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El Salvador: Land of opportunities for investment and business萨尔瓦多:投资和经商的机会之地

By H.E. Aldo Alvarez,  Ambassador of the Republic of El Salvador to China
文|阿尔多·阿尔瓦雷斯(Aldo Alvarez)   萨尔瓦多共和国驻华大使            翻译|王晓波            图片提供|萨尔瓦多共和国驻华大使馆
















⬆ Port of Acajutla, located on the west coast of the country in the Pacific Ocean, managed by the Executive Commission of Autonomous Port (CEPA).

Country Profile

The Republic of El Salvador is a country that is located in the heart of the Americas, It is the cradle of exuberant nature, cultural beauty, and pleasant hospitality which makes it a very attractive destination. Located in Central America, it is bordered to the north and east by Honduras, to the west and northwest by Guatemala, and to the south by the Pacific Ocean. It is the smallest country in the continental area of Central America and its capital and largest city is San Salvador, a modern metropolis with almost two million inhabitants.    

This beautiful country offers its visitors 321 kilometers of beaches on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, majestic volcanoes, peaceful rivers, and lakes, and an extensive system of national parks and reserves, in addition to all the culture of its colonial towns and archaeological parks, a vestige of past rich in history and the smile found in its inhabitants.


Diplomatic Relations With The People’s Republic Of China

With the establishment of diplomatic relations in August 2018, an important milestone in the history of the bilateral relationship was marked, opening the door to strengthening mutual trust, expanding exchanges and cooperation based on mutual respect and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs to further promote bilateral relations to a new level.

El Salvador recognizes the one-China principle and supports China in achieving peaceful reunification and trusts that through people-to-people exchanges and mutual understanding it will be the basis for building a solid and comprehensive social foundation for the durable, healthy, and stable development of bilateral relations.

Currently, the People’s Republic of China promotes in El Salvador different initiatives and cooperation projects in sectors such as infrastructure, water purification, and sanitation, agriculture, tourism, culture, sports, commerce, among others.


EL SALVADOR: An attractive destination to invest 

The Republic of El Salvador has spent nearly three decades designing and implementing reforms that contribute to the modernization and opening of its economy to international trade and investment. For this reason, it has established free trade agreements to access the world’s large markets, promoted economic and commercial integration in the region, and implemented the adoption of the dollar as the national currency.

Another interesting aspect of the nation is its modern port, airport, and road infrastructure, which makes it easier for the nation’s companies to execute their logistics operations efficiently, in fact, the World Economic Forum highlights them among the most competitive in South and Central America.

On the other hand, every day more businessmen arrive in the country attracted by Salvadoran human talent, characterized by its great capacity for performance, efficiency, and work ethic, which is also capable of easily adapting to new market needs, qualities that are highly appreciated by companies incorporated in the nation. The country’s labor force is made up of 3.1 million people, of which 54.3% are under 40 years of age, which shows a young population with high production standards that is efficient in manufacturing activities, agribusiness, and the provision of services.

Through the dollarization of its economy in 2001, El Salvador created a reliable scenario for investors, who also benefit from incentive schemes that offer exemptions on income tax, municipal, and real estate transfer, as well as rights Tariffs and other taxes on the importation of machinery, equipment, and articles used in the production processes of goods and services.

The nation’s strategic location also plays an important role in its logistics segment that makes it easy for them to receive and ship goods to North and South America. In addition to having the same time zone as the central zone of the United States (CST), it allows them to offer a bi-oceanic corridor, proximity to the Trans-Pacific route, and the Panama Canal.


Strategic Logistics Point

Being located in Central America, El Salvador borders Guatemala, Honduras, the Gulf of Fonseca, and the Pacific Ocean, and this strategic position makes it an important regional distribution center, ideal for companies that need to distribute their products in the Central American market.

This is how the country, in addition to having an excellent and up-to-date legal framework, has a modern port and airport infrastructure that makes it easier for companies to carry out their logistics procedures efficiently so that its Service Parks and Regional Logistics Operators are key players in the activities of the national and regional logistics sector.

Currently, the Government is advancing initiatives contemplated in the Cuscatlán Plan to improve and consolidate our nation as a regional logistics center, where both national and foreign organizations generate jobs for the Salvadoran population and in turn contribute to the growth of its economy.

For example, the Government is now working on the modernization and expansion of its Port of Acajutla, to quadruple its total scope and enhance its cargo and logistics capacity. This year, through the structure, about 3,215,721 metric tons of imports and exports were mobilized and attention to ships increased by 8.97%.

El Salvador has a robust road and maritime infrastructure, which is essential for its logistics corridors, since the country’s ports, highways, and airports move cargo from North America to Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

On the other hand, the segment of international services (offshoring and outsourcing), benefits from the location of El Salvador because they share the same time zone as the central zone of the United States (CST, GMT-6) and this makes them an ideal point for the provision of remote business services and the maintenance of commercial aircraft.


