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 文/克罗地亚驻华大使奈博伊沙·科哈罗维奇Mr. NebojšaKoharović


















中国的发展模式正在转向依赖技术和创新,而这也可以从对克罗地亚公司的对口投资中体现。举几个例子,中国动力(控股)有限公司已经对生产世界上最快的电动跑车制造商里马克汽车公司(RimacCars)投资;深圳市索米威科技有限公司已成为克罗地亚智能手机制造商汉加18(Hangar 18)的长期战略合作伙伴;中国风险投资公司海银资本已经投资了克罗地亚无线充电技术企业WiTricity。


克罗地亚国内生产总值与2014年相比增加了1.2%。这是好消息,因为这意味着长达6年的经济衰退的结束。 2015年的国内生产总值增长率为1.8%,工业增长率更高,位居欧盟前4之列。2015年上半年在克罗地亚的外国投资价值已经达到4.98亿欧元。我们在2015年上半年出口增加了12%,达到60亿欧元。进口也有所增加达到了6.3%,总数达到91亿欧元。这些都是克罗地亚经济复苏非常明显的迹象。
























As a homeland of Marco Polo,Croatia embraces One Belt,One Road initiative

By H.E Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia, Mr.NebojšaKoharović

OneBelt One Road Initiative is the initiative to activate and strengthen moderntrade routes of Silk Road Economic Belt and Maritime Silk Road with the hope torejuvenate and open up markets within the regions which are parts of the route.

The“One Belt, One Road” initiative, proposed by President Xi Jinping, hasattracted wide interest among the political and economic circles worldwide. Ithas been recognized both as a development strategy and broad platform to fosterinvestment and improve connectivity throughout land and sea routes andcorridors and among broader regions.

In history, Croatiawas on the map of the ancient trade routes between Europe and China. The bigcontribution has been made by the great explorer Marko Polo who was born on theCroatian island of Korcula. In this light Croatia, with its own geostrategicposition, could have a significant role in this modern initiative of the 21stcentury.

The Silk Road was anetwork of trade routes, formally established during the Han Dynasty. The roadoriginated from Chang'an (now Xian) in the east and ended in the Mediterraneanin the West, linking China with the Roman Empire. As China’s silk was the majortrade product, German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen coined it the SilkRoad in 1877. It was not just one road but rather a series of major traderoutes that helped build trade and cultural ties between China, India, Persia,Arabia, Greece, Rome and Mediterranean countries. It reached its height duringthe Tang Dynasty, but declined in the Yuan dynasty, established by the MongolEmpire, as political powers along the route became more fragmented. The SilkRoad ceased to be a shipping route for silk around 1453 with the rise of theOttoman Empire, whose rulers opposed the West. Now it is time to rebuild it.

Asthe homeland of Marco Polo, it is somehow natural that Croatia has embraced theinitiatives such as One Belt One Road and we look forward to work together withour Chinese and European friends strengthening bilateral cooperation,cooperation in the China + 16 CEEC platform and cooperation in the scope of thebroad EU-China dialogue.

Theforms and names are perhaps different, but the goals are the same – cooperationand inclusiveness, partnership and prosperity.

Croatiaand China have been good friends for a long time.

Thisfriendship has endured difficult times both of our countries have been goingthrough individually – but the cooperation has always remained the same – ithas been firm and fruitful through the decades and remains to be so. This isthe friendship we deeply appreciate and cherish. Both of our countries had ahard history through 20th century with lot of similarities: strugglefor independence, forming of the political and social system that merits itsdevelopment the best. Croatian people are deeply grateful to people andleadership of the People’s Republic of China for their support during Croatianwar for independence – Homeland war. This attitude of Chinese side would alwaysbe remembered in hearts and minds of Croatian people.

Startingfrom the very beginning, our bilateral relations have been open and friendly.China and Croatia have enjoyed 23 years of close cooperation since our countrywas recognized as the independent state. In 2017 we will celebrate 25 years ofdiplomatic relations.

But,it would be fair to say that our friendship has even deeper roots – as it wasmentioned – from Marko Polo times.

Ourmutual trust and understanding are based on the firm positionthat China is one of the key global players in our dynamic global environment.

TheChinese growth and developing model is transforming towards technology andinnovation, which is reflected also in investment in Croatian companies fromsimilar fields. Just a few examples: Sinocop Resources has invested in RimacCars – the producer of the fastest electric car in the world; Sumviertechnology became long term strategic partner of Croatian smartphone producerHangar 18 and Chinese venture capital fund Haiyin Capital has invested inWiTricity, advanced company for wireless battery charging.

Croatiahas been continuously working on improving its investment and business climateby incentive measures, removal of obstacles and improvement of regulations.

CroatianGDP has increased 1.2 percent when compared with 2014 and this represents goodnews indeed as we have come to an end of the six years long recession. The GDPgrowth for 2015 was 1.8 percent and for the industrial production was even morepromising, placing us among the first four in the EU. In the first half of 2015the value of the foreign investments in Croatia has reached 498 million euro.Our export in the first half of 2015 has been increased by 12 percent and hasreached 6 billion euro. The import has increased as well – by 6.3 percent andit reached 9.1 billion euro. There are very clear signs of recovery of Croatianeconomy.

Iam sure that the participation of Croatia in a New Silk Road Initiative wouldbenefit the people and countries included in it, such as – building port andsea connectivity, building rail, road and air connectivity and tourism.

