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深入合作 促“国家十年发展规划”落地——专访布隆迪驻华大使马丁·姆巴祖穆蒂马(Martin Mbazumutima)


两国需要进一步对接发展理念,深化务实合作,特别是在能源、基础设施、农业、旅游业、数字化和信息通讯技术领域。希望中方进一步参与布隆迪“国家十年发展规划” (2018-2027年)的实施




“新一届中非合作论坛将深入探讨一带一路倡议。在“一带一路”框架下,非洲得以挖掘自身诸多资源禀赋,开展互联互通基础设施建设。”布隆迪驻华大使马丁·姆巴祖穆蒂马(Martin Mbazumutima )对本刊记者说,“展望未来,中非有望在医疗、数字经济、环保、能源、基础设施互联互通和安全领域深化合作,建设更强大、更具向心力的中非大家庭。”

2月1日,布隆迪驻华大使马丁·姆巴祖穆蒂马(Martin Mbazumutima )接受本刊记者采访,在谈到两国合作未来前景时,大使阁下表示,“布方最大的期盼莫过于布中合作持续向好,通过中非合作论坛与一带一路不断深化合作。希望中方能进一步参与布隆迪“国家十年发展规划”落地实施中。”



马丁·姆巴祖穆蒂马(Martin Mbazumutima):毋庸置疑,中非合作论坛为中国与非洲之间的双多边合作提供了深化交流的战略性合作框架。









⬆ 布隆迪(图片提供:CFP)



马丁·姆巴祖穆蒂马(Martin Mbazumutima):非洲内部贸易不活跃一直是制约非洲经济发展的一大瓶颈,内部贸易额仅占非洲总贸易额的16%到18%,远低于欧洲和亚洲。








马丁·姆巴祖穆蒂马(Martin Mbazumutima):面对复杂的国际形势和实现可持续发展的难题,布隆迪需要不断调整优先事项,把握人民需求的脉搏,厘清经济增长的轨迹,从而合理调配资源,改善农业生产条件,推进基础设施现代化,促进年轻人口就业,保护生态系统。




马丁·姆巴祖穆蒂马(Martin Mbazumutima):1963年12月21日,布隆迪共和国与中华人民共和国建立外交关系,布隆迪成为第12个与中国建交的非洲国家。




马丁·姆巴祖穆蒂马(Martin Mbazumutima):习近平主席曾提出,基础设施落后是阻碍非洲发展的主要瓶颈,因此非洲能够在“一带一路”倡议中获益。非洲参与到“一带一路”倡议中,能利用溢出效应,吸引更多农业、工业和旅游业的投资,与基础设施项目并行发展,进而提升非洲地区总体的贸易竞争力。



马丁·姆巴祖穆蒂马(Martin Mbazumutima):现阶段,面对21世纪新一轮科学技术变革,中非应携手利用好数字经济发展的溢出效应,数字经济有望成为非洲经济跨越式发展的重要引擎,布方希望2021年在塞内加尔举行的中非合作论坛给予数字经济足够重视。

布方最大的期盼莫过于希望布中合作持续向好,通过两大现有平台——中非合作论坛与“一带一路”倡议不断深化合作关系。布隆迪“国家十年发展规划” (2018-2027年) 是依照联合国2030年可持续发展目标、非盟《2063年议程》以及布隆迪的资源禀赋制定的,布方希望中方能进一步参与到该战略规划的落地实施中。

Promote Implementation of National Ten-Year Development Plan

“TheForum could rely on‘Belt and Road Initiative’ which offers an ideal
framework for multilateralism, framework for the creation of various
wealth, and interconnectivity infrastructures on the African Continent,”
said H.E.Martin Mbazumutima, the ambassador of Burundi to China, to our
reporter at China Investment magazine, “In the prospects, certainly we
should expect China-Africa cooperation in the areas of health, digital,
green development, energy, infrastructures connectivity and security,
for the construction of an even stronger and more focused China-Africa
community, towards a shared future.”

H.E.Martin Mbazumutima, the ambassador of Burundi to China, received an
interview with China Investment magazine on February 1st, 2021. In
speaking of the prospects of future cooperation between Burundi and
China, His Excellency stated, “Our deepest hope is that, the cooperation
between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Burundi
continues to be excellent and be strengthened through the two existing
platforms such as FSAC and BELT AND ROAD. We also hope that China will
be more involved in the implementation of Burundi’s National Economic
Development Plan 2018-2027.”

