the blue economy, for the maritime
security, so these are some new areas that has been discussed, which we
feel is going to play a major role in lifting economic development of
some of these island states.

Investment: The joint statement from the follow up meeting on the 2018
Forum on China-Africa Cooperation was just released. What do you make of
the statement? What are some highlights draw most of your attention?

Maurice Loustau-Lalane:
Since last eight months, following the successful summit in Beijing,
ahead of state level, they created a strategy and also an action plan of
how to implement. And what we all agree, all African countries, we all
agree that the implementation of the first phrase of the eight month was
actually quite successful. We all think that the system put in place,
in other words, the working committees, there is following up that has
been done, both by the Chinese side and by the African side, and we are
all in the agreements we have done good progress. Like I said again, I
think we are small islands, and in the text of the joint statement, you
would find that a small island is given special mention and special
attention. That is very encouraging.

⬆Seychelles famous scenic spot—— Port Glaud Waterfall

Investment: Seychelles is one of many nations that sign up to the Belt
and Road Initiative (BRI), how do you understand the initiative?

Maurice Loustau-Lalane: We
joined very recently, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), but when
you look at the old trade routes, you find that Seychelles was in fact
an island stopping location, especially to trade spices between East and
Europe, through Seychelles. So naturally, we are along the old route,
so it is only normal that we are now in the 21st century make sure that
we are part of the initiative. So what does it mean for us? When you
look at Asia and Africa, our islands are geographically placed in the
middle of the ocean, and we play a nature bridge between the two. So
what we can do is to improve our port facilities in Seychelles, so that
goods can come and transit, between Asia, China, and Africa, and transit
through Seychelles, so our port facilities can be upgraded, and we can
play that role. But that’s on the maritime side. But Belt and Road is
not only a land thing, it’s also to do with air. So air transport is
also a link. Under the Belt and Road, air transport is also important.
Linking China through Seychelles to Africa, and other places. So these
are the two areas that we think areas we can benefit, and we are
geographically well located to play that role.

Investment: We know in this year May, Seychelles and China signed two
new agreements in order to advance the nation’s bilateral trading
options and opportunities. Actually, you were there and signed one of
the agreements. Could you tell us more about the newly signed
agreements? And why this timing?

Maurice Loustau-Lalane: The
most recent one we signed, is again under the FOCAC action plan, so it
features in the action plan. And it is four hundred and fifty million
yuan. And this is for projects that is going to necessary improve our,
what I called ‘capacity building’ in Seychelles. So it’s to do with
technical and vocational school that Chinese side would build. It is
also to do with business studies at higher level. So we want to give
skills to our people for them to be able to improve on the economic
side. So this is very important part. The other side is that, China has
invested in Seychelles bilaterally in the education system, in the
health system, and now one big project we have is broadcasting. They are
building us a brand new television and radio house to improve our
access, and through this also Chinese programs would be retransmitted
through Seychelles, also in other languages, so we have this win-win
relationship with China.

recently China and Seychelles signed an agreement, which basically
tries to protect the goods that are send from China to Seychelles so
that it meets the standard. So if you import goods, and sometime we
import from China, not all the time, but sometime the standard of the,
say light bulb, steel, whatever it is, sometime it is not on the
standard, so this agreement we’ve signed is to make sure that on the
Chinese side, they would check the standard of the items that’s been
purchased to send to Seychelles. And I think this is very important,
because it allows us not to waste money, and it allows us to stop making
claims. So it’s essentially to make sure that we have goods so that we
can improve the life of our people in Seychelles.

Investment: On the future of mankind, Chinese President Xi Jinping has
initiated the idea of building a community of shared future for mankind.
What do you think of this concept?

Maurice Loustau-Lalane: He
is absolutely right. There is no point in entering a business
relationship where only one side wins. Basically, what he is saying is
that, both sides should have a win in this. So we don’t do something if
only one side wins. We want to look at the other side, and make sure
that both sides are winning. And that is the basis of the FOCAC, that is
what we are here for, the basis of this relationship with China and
Africa, so that we are all winners at the end of the day.

Investment: On the level of national development, what experiences of
Chinese do you think that African countries may borrow and learn?