Economic Stability

El Salvador has managed to consolidate one of the most stable economies in Latin America and specialized in exports. It has a dynamic business environment structured with solid macroeconomic foundations and strong government institutions, which have fostered healthy competition and international integration, which has allowed both improving the quality of life of Salvadorans, as well as promoting the economic development of the country.

According to the Central Reserve Bank (BCR), El Salvador is a safe destination to invest, in fact, in the first half of 2021, the country reached $135 million in direct investment, that is, an increase of 84.9%, compared to the previous year, which evidenced an interesting process of Salvadoran economic recovery. Among the benefited sectors are manufacturing, finance and insurance, commerce, and information and communications.

In this way, both investors and businessmen who come to the country are an important source of technological development and job creation, a vital aspect for strengthening the nation.

Since the dollarization of the economy of El Salvador in 2001, the country offers investors an environment of great monetary stability, thanks to the elimination of exchange risk, as well as its low inflation.


Strategic Alliances

Since joining the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1991, El Salvador has signed regional and bilateral trade agreements that have given it preferential access to new markets by applying tariff reductions to trade in goods and services. Thanks to this, it has been possible to establish solid relations with important trading partners, increasing the value of Salvadoran exports and diversifying destination markets, taking advantage of its robust logistics sector, appreciated by countries interested in increasing trade and investment flows.

The free trade agreements signed by El Salvador with various countries facilitate access to a potential market of 1,200 million customers around the world, thus our nation has the following treaties in force:

EU-Central America Association Agreement
CAFTA-DR with the United States
FTA with Mexico
FTA with the Dominican Republic
FTA with Chile
General Treaty of Central American Economic Integration
FTA with Colombia
FTA with Panama
SPA with Cuba
PSA with Ecuador
FTA with South Korea


Productive Workforce

The Salvadoran labor market is characterized by constant evolution and training of its population of productive age. According to the Household and Multiple Purpose Survey (EHPM) last year,  the Working Age Population (PET) in El Salvador represented around 2.9 million people.

It can be seen that this population of active age, located in the range of 16 to 39 years old, represents 52.7%, while people between 40 to 59 years old reach 29.0%. Regarding the location of the PET, 63.4% reside in the urban area and 36.6% in the rural area.

This shows that its workforce is highly productive and capable of developing new skills in a short time, which is ideal for manufacturing, agribusiness, and service activities.

Salvadoran professionals are ready to join the productive sectors of the country, where annually nearly 200,000 new technicians and professionals will enter the labor market. El Salvador has 40 technical and higher education institutions: universities, specialized and technical institutes.


Support For Foreign Investment

The Government of El Salvador has understood the importance of investment in development, the strengthening of its economy, and the modernization of the country, for this reason, it has established a series of government policies that, through an interesting system of incentives, encourage foreign investment. and among which are: the Investment Law, the Industrial and Trade Law Free Zones, the International Services Law, Fiscal Incentives for the Promotion of the Renewable Energy Law, the Law for the Reactivation of Exports, the Special Law on Public-Private Associations and the Investment Funds Law, the Law on Legal Stability for Investments and the Tourism Law.

This regulatory framework seeks to encourage investment, especially foreign investment, to contribute to the economic and social development of the country, increasing its productivity, generating employment, promoting the export of goods and services, and promoting the diversification of national production.

The Government is working to continue guaranteeing a favorable business climate for investment, advancing the implementation of public policies in the areas of security, economy, technology, and innovation, as well as in the development of infrastructure for the development of productive activities in a sustainable way successful.


Sectors Of Interest And Market Opportunities

These are the sectors that offer the most investment opportunities in the country and that have the support of the government for their development.

The internationally renowned industrial sector
The textile industry in El Salvador is one of the main engines of its development. In fact, this segment contributed $2,167.1 million to its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which shows a growth of 27.4%, compared to the previous year.

This good positioning is largely due to the integration process of the industry where all the productive activities of the textile and clothing chain were incorporated, from the production of fibers, the manufacture, and finishing of yarns and fabrics, the design, cutting, and processing of garments and logistics.

For its part, the Chamber of Textiles (CAMTEX), emphasizes the importance of the textile industry within the Salvadoran economy, already in recent years, it has achieved participation between 40 and 46%. Likewise, this segment is an important generator of jobs, in fact, so far this year the industry generated 21.3% of the jobs, that is 186,110 jobs.

Given that El Salvador exports textiles and clothing to more than 50 countries, it is positioned as one of the most attractive and profitable textile and clothing centers to invest in Latin America, thanks to its proximity to the large consumers of North and South America, its profitable production costs and highly qualified labor.

