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Bilateral Relations in the fields of Trade and Investment between South Africa and China南非与中国在贸易和投资领域的双边关系

By Yusuf Timol,  Minister: Trade and Investment, South Africa Embassy in Beijing
文|约瑟夫(Yusuf Timol)   南非驻华大使馆商务公使            翻译|王晓波








As the Minister of Trade and Investment of South African Embassy in China, I am very honored to welcome the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between South Africa and People’s Republic of China in my terms of office.

Our countries share a long history of both political and economic cooperation over many years, which is illustrated by the numerous bi-lateral agreements and people-to-people interactions from the highest level of His Excellences’ President Xi Jinping and President Cyril Ramaphosa to the continuous exchanges of business and cultural delegations.

In January 1998, South Africa and China established formal diplomatic relations. Over the past 25 years of our diplomatic ties, South Africa and China’s bilateral relations have made great leaps, from partnership to strategic partnership and to comprehensive strategic partnership.  Last year, we have signed our 10 Year Strategic Framework of Cooperation (2020-2029), in which the programmes cover a wide range of sectoral areas of co-operation between the two governments, with commitments to be achieved over 10 years.

China is one of the most important and dynamic partners of South Africa, which is further anchored by the High-Level PPEM, the BNC, the Strategic Dialogue, and the Joint Working Group. All these structures meet at certain levels to iron out the structured mechanisms and tangible outcomes of our bilateral relations.

Both China and South Africa are important developing countries in the world, and the friendship between the two countries has already surpassed the scope of bilateral relations. This is a relationship of equal partners, in which we have broad consensus and further cooperate on multilateral, global development, security issues and other major international and regional issues. Our relations are further strengthened by our participation in the framework of international organizations and multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations, G20, BRICS, BRI, FOCAC, and etc. Both countries always adhere to true multilateralism and solidarity cooperation, and resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests and common interests of developing countries and coordinate all parties to jointly promote inclusive growth of the world economy and a more just and reasonable international order.

President Xi Jinping has made three State Visits to South Africa and co-chaired the 2018 Beijing FOCAC Summit with President Cyril Ramaphosa. The two leaders mapped out a blueprint for South Africa – China relations and Africa – China relations. Our leaders also personally engage on a regular basis, most recently at the successful 14th BRICS Leaders’ Summit hosted by China. They further interacted during the Summits of the G20 and the FOCAC.

On 15 November 2022, our two Presidents met in Bali, Indonesia, on the side-lines of the G20 Summit and instructed us to deepen trade and investment between our two countries and keep industrial and supply chains open as we strive to recover from global shocks such as the pandemic, climate change and conflicts.

On 14 February 2023, Ramaphosa met with former Chinese Vice Premier Sun Chunlan as the two nations ramp up widespread efforts to elevate political, defense, economic, and people-to-people ties in the post-Covid-19 pandemic era.  This high- level meeting took place in South Africa for the 3rd SA-China High Level People-to-People Exchange Mechanism (PPEM) meeting.

As the political foundation of China-South Africa cooperation continues to consolidate, the economic and trade exchanges between the two countries have become increasingly close, which has become a highlight of South Africa- China cooperation. China has been South Africa’s largest trading partner for 13 consecutive years, and the bilateral trade volume between China and South Africa accounts for one-fifth of the total trade volume between China and Africa.

According to the latest data from the South African Revenue Service (SARS), the total bilateral trade between China and South Africa in 2022 reached about 34 billion US dollars, an increase of 11.5% year-on-year.

Driven by the booming trade exchanges, more and more Chinese enterprises are investing in South Africa, the growing confidence and business relations between our countries is best illustrated by the large Chinese community residing in South Africa, and the over 180 prominent Chinese companies already invested and successfully operating within our economy.  Recent figures indicate that the total stock of foreign direct investment from China in South Africa in 2021 amounted to 5.3 billion USD, creating more than 400,000 local jobs. It is our hope that we can double these numbers.

Chinese enterprises have brought much-needed technology and capital to the development of South Africa’s manufacturing industry. Chinese brand automobiles and home appliances have been produced in South Africa, and high-quality and low-cost products have thus entered the homes of ordinary Africans. The production capacity cooperation between the two countries has achieved complementary advantages and win – win situation.

Investment has been more diversified and has targeted not only natural resources but also the autos, chemical, energy, digital, agriculture and construction sectors.

By way of example, an early milestone in Chinese investment in South Africa came with the 2007 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) purchase of a 20% stake in South Africa’s Standard Bank, the largest bank on the African continent. Valued at $5.5 billion at the time, the investment was the largest foreign direct investment into the country to date, in addition to being the largest investment by a Chinese bank outside China at the time.

Further, Technology player Hisense has invested US$5 billion and FAW US60 million into new manufacturing capacity in South Africa, joining Chinese brands such as Huawei, Haval, GWM, BAIC and JAC that have seen significant returns on investment in South Africa.