Maurice Loustau-Lalane:
I think there are lots of areas where China can export, they know how.
You are very advanced in lots of places. For example, in agriculture, I
think your technology here in farming is a lot higher than for example
in my country. So I think we need to benefit from that technology
transfer. We are a small island, very rocky mountains, and solid is not
very particularly fertilized, so we got to do agriculture in a different
way, and China has that technology that we don’t have it. So I think
this is where we can benefit.

when I say win-win, you see now we can also maybe share with China some
of these experiences that maybe we have, and they don’t have. For
example, in costal management, we are a very small island, very
vulnerable with climate change, and we have seen some of our coastline
getting eroded, and some of these measures we have put in place to
safeguard our coasts, we can share that technology and the idea with
China. So this is what we need to do. There are other places where I
think China is also focused on capacity building. I told you earlier
they are invested in education in Seychelles, even at university level,
they build university for us. But they also take young Seychelles, young
professionals and train them here in China. So they give them
scholarships and train our people at a much higher level, so they can
have the competency to be able to move forward with these newer
technology. So again I think China has a lot that we can take from, and
it is all to do with improving level, we could train them at basic
level, and then we send them to China and they can raise the level.

Investment: Not long ago, you said “Seychelles is currently working
with some Chinese banks and are hoping to sign a correspondent banking
agreement soon with one of them.” How is that going so far? Is that a
move to further safeguards around the banking sector from a financial
stability viewpoint?

Maurice Loustau-Lalane:
Yes, I think we want to see the RMB currency more in our economy, in
Seychelles. We also to want to build a reserve of the RMB in our
country. Because we do get Chinese visitors to Seychelles. And then we
want to facilitate their spending in Seychelles. So one the things we
are doing now, is with banks here that has its own credit card, we want
also have that credit card accepted in our system, so that Chinese
visitors are able to use their own credit cards when they are doing
purchases in Seychelles. So this is what we are doing. Now on
corresponded banking, some Chinese banks were having corresponding banks
links with some of our banks in Seychelles, but you know over time,
it’s getting more and more difficult now, for reasons of money
laundering, tariffs, financing and so on. So we want to develop a better
links, with China so we don’t lose our corresponding banking, because
if we lose the corresponding banking, it is going to put our economy in
jeopardy. Because we reply on lots of importation. We are a small
island, we import visitors. We have more visitors than the local
population. And we cannot afford to have a situation where we no longer
be able to purchase goods from overseas. So it is vital for us that we
have this. So I have a visit the month of August to go to Shanghai to
meet some of those banks, so we can finalize this.

⬆Anse Intendance is the most famous beach on Mahe Island

China Investment: What sectors do you see in growth and opportunities in Seychelles for Chinese investors and businessmen?

Maurice Loustau-Lalane:  I
think in tourism, we must convince Chinese investors to come and build
hotels in Seychelles, also to build restaurants, maybe some other
investment in relation to tourism. That is very important. We need to
make sure that airlines from China fly to Seychelles. Because when you
build a hotel, if you build specifically for Chinese visitors, and other
visitors, you want to make sure that you can bring the Chinese to the
island. So airline is very important. We have open policy in
transportation, we want to encourage the Chinese airlines to fly to
Seychelles, and even go to Africa from Seychelles. And we are willing to
And the other one is being in the ocean, we have a lot of
fish. And we are the number one tuna factory in the world, so some of
our tuna we can export to China. We export very little now, so we can do
this. But at the same time, China has the technology in agriculture, so
I think Chinese investors can come to Seychelles and invest in
agriculture. This is a new endeavor that we want to start. And mainly in
the surrounding facility of the ocean. So we want to do agriculture in
open water, in the sea. China has the technology, so I think they should
come and invest. Very soon we will launch our policy on agriculture,
and I think Chinese investors should come and take part.

also have a lot of Chinese companies. Now there is a big Chinese
company building our dam for water. We want to increase our water
capacity, and it’s Chinese company that has won the international open
tender. We are financing it, but it’s a Chinese company that’s building
it. We are very proud, because you have the expertise, you have the
knowledge, and you can build a project like that, which is very
important for us. So there could be also some specific construction that
we would invite the Chinese companies to take part when we do the
international tender.

China Investment: Why do you pick Chinese companies rather than others?

Maurice Loustau-Lalane: When
we have international tender out, we would like Chinese companies to
apply. I think one of the reasons, for example, the dam project, which
is a big project, it’s one hundred nineteen million of Seychelles’
Rupee. When tendered, Chinese companies are the most competitive, so
that is one reason. They are very competitive simply because they have
the technology, and they have done similar projects here in China, so
they know because they have done it before. So we are buying their
experiences, they know how, and it is the most effective. The other
thing sometime is that, China gives you financing, which is better. It’s
a cheaper financing you can get, that’s where you should go for. And
sometime when you blend commercial interest loan, with some ground
financing, and some concessional financing, you put it all together, you
will find that the Chinese money sometime is more competitive than

  文  |   张   梅

编辑  张   梅

设计  |  李玉丹