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China-Africa Joint Contribution of the BRI is on the Momentum

In December 2020, H.E.Mr.He Lifeng, Chairman of the National Development
and Reform Commission, and H.E.Mr.Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of
the African Union Commission, jointly signed the "Cooperation Plan
between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the African
Union on Jointly Promoting the Building of the Belt and Road
Initiative." This Cooperation Plan is the first of its kind in terms of
cooperation under the Belt and Road between China and a regional
international organization like African Union. It will enhance the
in-depth integration of the BRI with the AU’s Agenda 2063 by opening a
brand new chapter in high-quality joint contribution of the BRI between
China and Africa. 

Africais a natural and historical extension of the BRI and an indispensable
and important part of the BRI international cooperation. The Belt and
Road Initiative is highly compatible with the AU’s Agenda 2063 and the
development strategies of African countries. China-Africa’s joint
contribution of the BRI brings tangible development dividends to both
the Chinese and African people and also adds new dimensions to the
China-Africa Comprehensive Strategic and Cooperative Partnership.
Rwandan President Paul Kagame and many other African leaders highly
appreciated that the BRI has brought important opportunities for African
development. Rahamtalla Mohamed Osman, the AU representative to China,
said that the BRI and the AU's Agenda 2063 share a common vision, which
meets the development needs of African countries and will definitely
play a role in that regard. Recently, China signed a memorandum of
understanding for cooperation under Belt and Road, respectively with the
Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of Botswana,
increasing the total number of African countries that signed the BRI
cooperation documents to 46. The family of China-Africa joint
contribution of the BRI keeps growing.

The policy coordination between China and Africa on jointly building the
BRI has continued to deepen. Since President Xi Jinping proposed the
Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, African countries and the AU
Commission have actively responded to the BRI and promoted the alignment
of China-Africa development strategies. At present, China and Africa
are strengthening policy dialogues, detailing development plans and
quantifying cooperation goals in many fields such as infrastructure
construction and energy resource development, providing guidance for
China-Africa practical cooperation. China will establish a coordination
mechanism for the BRI cooperation with the AU Commission in a bid to
effectively link the related executive departments and resources of both
sides, establish channels and mechanisms for exchanges, communication
and consultation, and solve problems encountered in planning and
executing projects in a timely manner, thus promoting the smooth
implementation of the Cooperation Plan under Belt and Road.

The facility connectivity China and Africa have jointly built under the BRI
has been fruitful. Infrastructure deficit is a major bottleneck
restraining the development of Africa. China has built more than 6,000
kilometers of both railways and highways in Africa, nearly 20 ports and
more than 80 large-scale power facilities, and a large number of BRI
flagship projects such as the Addis Ababa–Djibouti Railway,
Mombasa–Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway, Mombasa Port, etc. have been
completed and put into operation. These infrastructure projects play an
important role in the process of industrialization and economic
transformation in Africa. China is working with Africa to jointly
formulate the China-Africa Infrastructure Cooperation Plan to support
Chinese enterprises in participating in Africa’s infrastructure
development through the investment-construction-operation model. The two
sides will focus on strengthening cooperation on energy, transport,
information, telecommunications and cross-border water resources. China
and Africa will join hands to implement a number of key connectivity

Unimpededtrade boosted by China-Africa BRI cooperation has enjoyed sustainable
development. China has been Africa's largest trading partner for 11
consecutive years, contributing more than 20% to Africa's economic
growth in many years, and is expected to maintain this position as
Africa’s largest trading partner for a 12th consecutive year. In 2019,
the pilot zone for China-Africa in-depth economic and trade cooperation
was announced in Hunan Free Trade Zone, and the first China-Africa
Economic and Trade Expo was held in Changsha, China in the same year.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Chinese and African companies encouraged
the export of African specialty products to China through cross-border
e-commerce platforms and online promotion activities. Ms. Vera Songwe,
Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa of the United
Nations, joined a live streaming session with more than 10 million
viewers to sell Rwandan coffee. Last year, the third China International
Import Expo held an online "cloud promotion conference" specifically
for Africa. In January this year, the Free Trade Agreement between the
Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the
Republic of Mauritius came into effect. China has also decided to
provide cash assistance to the Secretariat of the African Continental
Free Trade Area to support its operation.