A notable and ongoing investment is that of CITIC Group into the Ivanhoe platinum mine in Limpopo Province. An initial investment into the development of the mine for $1 billion was made in 2019, and an additional investment for a further $2 billion was made in 2022 to acquire a 30% stake in the operation. This will result in CITIC Minerals being one of the world leaders in the production of Platinum Group Metals when the mine goes into production.

President Ramaphosa has opened South Africa’s doors to welcome Chinese investors to South Africa, and China also supports Chinese companies investing and doing business in South Africa and expand China’s import of quality products from South Africa. The investment from our Chinese partners is what we need. Our President hosts the South African Investment Conference each year in order to drive and secure 100 billion US Dollars in new investments and bankable projects into the South African economy over 5 years. The most recent 4th Investment Conference held early last year saw 90% of this target being already achieved.  A significant part of this investment has come from Chinese enterprises who are doing exceptional business in South Africa. I am pleased to inform you that our President has recently announced that the 5th Investment Conference will be held on the 13th of April 2023.

South Africa have a lot to offer, in the form of our industrious workforce, abundant natural and mineral resources, world class infrastructure, sophisticated tele-communications systems, and a well-regulated and globally respected financial and banking sector which is fully integrated across the entire African continent.  

In January 2021, we have started the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area to boost intra-Africa trade and link with the outside world. This treaty will unleash the manufacturing and industrial capability of the continent as companies seek to make products for the growing African market of 1.37 billion people.

The government’s industrial policy has highlighted a number of priority industry sectors to direct resources towards fast tracking growth such as automotive, clothing and textiles, gas, chemicals and plastics, tourism, renewable energy, oceans economy, agriculture, mining and beneficiation, the digital economy and the high-tech industries.

There are a number of other industries which present viable opportunities for Chinese investors. Pharmaceuticals and healthcare are one of the fastest growing sectors as a result of the pandemic and there are existing Chinese investors who are seeking to increase their investment in South Africa in the next 12 months.

A further area of economic cooperation and trade with China is South Africa’s quality agricultural exports. The opportunities for further cooperation in South Africa’s agricultural sector are abundant. The Chinese consumers are increasingly enjoying our agricultural products with considerable increases in the sales of our wines, fruits, wool, seafood, nuts, tea, aloe products, tobacco, maize, lucerne, and beef. The two countries are in the process of developing protocols for the export of additional South African agricultural products such as avocadoes, soya beans, dairy products, aquaculture products, and pet food.

A more long-term and sustainable option is for Chinese companies to invest in the agricultural value chains in South Africa. By integrating supply chains into specific product sectors, more products can be produced for exclusively for Chinese consumption. Some companies have already done this in the wine industry and are operating successful businesses.

Our economy cannot grow without efficient ports and railways. South Africa’s port infrastructure provides significant opportunities for the bilateral economic and trade cooperation in the future. Integration with South Africa’s ports gains Chinese businesspeople and investors access to not only South Africa but the entire African continent. Our extensive port infrastructure has made us to be known as “the gateway to Africa” and formed an integral part of international trade and logistics.

South Africa is currently modernizing and expanding its ports. The three international airports in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town may offer faster movement of precious and perishable goods between China and South Africa. The inland City Deep Port of Johannesburg provides road and rail cargo movement to the rest of the continent. The plans for the expansion of Durban Container Terminal are at an advanced stage. This expansion will require significant new investments over the next decade to expand its annual container handling capacity from 2.9 million units to more than 11 million units. This presents significant opportunities for Chinese investors.

In an endeavor to revive South Africa’s economy, government has identified various sectors to stimulate investment and job creation:

• The hemp and cannabis sector has the potential to create more than 130 000 new jobs. We are therefore streamlining the regulatory processes. The government would review the policy and regulatory framework for industrial hemp and cannabis to realise the huge potential for investment and job creation. People in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and elsewhere are ready to farm with this age-old commodity and bring it to market in new and innovative forms.

• An important pillar of our Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan is to revitalize our manufacturing base and create globally competitive export industries. In the past year, we launched new master plans in the steel industry, furniture and global business services.

• To attract investors into the mining minerals needed in the new global economy, we will soon be finalizing our mining exploration strategy. We will continue to support the development of the upstream gas industry, as it holds huge potential for job creation and broader economic development.