China Investment: In
2021,China Africa cooperation enters its 21st year, and the Forum on
China-Africa Cooperation will be held in Africa. What do you think is
the significance of this meeting?What problems need to be solved?What
goals have been achieved?In which areas will China and Africa cooperate?

H.E. Martin Mbazumutima: Undoubtedly,
Sino-African Cooperation is a platform   which offers a strategic and
deepening exchange framework, of bilateral and multilateral Sino African

In this way, It’s holding in Dakar in 2021, remains a decisive turning
point, especially in terms of reviving African post pandemic economy, a
pandemic, that has shaken both African economies, and beyond the world

In Dakar, major decisions, if not orientations, are certainly expected.
After the Beijing Summit in 2018, that of Dakar remains crucial, in
terms of recovery of economy for Africa. 

Inshort, we can say, that the challenges remain colossal and numerous for
the African countries, which need an economic and rapid recovery, if we
take into account for example the debts that many African countries are
facing , insufficient  health , energy, technology, and transport
infrastructures and so on.

Beyond that, the Chinese experience in the field of development and the fight
against poverty, can greatly inspire the Dakar Ministerial Conference,
and above all, the Forum could rely on the” XI Jinping’s “Belt and Road
Initiative” which offers an ideal framework for multilateralism,
framework for the creation of various wealth, and interconnectivity
infrastructures on the African Continent, and beyond the World. 

China Africa cooperation enters its 21st year, it is the ideal and the very
moment, to take balance sheet of Sino-African cooperation, over the 20
years of creation of the Forum on Sino-African Cooperation. 

Andso, the year 2020 marked the 20th anniversary of the Forum on Sino African Cooperation.

Twentyyears ago, at the dawn of the new century, China and Africa united by
fraternal friendship, established the Forum on Sino-African Cooperation,
following the trend of peace and development, by raising the flag of
mutually beneficial cooperation high. Since then, the great China-Africa
family has had its plate-form for collective dialogue and its own
mechanism of pragmatic cooperation, and Sino- African relations have
entered a new phase of development. 

The past twenty years have been marked by common commitments and concrete
results under the guidance of FSAC. And Sino-African relations have
risen to the level of a new type of partnership initially, then to that,
to a strategic partnership of new type in a second step, before being
brought today, to the level of global strategic cooperation partnership
in a third step. 

In 2019 the balance sheet  of Chinese direct investment in Africa amounted
to 49,1billion US dollars, it is 100 times higher than that of 2000,
and the volume of Sino-African trade amounted to 208,7 billion US
dollars, it is 20 times higher than that of 2000 to name but a few.  In
short over the past two decades China has built the African Union Center
in Addis Ababa, over 6000km of railroads, 6000km of roads, from all
around 20 ports, and over 80 hydropower plants under Belt and Road
Initiative, ten cooperative projects and eight initiatives proposed by
China, in brief over the two decades bilateral trade with China has
enabled Africa to take an upward trajectory towards prosperity. 

Of course in the prospects, certainly we should expect China Africa
cooperation in the areas of health, digital, green development, energy,
infrastructures connectivity and security, for the construction of an
even stronger and more focused China Africa community, towards a shared

ChinaInvestment: In January 2021,  the African Continental Free Trade Area
was officially implemented.What effect will play on the development of
the African Continent?What does the African continental Free trade Area
means for promoting China Africa cooperation?What is the promotion of
Burundi’s development?

H.E. Martin Mbazumutima: One
of the obstacles to African’s economic development has long been the
low rate of intra African trade which currently represents 16 to 18% of
African’s total trade, a percentage much lower than that of Europe or

So, the African Continental Free Trade Area is to promote intra African
trade, by improving market, accessibility to gradual elimination of
custom duties, the elimination of trade barriers, the harmonization of
custom laws and practices, and the strengthening of cooperation and

Here,the African Union aims for a progressive liberalization, which in long
term will pave the way for custom union and regional integration,
promoting the free movement of persons and capitals, furthermore, the
African Continental Free Trade Area, should cement the type of unity,
which is a sine qua non prerequisite for Agenda 2063 to be full

Let us remember that the African Continental Free Trade Area has the
potential to increase trade by some 52 per cent by 2022, according to
the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. 