Weare looking forward to see more Chinese investment in Europe, which is thenumber one destination for foreign investment. The European Commission has putinvestment at the very heart of its agenda. The Commission has launched theInvestment Plan for Europe aiming at delivering 315 billion euro in extrainvestment within Europe. China has applied to become a member of the EuropeanBank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) as a new way of boosting tradelinks with Europe and Asia. EU member states welcome that, just as they welcomethe fact that many European countries have applied to become founding membersof the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), in order to complementexisting multilateral development banks and to contribute to addressing theneed in Asia for infrastructure investment.

 European and Chinese leaders have decided tosupport synergies between each other’s flagship initiatives. Improvingconnectivity, both within and beyond the borders of the EU is not just one ofthe most important political goals of the European Union but it is alsoembedded in its very heart of existence and promoted values.It is good to knowthat China is also interested in taking part in this joint process. China andEU have already agreed on the main principles how we want this cooperation tomove forward. And now we are discussing how it is going to be implemented inthe real life projects that will bring prosperity throughout the One Belt, OneRoad territories.

Croatiais a good example how this connectivity can work. Although our infrastructureis relatively well developed – we built 650 km of highest quality highways inpast 10 years that put us on the first place in Europe in terms of kilometresof highways per capita –  we need moreinvestment to upgrade port infrastructure, in the modernisation of the railwaysystem, in the energy sector and in tourism.

Forexample, at the last year’s meeting in Warsaw the Chinese side has proposed toestablish the China-Europe Land-Sea Express Line to improve connectivity amongregions along the Silk Road. Part of the proposal is the seaport corridor toconnect ports on the Adriatic Sea with ports on the Baltic Sea. The biggestCroatian port Rijeka has been explicitly mentioned, so Croatian authoritiesinvited foreign investors to explore possibilities in investing in themodernisation and the management of the Port of Rijeka.

Sincemost of those projects are relatively big, both in terms of its importance forthe broader region and in its estimated value, we will need to rely ondifferent sources of investment for their financing. In that respect, we willnot limit our options just toward one investment source; we will need todiversify among EU funds, institutional and private investors, public andprivate partners from different parts of the world.

Wewould like to note with great interest that regarding financial requirements,the Chinese side has shown the willingness to adjust to the individual needs ofthe projects, taking in the consideration all the circumstances of the case,both the value of the project and its model or method of financing.

Atthe heart of One Belt, One Road lies the creation of an economic land belt thatincludes countries on the original Silk Road through Central Asia, West Asia,the Middle East and Europe, as well as a maritime road that links China’s portfacilities with the African coast, pushing up through the Suez Canal into theMediterranean.

China’sresponse to this changing growth dynamic is partly external and partlyinternal. On the external side, it is no coincidence that this period of excesscapacity at home is the moment at which China launched expensive newinitiatives, such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the BRICSBank, and the ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative in order to strengtheninfrastructure both on the westward land route from China through Central Asiaand on the southerly maritime routes from China through Southeast Asia and onto South Asia, Africa, and Europe.

TheOne Belt One Road Initiative is a good opportunity to strengthen cooperationwith the other countries covered by this initiative and to strengthen good relationsbetween Republic of Croatia and People´s Republic of China, especially ineconomic terms. I expect further strengthening of economic relations andintensifying cooperation between our countries especially in tourism.

Peopleto people exchange is numerous and goes both ways; in 2014 – around 150 000Chinese tourists have visited Croatia – there has been a 50 percent increasecompared to 2013 – and Croatians travel and learn more about China.

Cooperationin tourism is extremely important – it contributes to economic and tradeexchanges between the two countries and deepening of the friendship between theChinese and Croatian people. I believe that One Belt One Road Initiative couldhelp tourists from all countries participating in the Initiative andparticularly those from China, to recognize Croatia as one of the leadingtourist destinations in Mediterranean.

Citiesand local governments in China and Croatia are cooperating and becoming partnercities – like Split and Hangzhou – and last year we celebrated 35 years ofpartnership between Zagreb and Shanghai.

Croatiais blessed by the excellent geostrategic position in the heart of Europe thatwe need to exploit and take benefit from even more.  Still, we are living in turbulent anduncertain times, signed by unstable recovery and weak trends of growth. Theseare the obstacles we need to prepare for and hopefully avoid.

Asancient Chinese wisdom teaches us, crisis means also opportunity so we need topromote our comparative and competitive advantages by taking advantages of therenewed interest shown by People’s Republic of China, politically andeconomically, for the Central and Eastern Europe.

Thisinterest spreads on different areas of the society. It brings us closer together,it helps us understand each other better.

Peoplefrom the academia, journalists, tourist experts, young people…have strengthentheir mutual relations and are finding new forms of cooperation and theinteraction is stronger and faster than ever.

Thosedevelopments will have synergy and incremental effects on our cooperation whichwill enhance our mutual understanding and friendship between our people.

The Silk Roadconnected us centuries ago, through different initiatives has been revived in ourtimes and in the future it will regain its crucial significance as it willenable 21st century connectivity to fully flourish and show itspotential. We all witness and contribute to this.

 In my opinion, to achieve the best results, weshould work together and find appropriate answers and solutions in thefollowing three main areas:-criteria of selection, compatibility and financingof various projects;-enhance the level of coordination among differentfinancial institutions in charge of approving and managingprojects;-harmonizing rules and regulations among various countries to allowfree movement of goods, services, capital flows and people.

If progress willbe made in those sensitive and complicated areas, win-win cooperation among ourcountries will reach the new stage of common understanding and prosperity.