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“一带一路”携手“光明大道” 开创哈中合作新未来


文|努雷舍夫(Shahrat Nuryshev)哈萨克斯坦驻华大使  译者|徐巍

2014年11月,哈萨克斯坦总统纳扎尔巴耶夫提出了“光明大道”新经济计划。该计划同 “一带一路”构想目标高度契合。两大构想的重点都是提高运输能力、为经贸和投资合作的长期发展创造有利条件,因此将形成优势互补。


在哈萨克斯坦,已经开始实施的大规模交通设施现代化项目涵盖所有交通方式,计划于2020年前再投入400亿美元升级交通运能。近年来部分路段已经投入使用的“西欧—中国西部” 国际运输走廊和哈萨克斯坦—土库曼斯坦—伊朗—波斯湾铁路干线将成为“丝绸之路”运输走廊的有机组成部分。

目前,中国与欧盟的贸易额约为6000亿美元,预计到2020年,双边贸易额将增长到8000亿美元。因此,中欧陆路运输的发展对中亚的发展将发生非凡意 义。我们在此找到了自身发展的机会。我们预计,哈中两国在交通运输与物流领域有更紧密的合作,这将为贸易与投资领域长期合作发展奠定坚实的基础,创造最有利的条件。


2015年是哈中双边关系发展成果最为丰硕的一年。正如中国国家主席习近平在2015年5月访问阿斯塔纳时所说:“中哈两国在共建丝绸之路经济带方面已经取得早期收获,中方对此高度评价。我们愿在平等互利基础上推进丝绸之路经济带建设同哈方‘光明之路’ 新经济政策的对接,实现共同发展繁荣”。

2015年9月,纳扎尔巴耶夫总统对中国进行国事访问。此访为双边关系发展、中方“一带一路”倡议与哈方 “光明之路”新经济政策的对接注入新动力。访问期间,两国元首共同签署《哈中关于全面战略伙伴关系新阶段的联合宣言》。这一举措将深化两国全面战略伙伴关系,保证基础设施和投资领域项目实施。




我想重点指出的是,目前在哈萨克斯坦对外资给予最惠国待遇。在所有 “丝绸之路经济带”沿线国家中,哈萨克斯坦为外国投资者创造的条件是最好的。在哈萨克斯坦还通过了《国家吸引外资计划》,不断完善国内立法、国际法律基础,扩大一揽子投资特惠政策。根据世界银行《投资者保护指数》显示,在全部186个国家中,哈萨克斯坦排在第10位。根据世界经济论坛发布的《2015~2016年全球竞争力报告》显示,哈萨克斯坦在148个国家中排第42位。2015年世界银行发布的《全球商业环境报告(Doing Business)》排名中,哈萨克斯坦排第41位。
















Inaugurating a new future of China-Kazakhstan cooperation


the integration of the “Belt and Road” initiative and the “Pathwayto the Future” economic policy


By Shahrat Nuryshev, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to China


In September 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward the“Silk Road Economic Belt” initiative for the first time during a State visit toAstana, the capital of Kazakhstan. The “Belt and Road” initiative, which wasformulated based on the “Silk Road Economic Belt” initiative, is of majorstrategic significance. Kazakhstan is the first country along the Silk RoadEconomic Belt that have voiced its support to the initiative and agreed a jointeffort to put forward it.

In November 2014, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev putforward a new economic policy called "The Pathway to the Future”. The newpolicy is highly identical to the “Belt and Road” initiative in its objectives.Both of the two policies prioritize the improvement of transport capacities,and creation of advantageous conditions that will benefit the long-termdevelopment of economy, trade and cooperation in investment. Thus the twopolicies will make their respective advantages complementary to each other.

Enhancing the close cooperation on transport and logistics betweenChina and Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, a program that is aiming to modernize all transportfacilities and means of transport is already underway. The program plans todevote another $40 billion before 2020 to upgrade transport functions. Some ofthe transport route sections, including an international transport corridorthat links western China with West Europe, and theKazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Persian Gulf Railway, has already been put intooperations. They will be an integral part to the Silk Road transport corridor.

There are a total of 376 freight trains that passed through theterritory of Kazakhstan in 2015, with more than 100 of them departing fromLianyungang of China to central Asia. It set a new record for the railtransport capacity. Commodities from Kazakhstan began to enter the Chinese market.In March 26, 2016, the international freighter train “Chang’an” left Kazakhstanfor Xi’an, Shaanxi province with a cargo of more than 2000 tons of vegetableoil.

The current trade volume between China and the European Union isabout $ 600 billion, and it is expected to rise to 800 billion by 2020. Thusthe development of the land transport routes between China and Europe will beof major significance to the development central Asia. We have found ourdevelopment opportunities in this process. We expect that there will be closecooperation between China and Kazakhstan in the transport and logistics sector,which could also provide a solid foundation and create favorable conditions forthe long-term cooperation in the trade and investment areas.

The Integretion of Economic Policies of China and Khazakhstan
The year of 2015 is the most fruitful year for the development of thebiltareral relationships between the two countries. Just as President XiJinping said during his visit to Astana in May, 2015: “China and Kazakhstanhave made some early achievement in the area of jointly putting forward the'Silk Road Economic Belt' initiative. China thinks highly of the achievementsthat has been made. We are willing to push forward the integretion between the'Silk Road Economic Belt' initiative and the ‘The Pathway to the Future’economic policy on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, to achieve jointdevelopment and prosperity.”