• South Africa ‘s National Economic Recovery and Reconstruction Plan recognizes that the pursuit of green industrialization and a green future is important in driving economic competitiveness. Critical interventions in the green economy include expanding the programme to repurpose public and private buildings and improve energy and water efficiency, support for small grower farmers, and measures to support the diversion of waste from landfills and promoting the Circular Economy. South Africa acknowledges that there is now an increasing recognition that issues related to the challenges in provision of global energy should be addressed as a matter of urgency. This requires a massively scaled up investment in renewable energy around the world, which would also contribute towards addressing and combatting Climate Change. The South African government has awarded 25 contracts for renewable energy projects totalling 50 billion rand ($2.8 billion) in order to reduce the country’s reliance on coal-fired power generation. It is clear that many businesses in South Africa are turning to solar energy. We support efforts to invest in sustainable development initiatives that will shape a greener future for all.

Tourism is also vitality important for developing countries. Each tourist creates jobs and sustains livelihoods. As we grow our trade in services, tourism is important because it constitutes 3% of our national income and contributes about 4.5% of total employment. The potential for enhanced tourist cooperation with China alone can significantly increase these numbers. China just announced that Chinese travel agencies would resume group tours to certain countries, starting from February 6, 2023. We are very happy to see that South Africa was selected as one of the pilot countries to receive group tourists after nearly three years of suspension due to the coronavirus pandemic. I believe that under such favorable policies, more and more Chinese tourists will come to experience our “Rainbow Nation” this year. I believe efforts to revive the tourism sector present a unique opportunity to position it for long-term sustainable growth and will become a catalyst for a broader economic recovery.

As we foster more cooperation in post-COVID-19 economic recovery, we must encourage trade in manufactured value-added products by encouraging Chinese enterprises to increase investment into South Africa’s manufacturing industry and closer to the source of Africa’s abundant raw materials. We must continue to jointly build efficient and modern economic infrastructure, increase trade and investment for the mutual benefit of our nations.

South Africa and its government provide the political and policy certainty to allow an enabling environment for business to grow and operate where their investment would be protected.  There is the rule of law in South Africa, the judiciary is independent, and the legal framework is strong, especially around commerce, taxation, maritime issues, competition law, intellectual property, and property rights and other basic human rights. Most notably was the Protection of Investment Act that came into operation in 2018, aimed at achieving a balance of rights and obligations that apply to all investors. South Africa’s democracy is strong, resilient with durable institutions, confirming the political stability of our country over the past 28 years and into the future.

Since South Africa joined the BRICS partnership, our biliteral trade has increase significantly. South Africa is going to host the 15th BRICS Summit from 22 to 24 August 2023, and the Ministry of Trade and Industry will be hosting member states’ businesspeople a week before the Summit to meet with their counterparts and officials. Together they will visit key regions to explore trade and investment opportunities. We therefor urge the Chinese business community that express interest in South Africa to be a part of this initiative and come visit the Embassy.

Lastly, the two countries will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2023. This is no small feat, and it is an important milestone, especially for democratic South Africa that is a late comer in international affairs and the global community. The achievements of our bilateral relations are massive, and we look forward to the next 25 years. May our relations continue to grow, as guided by our two leaders.

























2021 年1月,非洲大陆自由贸易区条约开始实施,旨在促进非洲内部的贸易以及与外部世界的联系。该条约能够使非洲大陆的制造业和产业能力呈爆发态势,因为所有公司都在寻求为拥有13.7亿人口并且还在不断增长的非洲市场生产产品的机会。









● 大麻和大麻制品行业具有创造超过13万个新的就业机会的潜力。因此,政府正在简化监管程序,政府还将审查工业大麻和大麻制品的政策和监管框架,尽快将其投资和创造就业的巨大潜力发挥出来。东开普省、夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省和其他地方的人们已经准备好耕种这一古老的商品,并采用新的创新方式将其推向市场。

● 南非经济重建和复苏计划的一个重要支柱是夯实制造业基础,打造具有全球竞争力的出口产业。在过去一年里,针对南非的钢铁产业、家具和全球商业服务,政府推出了新的总体规划。

● 为了吸引投资者进入新的全球经济所需的采矿业,南非将很快制定出采矿勘探战略。南非将继续支持上游天然气行业的发展,因为它在创造就业机会和促进更广泛的经济发展方面具有巨大潜力。

● 南非国家经济重建和复苏计划意识到,追求绿色工业化和绿色未来对提高经济竞争力至关重要。对绿色经济的关键干预措施包括增加重新利用公共和私人建筑的项目,提高能源和水的使用效率,扶持小种植户,采取措施支持废物从垃圾填埋场的转移,以及促进循环经济的发展。南非承认,现在人们越来越认识到,凡是与全球能源供应遇到的挑战有关的问题都应作为紧急事务加以解决。这需要在世界各地大规模增加对可再生能源的投资,它也有助于应对和解决气候变化带来的问题。南非政府已经批准了25个与可再生能源项目有关的合同,总额达500亿兰特(折合28亿美元),目的是减少国家对燃煤发电的依赖。很明显,南非的许多企业正在转向使用太阳能。南非支持努力为可持续发展倡议进行投资,因为这些倡议将为所有人塑造一个更加绿色的未来。