It is true, with African Continental Free Trade Area; the removal of trade
barriers is an important step, for the transformation and development
of Africa, which offers both Africa and China, a golden opportunity to
exploit their economic potential, which will breathe new life into Sino
African cooperation, and will allow their relations to reach new

In this context, before  Burundi which is known as  a landlocked
country faces  with the hassle of tariff barriers, and complex customs
formalities, but with AFCTA, Burundi will constitute an important
crossroads for trade and could be an important node for Africa for the
connectivity in Africa of rail, road, and air infrastructures and even
communication, which will at that time being, be in our opinion, engines
of growth and economic development in Burundi particularly and Africa
in general.

⬆ On March 12, 2019, experts from Chinese agricultural expert team to
Burundi inspect a demonstration field of Chinese hybrid rice in Ninga
Village, Bubanza Province in Northwest Burundi. (Xinhua/Lv Tianran)

China Investment: What  are the challenges facing Burundi’s economic
Development? What measures does the government have to deal with the
challenge?Development plan?The key areas that the government encourages

H.E.Martin Mbazumutima:
In the complex world and the struggle for the  sustainable development,
Burundi constantly faces the issue and challenges, of identifying the
priorities of its people and defining the trajectory of its growth, in
order to best reconcile the improvement of agriculture production, the
modernization of basic infrastructure, the creation of jobs for young
people, and the preservation of ecosystems. 

Itis in this context, that the Government has adopted a new strategic
planning instrument, to lead Burundi towards emergence by 2027; it is
the ten years National Development Plan of Burundi (PND 2018-2027).

The long term objective of this plan, aims to restore the structural
balances of the Burundian economy, through the strengthening of food
self sufficiency, and the diversification of exports through the
promotion of agro industrial commercial and extractive companies ,
development of the energy and art sector , the construction and
maintenance of infrastructure to support growth, the improvement of
access to basic social services such as education, health and social
protection , continuation of environmental protection programs and land
use planning, improvement of financial governance and decentralization ,
development of regional and international partnership.  

ChinaInvestment: How is the cooperation between Burundi and China
progressing?In which key areas   has the cooperation has the cooperation
archived good results?Where do you hope to continue further in depth

H.E.Martin Mbazumutima: Burundi
and the People’s Republic of China established their diplomatic
relations in 1963 December 21st   and Burundi was in this way the 12th
country of Africa to establish such diplomatic relations with China.

Since then, diplomatic relations between the Republic of Burundi and the
People’s Republic of China have continued to strengthen and reached new
levels at the bilateral as well as at the multilateral level, in various
fields such as economic, education, commerce, ICT and social. 

Without being exhaustive, the field of cooperation is vast from diplomacy to
education including economic exchanges, infrastructures, information and
communication techniques. Burundi has also cooperation with China in
agriculture and in health fields.

China Investment: What are the effects of the Belt and Road Initiative on the
development of Africa?What changes has brought to the development of

H.E.Martin Mbazumutima:
On the Belt and road Initiative, His Excellency Xi Jinping spoke of
Africa to benefit from the project as insufficient infrastructure is the
main obstacle to development of Africa, and participation in the
project, will highlight potential spin-offs such as increased investment
in industry, agriculture industries, tourism, in parallel with
infrastructure projects, and also will promote trade competitive at the
continental level. 

Ofcourse, for Burundi what  is essential is that Burundi and China,
further align their development ideas and strengthen practical
cooperation in a mutually beneficial spirit and within the framework of
the Belt and Road Initiative and the eight major measures  initiatives
announced at the Forum on Sino African Cooperation, particularly in the
fields of energy infrastructure agriculture tourism and digital and ICT,
otherwise Burundi is willing to accelerate the joint construction of
the Belt and Road and welcomes Chinese companies and investors, who are
ready to invest in Burundi for mutually beneficial cooperation.

ChinaInvestment: What do you think of China Africa cooperation and the future of Burundi China cooperation?

H.E. Martin Mbazumutima:
In the current time, China and Africa should coordinate cooperative
efforts to take advantage of the spillover effects of the digital
economy of the 21st century, which will be the century of scientific and
technological innovation, which should be growth engines for a great
leap forward in the economic development of the African continent, and
our hope is that the FSAC which will be held in Dakar this year attaches
importance to it.

Also, our deepest hope is that, the cooperation between the People’s Republic
of China and the Republic of Burundi continues to be excellent and be
strengthened through the two existing platforms such as FSAC and BELT
AND ROAD. We also hope that China will be more involved in the
implementation of Burundi’s National Economic Development Plan
2018-2027, which  is in accordance with the sustainable development
goals of the United Nations to be reached in 2030, the African Union
2063 Agenda, and takes into account the country’s resources.

 编辑 | 张   梅

  翻译 | 齐晓彤

 设计 | 大   米