President Nazarbayev paid a State visit to China in September 2015.The visit has provided new impetus for the development of bilateral relationsand the integration between the “Belt and Road” initiative and the “The Pathwayto the Future” economic policy. During the visit, top leaders from the twocountries signed the Joint Declaration on New Stage of Comprehensive StrategicPartnership between the People's Republic of China and the Republic ofKazakhstan. The measures will further deepen the comprehensive strategicpartnership between the two countries and ensure the implementation of programsin infrastructure and investment areas.

The priority of the ‘The Pathway to the Future’ economic policy isto develop infrastructure. Undoubtedly, the investment into infrastructureprograms is mutually beneficial and will help diversify the economy. Theprograms we are talking about here are primarily those in the Eurasia,especially the transport and logistics programs in Kazakhstan. For example, theroad networks that spread from Astana to the major cities and areas across thecountry is one of such programs. The road networks include Astana— Almaty,Astana—West Kazakhstan, Almaty—Ust-Kamenogorsk and the ring road of greaterAlmaty and other programs. To ensure the implementation of the programs, morethan one third of the funds were provided by partners of Kazakhstan throughinternational financial organizations.

According to a loan agreement signed between Astana Light RailTransport Co Ltd and the China Development Bank, Astana will obtain subsidiesthat will be used to build light rail transport and high-speed public transportsystem. It is expected that our Chinese partners will inject a total fund of $600 million in five years to develop a logistics zone and construct a specialindustrial and economic zone in Horgos, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

In December 2014, the two countries reached a number of cooperationagreements in the areas of industry and investment during Premier Li Keqiang’svisit to Kazakhstan, which was also a strong evidence that the integration ofthe ‘The Pathway to the Future’ economic policy and the “Belt and Roadinitiative is proceeding to the implementation stage. Currently, there are 52cooperation programs with a total investment volume of $24 billion that arebeing carried out.

Favorable policies on investment

I want to specifically stress that Kazakhstan currently provides themost-favored-nation-treatment to foreign investment. Among all the countriesalong the “Silk Road Economic Belt” initiative, Kazakhstan offers the mostfavorable policies to foreign investors. The country has also passed theNational Action Plan on Attracting Foreign Investment, as part of efforts tofurther improve the legislation at internal and international levels and tofurther expand on the favorable policies to foreign investment. The investorprotection index issued by the World Bank ranked Kazakhstan in the 10th placeamong the total 186 countries. The Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016issued by the World Economic Forum ranked Kazakhstan in the 42th place amongthe total 148 countries assessed. Doing Business 2015, a report issued by theWorld Bank, placed Kazakhstan in the 41th place.

In addition, President Nazarbayev signed an act on the amendments tothe Investment Environment Act, which provided unprecedented support to theforeign investment.

The country has also rolled out the following favorable policies toinvestment in order to attract a new round of foreign investment andinternational companies.

1. There will be a exemption on cooperate tax and 10 years of landtax and eight years of property tax for prioritized investment programs.

2. The country will provide an investment subsidy that could be ashigh as 30 percent of the actual cost for construction and installation andequipment purchase to the investors once the programs go into operation.

3. The use of foreign labor will not be restricted by the quotalimit throughout the implementation process of priority programs. The policywill also be effective one year after the program is put into operations.

4. The country will ensure the favorable policies provided toinvestors remaining stable when there are changes to the regulations on foreignlabor and improvements to taxation(value added tax and the consumption tax notincluded).

5. Foreign investors can enjoy one-stop service when they are in theprocess of applying for investment permits and dealing with governmentdepartments. The service will enable the investors to enjoy 363 kinds ofnational services, which reduce the administrative approval process to thelargest degree.

6. The country will set up a system of investment supervisor schemein order to provide effective protection to the rights and lawful interests ofinvestors.

In addition, there are 10 economic special zones in Kazakhstan, witheach special zone having their own focus on different industries.

Meanwhile, the special zones will provide the investors with astring of favorable policies and policies that simplify the key procedures.They also provide legal adjustments on the establishment on economic zones onprivate lands.

In addition, the year of 2015 marks the country entering secondstage of its national plan to speed up industrial innovation and developmentbefore 2019, which will also provides abundant opportunities for foreigninvestors.

The six areas that have been identified as priority in the nationalplan are: metallurgy complexes, petroleum refining complexes, food processing,chemical industry, machinery manufacturing and construction material industry.

The unique favorable polices, lowest tax rate, stable relationshipbetween the country and investors have made Kazakhstan a top industry logisticshub that links Europe and Asia.

For more policies on directions of priority investment inKazakhstan, national backup policies or other important news on investing inKazakhstan, please visit www.isc.baseinvest.kz.

The practice shows that regional integration can provide motivationto ensure the stable economic development of countries and regions, even in thebackground of falling world energy prices and stagnating economic growth. Thusthe “Silk Road Economic Belt” initiative and the ‘The Pathway to the Future’economic policy will provide a direction of cooperation that will opens up anew future. In addition, considering interests of all nations, the integrationbetween the “Silk Road Economic Belt” initiative, the Shanghai CooperationOrganization and the Eurasian Economic Union will be the optimal direction forinternational cooperation. It will also create more possibilities for thelong-term development of economic trade and investment between those countries.I believe the seedlings from the seeds we have sowed together will lay thefoundation for the building a more fair and just society and for the continuouspeaceful development of the human beings.