Service outsourcing service
For several years, the remote business services industry (SED) in El Salvador has achieved significant growth to the point of positioning itself as one of the most profitable platforms in Central America for the provision of quality outsourcing services. Currently, the country is home to a large number of companies with international prestige, which generate more than 16,000 direct jobs, and 11,000 workstations and represent more than 55 local and foreign companies.

El Salvador has an innovative telecommunications infrastructure through which they can deliver service solutions in various regions and delivery models. Currently, the Government is working to create a technological ecosystem with an offer in corporate offices, BPOs, call centers, data centers, software development, and programming businesses. This complex, which will be called Altius Tech Park, is a technology park that will be inaugurated at the end of 2022, in Ciudad Arce, La Libertad, and will have an initial investment of $30 million.

In El Salvador, there is an international services law that provides tax incentives to companies dedicated to providing services to foreign clients. The companies that establish themselves in parks or service centers will benefit from exemptions in municipal and income taxes, exemption from customs duties, and other taxes on the importation of equipment, machinery, spare parts, accessories and other goods necessary for the execution of the activity encouraged.

Tourism potential
El Salvador has a promising hotel, gastronomic, and shopping offer, including outstanding road connectivity and proximity between multiple tourist attractions. Thanks to its total area of 21,000 km2 and a coastline of 307 km, the tourism sector offers the possibility of practicing activities such as surfing, hiking, diving, or visiting archaeological parks or museums.

Additionally, the medical tourism segment seeks to be recognized as an ideal destination for the establishment of hospitals and specialized clinics, to serve patients residing in the United States and Canada.

Salvadoran legislation determines that a company with a minimum investment of USD 25,000 can be declared a tourism project of national interest and opt for benefits such as total exemptions from the real estate transfer tax for the acquisition of real estate that will be used for the project, income tax, partial exemption from municipal taxes, among others.

The Government is currently carrying out an emblematic project called “Surf City”, with which it seeks to turn El Salvador into a tourist destination specialized in surfing and promote its beaches in Ahuachapán, Sonsonate, La Libertad, La Paz, San Miguel, and Usulután. With this, it also seeks to strengthen the road infrastructure, pedestrian paths, markets, and medical centers.


El Salvador Pushing The Technology Frontier

With the adoption of Bitcoin as a second currency in the country, El Salvador has positioned itself at the forefront of financial technology. Internally, it has provided the financially excluded population access to payments and savings services, with the potential to transform the lives of Salvadorans in a very short period. New investments are flourishing in sectors such as technology and tourism, creating new sources of employment.

The Government is also going through a fast-paced digital transformation, reducing red tape, one of the greater barriers to economic growth in the past. This has resulted in agile services for the establishment, operation, and expansion of local and foreign firms.

El Salvador is setting the ground to become the host of technology and digital services investments shortly. By creating an enabling legal framework, providing tax breaks, and ensuring digital connectivity and quality energy services, El Salvador aims at becoming a Digital Nation. A nation where successful startups are born, and local and foreign technology companies can grow. Referring to the Government´s work in this space, a Salvadoran technology service provider, recently stated “Never in my life I´ve seen this level of initiative. We are headed the right way. It makes me proud”.
Through partnerships with multinational companies like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft; and higher education institutions throughout the country, the Government is educating, training, and upskilling youth to generate today’s and future talent and improve the quality of life of our population.    

It is projected that by 2030, there will be a global shortage of more than 85 million tech workers, and El Salvador will be prepared to benefit from this opportunity.


Ambassador’s Final Words

Dear friends, as you can see, El Salvador is a great country to invest in and do business in, not only because of all the competitive advantages and the excellent business environment but also because of the attractive tax incentives and the special treatment that is given from the governmental spheres to potential investors.

El Salvador is also a country with an enviable geographical position in the American continent because it is located in the heart of the center of the Americas, which allows very easy, fast, and low-cost exports to the North American and South America markets.

Also, because El Salvador is known as the “Land of volcanoes” we have a high potential for energy exploitation of this resource of clean energy, as well as being a country with a sea coast that covers practically the entire country, the possibility of investment in the industry of seafood products is vast.

Nor can we leave aside the warmth and hospitality of its inhabitants, who always show a spirit that tends to receive foreign investments and businesses with great joy and goodwill for cooperation. So, for these and many other reasons, El Salvador has become a very attractive business and investment destination, which is why I invite you to consider our country as the best investment option in the American continent and beyond. Thank you so much.







⬆ 圣萨尔瓦多(首都)及其令人印象深刻的火山全景

















































萨尔瓦多拥有领先的电信基础设施,通过这些基础设施,可以为不同地区和各种交付模式提供服务解决方案。目前,政府正在创建一个技术生态系统,为公司办公室、商务流程外包、呼叫中心、数据中心、软件开发和编程业务提供服务。这样一个综合体将被称为Altius科技园,将于2022年底在拉利伯塔德的Ciudad Arce举行开工仪式,前期投资需要3000万美元。

















