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China-Laos Railway: 2023 Great Investment Opportunities in Lao PDR老中铁路带动巨大投资机会

By H.E. Mme. Khamphao ERNTHAVANH,   Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Lao PDR to China
文|坎葆·恩塔万(Khamphao ERNTHAVANH)   老挝人民民主共和国驻华大使            翻译|王晓波            图片提供|老挝人民民主共和国驻华大使馆









The Current Economic Situation of Lao PDR

Lao PDR is situated in the South East Asia. It is a small land-locked country with the total area of two hundred thirty six thousand and eight hundred square kilometers, with the population about 7 million. Lao language is an official language; however English and French and Chinless are spoken as foreign languages. Especially, nowadays more and more young people are learning and speaking Chinese. Most of Lao people are Buddhism. The GDP per capita in 2022 is about 2600 USD. In the past few years before the COVID-19 epidemic, Laos’ economic growth was at the average of 6.5%. During the epidemic period from 2020-2022 the growth rate has been down to 3-4%.

Lao PDR became a member of ASEAN in 1997 and has been implementing the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) since 2015. Lao PDR is also a member of World Trade Organization in 2013. So far Lao PDR has trade cooperation with more than 70 countries worldwide; signed bilateral trade agreement with more than 15 countries, including China; joined at least 8 Free Trade Agreements, including ASEAN-China FTA (ACFTA); and is full implementation member of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement.

The Government of Lao PDR has demonstrated its commitment to economic growth as the surest guarantor of increasing welfare for all through the adoption of a sound macro policy framework, including strong expenditure and monetary discipline to sustain low inflation; a legal policy framework favorable toward new productive investment; and openness to global capital flows and trade. The government has also made clear intention to balance the development effort in urban and rural areas and to see the benefits of growth shared among across the nation.

In terms of encouraging foreign investment, Lao PDR refers to the new amendment Investment Law. This Law defines principles, regulations and measures regarding the domestic and foreign investment promotion and administration in order to enable convenient, expeditious, transparent and proper investments, and protected by the Government to ensure the rights and benefits of investors, the state, collective and people, enabling the regional and international integration, contributing to the continuous growth of national socio-economic development in line with green growth and sustainability, creating a favorable investment climate to enable investors to conduct their business in a convenient, expeditious, transparent, fair and lawful manner.

The Lao Government promotes investment in all economic sectors, both domestic and foreign, by formulating policies to create a favorable investment climate, including construction of infrastructure, providing necessary information, granting incentives in terms of custom duty, tax, import of foreign labor, and the land use rights and access to finance. Government also provides equal treatment, and acknowledges ownership rights, using rights, inheritance rights, transfer rights and other rights as provided by law.

In the IX Five Year National Social Economic Development Plan 2021-2025, the government reemphasized the policy intention of making Lao PDR moving from land-locked to be the land-linked country in the region and beyond; improving the basic infrastructure for the future global economic integration; continuing the social-economic development action focus in transportation, foreign direct investment and tourism.


Laos-China Political Relation

Lao People Democratic Republic and People’s Republic of China are friendly neighbors linked by mountains and rivers. Two countries have a long-standing friendly relationship and reached the long-term and stable “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership” with 4 good spirits “good neighbors, good friends, good comrades and good partners” and jointly build the “Community of a shared future”. Laos and China established diplomatic relations on April 25, 1961. Over 61 years, the Laos-China relations had been deeply and widely enhancing and strengthening in all areas that provided favorable conditions for the political, security and social-economic development of the two countries.

Over long history, two countries constantly exchanging the high level visits and the visits among Officials of many different levels. Chinese Premier Li Peng paid an official visit to Laos in December 1990. Chinese President Jiang Zemin paid a state visit to Laos in November 2000. The two countries issued the Joint Statement on Bilateral Cooperation, which identified the development of a comprehensive cooperative relationship featuring long-term stability, good-neighborliness and mutual trust between the two countries. President Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China paid a state visit to Laos in November 2006, during which the two sides issued a joint statement, deciding to further deepen the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two parties and the two governments, and bringing China-Laos relations to a new level. In September 2009 during the visit to China, Lao President Choummaly Saygnasone, General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee agreed with President Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to upgrade the Laos-China relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation. In November 2017, H.E Bounnhang Vorachit, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party who is also President of Lao PDR and H.E Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, president of PR of China agreed to jointly build a community of a shared future. The two Leaders of both sides together signed the Action Plan on Building a Community of Shared Future between Laos and China in April 2019. H.E Thongloun Sisoulith, General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee had a phone call with Chinese President and General Secretary Xi Jinping in January 2021. In April, 2022 Prime Minister of Laos, H.E Phankham VIPHAVANH had a telephone conversation with Chinese Premier H.E Li Keqiang. Recently, on the 29th November 2022, H.E Thongloun Sisoulith, General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee, President of the Lao PDR paid state-visit to China. During the visit the General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee and the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has exchanged the view on deepening the two countries cooperation to higher level. The two countries will continue to extend deeper collaboration and coordination in all aspects to implement the two countries all fields of cooperation.