⬆ Au headquarters

Financial integration of China-Africa BRI construction has been on steady growth.
In 2019, the total Chinese FDI in Africa reached US$49.1 billion, grown
by almost 100-fold compared to that in the year of 2000. China stands
ready to provide financing for China-Africa BRI cooperation through
multiple channels including the BRI special loans, the Silk Road Fund,
China-Africa Development Fund, China-Africa Industrial Capacity
Cooperation Fund. As of August 2020, the China-Africa Development Fund
has invested more than US$5.4 billion in 37 African countries. The
investment projects cover infrastructure, production capacity
cooperation, agriculture and people’s livelihood, energy and minerals,
and other fields, prompting Chinese companies to invest US$26 billion in
Africa. In order to help Africa withstand the impact of the pandemic
and deal with cash flow shortages, China has signed debt suspension
agreements with 12 African countries, waived 15 African countries'
interest-free loans due by the end of 2020, while actively promoting the
international community, in particular the G20, to extend the
applicable duration of Debt Service Suspension Initiative. 

People-to-peoplebond has never been stronger under the China-Africa BRI cooperation.
The China-Africa Institute was established in 2019. The China-Africa
Think Tank Forum, the People’s Forum, the Press Center and the Youth
Festival, and other people-to-people exchange mechanisms have been
playing a greater role as bridges of friendship. China has provided
about 120,000 government scholarships to African countries, and
established 61 Confucius Institutes and 48 Confucius Classrooms in 46
countries in Africa. There are 34 African countries listed as outbound
tourist destinations for Chinese citizens, and there are 150 pairs of
sister cities between China and Africa. In 2019, residents on the
Chinese mainland made over 606,000 visits to Africa. The traditional
friendship between China and Africa is deeply rooted in the hearts of
the people. In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, China and Africa have
extended hands to each other, fully demonstrating the brotherhood of the
Chinese and African people.

At present, the unprecedented pandemic and the great change unseen in the
100 years are intertwined and resonant. China and Africa are faced with
the arduous task of containing the pandemic, realizing economic growth,
and ensuing the people's livelihood. At the same time, both China and
Africa will enter a new stage of development. 2021 is the first year for
China's 14th Five-Year Plan. China has decided to foster a new
development paradigm with a dual domestic and international
circulations, which will provide more opportunities to Africa. 2021 also
marks the first year of operation of the African Continental Free Trade
Area, which will form a tremendous market covering more than 1.2
billion people and a GDP of 2.5 trillion US dollars. African economic
integration and regional economic integration will give China-Africa
economic and trade cooperation more room for growth. 

China and Africa enjoy a high level of political trust and are not only
“strong allies” but also strategic partners with their economies being
highly complementary to each other. Both China and Africa should take
the high-quality jointly building of BRI as a starting point to build on
the achievement and further upgrade and enhance China-Africa
cooperation. China will work with the AU and African countries under the
direction recently pointed out by Chinese President Xi Jinping for
international cooperation on the BRI. We’ll build the BRI into a road of
cooperation with unity against challenges, a road of heath to safeguard
people’s health and safety, a road of recovery to win back economic and
social development, and a road of growth to unleash development
potentials. China is willing to continue to synergize development
strategies with Africa, encourage Chinese companies to invest more in
the continent, actively implement cooperation projects that benefit
people’s livelihoods, and tap into cooperation potential in areas such
as free trade zones, digital economy, poverty reduction, industrial and
supply chain connectivity, and climate change, etc, to continuously
foster new cooperation momentum.

At the beginning of this new year, Chinese State Councilor and Minister of
Foreign Affairs Wang Yi visited five African countries, continuing the
tradition of the Chinese Foreign Minister paying the first annual visit
to Africa for 31 consecutive years. Such a practice fully attests to how
China highly values Africa, the unbreakable friendship between the two
sides, as well as China’s commitment to supporting the development and
revitalization of African countries. This year the Forum on China-Africa
Cooperation (FOCAC) will host a new meeting and the China-Africa
Comprehensive Strategic and Cooperative Partnership is expected to reach
a new height. "The water’s wide and the sail hangs with gentle wind.”
China-Africa's high-quality joint construction of the BRI will surely
seize the trend of the times, ride the wind and waves, and push
China-Africa relations toward a better future.

The Chinese Mission to the African Union
is willing to play a role as a bridge to connect the governments,
enterprises, think tanks and so on from both China and Africa, promote
communication, exchanges and cooperation between the two sides, and
contribute to further advancing China-Africa comprehensive strategic and
cooperative partnership and striving for high-quality joint constribution of the BRI.

 编辑 | 张梅 

设计 | 大米