Laos-China Economic Cooperation and Laos-China Railway

Lao PDR pays an importance attention in supporting the “Belt and Road Initiative”, which is a long-term policy and investment program aimed at infrastructure development and accelerating of the economic integration of participating countries. During the past few years, there are a lot of projects been implemented alongside the Belt and Road Initiative, of which the Laos-China Railway Project is one of those ongoing an outstanding project and we considered as the largest cooperation project for Lao PDR, this project is a symbolic project under the Belt and Road Initiative and a milestone of the Laos-China friendship in the new era.

With the aims to integrating Lao PDR’s strategy of “Transforming from land-locked into the land-linked Country”, Laos-China Railway is a huge and long run governmental cooperation project promoted by the two leaders of the parties and the governments, and a docking project between the Belt and Road Initiative and Laos’ strategy to convert itself from landlocked country to a land-linked hub. Running south from the China–Laos border Mohan-Boten border, the line traverses across 4 Provinces of northern part of Laos: Luang Namtha, Oudomxay, Luang Prabang, and Vientiane provinces, which ending in Vientiane Capital with a total length of 422.4 kilometers and a design speed of 160 kilometers per hour, with a total investment of 37.4 billion Yuan.

At the end of 2021, the great important event took place in Lao PDR, the Laos-China Railway was officially opened to traffic, on the afternoon of December 3rd 2021, witness by H.E Thongloun Sisoulith, General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee, President of Lao PDR and H.E Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, President of PR of China via video link. This railway plays a positive role in promoting the economic and social development of Laos and the region. We hope that Lao-China Railway will become a bridge connecting the whole ASEAN and China, driving regional bilateral and multilateral trade cooperation, and finally bringing higher-level effective win-win cooperation to promote the development of regional economy, trade and investment, strengthening connectivity and achieving mutual benefit of the both sides.

Since the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) came into effect on January 1, 2022, economic and trade exchanges between China and ASEAN have become closer. With the advantages of short transportation time, low logistics cost, safety and environmental protection, Laos -China Railway has rapidly become an important logistics channel to promote bilateral trade, making it another golden international logistics route for China to connect Southeast Asian countries. With the expansion of the railway, the Laos-China Railway will further expand trade ties between China and Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries. At present, international freight trains from China’s more than 20 cities in 13 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) including Hunan, Sichuan, Guangdong and Jiangsu Provinces along the Laos-China Railway have passed the customs quickly under the supervision of the customs.

According to the report from Laos-China Railway (LCR) Company Ltd., since the starting up to the 30th November 2022, LCR provided a total of 2046 times passengers trains services, transporting 1,257,682 passengers of the average of 3465 passengers per day, with the highest daily passenger number of 8,041 people. In terms of cargo, freight trains has carried the total volume of 1,944,823 tons of import and export goods, in which 1,561,315 tons of goods, mostly agricultural and mineral products like rubber, iron ore, charcoal, beer, potato flour, coffee beans, barley kernels, alloys and lead ingots were exported to China; while 383,508 tons of goods, including groceries, flowers and vegetables, tires, fertilizers, auto parts, digital communication equipment, household appliances, pandemic prevention supplies, ceramic tiles, mono-crystalline silicon wafers were imported from China.

Both countries pay great attention of making use of the Laos-China Railway to push forward economy recovery after the epidemic ended, Laos-China Railway will keep playing an important role in terms of transportation and trade and tourism. Since the opening of the railway, international freight transportation has developed rapidly, more conditions will be upgraded to enhance the advantages of short transportation time, low logistics cost, safety, and environmental protection of railway. From 2023 onward, Laos-China Railway Company Ltd., decided to upgrade the operation of regular passenger train as well as transportation train to meet growing diverse needs of passengers and cargo services and further enhance the transport capacity of the railway. Lao government believes that the Laos-China railway will play a huge role in promoting economic and trade cooperation between Laos and China in the near future.


2023 Great Investment & Trading Opportunity in Laos

Economic and Trade Cooperation between two countries has expanded year by year. In terms of investment cooperation, China is still the largest investor in Laos. Chinese companies have invested in a total of 821 projects in Laos from 1989 to 2021. In 2021 alone, Chinese companies invested 20 projects worth more than US$1 billion, driving the socio-economic development of Laos and providing jobs for many Lao people. For trading, up to the 31st December 2022, the bilateral trade volume between Laos and China reached 5,728,191,917 US$, in which Laos exported to China 3,358,011,717 US$ while Laos imported from China in the total volume of 2,370,180,200 US$, making China continue to maintain the status of Laos’ second largest trading partner.

We believe that with the increasingly and deeply closed Laos-China’s relationship, the bilateral economic and trade cooperation will flourish in all fields and expand to all areas. Lao PDR will continue to welcome more Chinese investors to invest in Lao PDR, especially in the areas which China has great experience, such as energy, processing industries and agriculture and so on. Meanwhile, Lao PDR will increase its potential exports to PR China, such as non-toxic agricultural products, mineral products and so on.

From the mid of 2022 Lao PDR has open up its border and welcome back the foreign travelers as well as business entitles to revisit and invest or doing business in Lao PDR. 2023 will become the recovery year and greatest opportunities for exploring the potential sectors in Lao PDR. Laos’ main potential export products for consideration are: mining (such as gold iron….); rubber (including rubber processing); agricultural products and so on. While Laos’ main potential imported products for consideration are: automobiles, machinery, pharmaceuticals, appliances and so on.

In summary, we strongly believe that Laos-China Railway will bring a great practical significance and far-reaching influence on the promotion of economic cooperation between the two countries as well as providing strong support for regional trading regime and especially it will make a great contribution for regional economic growth in the Post-COVID-19 Era.

Since the opening of the Laos-China Railway 13 months ago the import and export freight volume of the Laos-China Railway has reached over 2 million tons, and the import and export value has reached over 14 billion Yuan. That number showed the great potential of this high speed railway for future promotion of trading and tourism in the region. Nowadays, commercial operators from Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar are being aware and using the Laos-China Railway for the transportation of goods in and out of China and beyond.

Laos-China Railway has spurred the two-way trade between China and ASEAN member states by allowing for convenient, fast and efficient flow of goods. China is the main export market for Laos’ and other SAEAN countries commodities, especially agricultural products. Laos exported different kinds of agricultural products to China annually such as banana, cassava, sugarcane, watermelon and rubber. Lao Government called for mobilize and encourage more potential Lao agricultural exports and encourage the cultivation of crops along the railway.

Lao PDR attaches great importance to promoting the regional trading alongside with the efficient operation of Laos-China Railway. The government promotes investment in all sectors, business operations and in areas throughout the country. We are warmly welcome more and more Chinese friends to visit and explore the investment and doing business opportunities in Lao PDR, especially with the high and modern technology, scientific research, new innovation, environmental friendly, and efficient use of natural resources and energy to cooperate with local entitles to explore in the areas such as: clean agriculture, toxic-free agriculture, animal breeding, industrial crops and plants plantation, environmentally friendly agro-processing industry, environmentally friendly and sustainable eco-tourism, cultural and historical tourism industry, education, physical sports, human resource development and skills labor development, vocational training, production of educational and sports equipment, modern hospitals, pharmaceutical and medical equipment factory, traditional medicine production and treatment, development of public infrastructure, development of infrastructure supporting agriculture and industry, cargo transportation, transit and international linkage services and so on.











⬆ 圣萨尔瓦多(首都)及其令人印象深刻的火山全景




多年来,两国不仅始终保持着高层互访,而且其他级别间的官员也经常进行互访。1990年12月,中国总理李鹏对老挝进行了正式访问。2000年11月,中国国家主席江泽民对老挝进行了国事访问。当时两国发表了双边合作联合声明,确定要在两国间发展长期稳定、睦邻互信的全面合作关系。2006年11月,中国共产党中央委员会总书记、中国国家主席胡锦涛对老挝进行了国事访问,期间双方也发表了联合声明,决定进一步深化两党和两国政府之间的传统友谊和全面合作,将中老关系提升到一个新水平。2009年9月,老挝人民革命党中央委员会总书记、老挝国家主席朱马利·赛雅颂在访问中国期间,与中国共产党中央委员会总书记、中国国家主席胡锦涛达成共识,同意将老中关系进一步提升为全面战略合作伙伴关系。2017年11月,老挝人民革命党中央委员会总书记、老挝人民民主共和国主席本扬·沃拉吉和中国共产党中央委员会总书记、中国国家主席习近平一致同意共同构建命运共同体。2019年4月,双方领导人共同签署了老中构建命运共同体行动计划。2021 年1月,老挝人民革命党中央委员会总书记通伦·西苏里与中国国家主席、中国共产党中央委员会总书记习近平通电话。2022年4月,老挝总理潘坎·维帕万也与中国总理李克强举行了电话会谈。最近,2022年11月29日,老挝人民革命党中央委员会总书记、老挝人民民主共和国主席通伦·西苏里对中国进行了国事访问。访问期间,老挝人民革命党中央总书记和中共中央总书记就在更高水平深化两国合作交换了意见。两国将继续扩大各方面的合作与协调,同时也要把各领域的合作落实到位。
















