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文I 吕友清中国驻坦桑尼亚大使  图片提供I 中国驻坦桑尼亚大使馆


























吕友清 中国驻坦桑尼亚大使














Promoting China-Tanzania Friendshipbuilding a model of Cooperation

By Lv Youqing,Chinese ambassadorto Tanzania    Photo Provided by Chineseambassador to Tanzania


Tanzania needs China and China also needsTanzania. Since the establishment of the Sino- African Cooperation forummechanism in 2012, The Tanzanian government has made full use of the forum toprovide a lot of opportunities for cooperation, promoteTanzania’s constructionand development, becoming one of the forums biggest beneficiaries. Tanzania hasalways been the most solid participant of the Sino-African cooperation forummechanism and a good partner of china.

On the China-African cooperation forum heldin Johannesburg in December 2015, president Xi Jinping and different Africanleaders in unity discussed on how to enhance China –Africarelationsto become a comprehensive strategic cooperative relationship,committed to strengthening and consolidating political equity and mutual trust,economic win-win cooperation, cultural exchange and learning, mutual assistanceon security and and international affairs on unity and cooperation “fivepillars”, Industrialization, agricultural modernization, infrastructure andother fields that focus on the implementation of the “ ten co-operationplan",  and drew out  the Sino Africanpragmatic grand blueprint,opening a new historical chapter for China and Africa’s relationship.


China- Tanzania friendship dates back toancient times

Friendly cooperation between the twonations China and Tanzania can be traced back to the 60's of the last century.At that time, Tanzania had just become independent, urgently needed to developtheir own economy and get rid of its dependence on Western forces. The Chinesegovernment in its own difficult situation, resolutely decided to provideassistance for the construction of the Tanzania- Zambia railway, shipped nearly100 million tons of equipment material, dispatched 50000 technicians and 64people even sacrificed their precious lives.This “freedom trail” and “friendshiproad” cemented by blood became a basis for Sino Tanzanian relations, a monumentof the   Sino-African relationship. Thefather of Tanzania Nyerere said, “Tanzania has many friends, but her bestfriend is China”.

Similarly, Tanzania has been involved onmajor issues concerning China's core interests to give us firm support. In1971, China could successfully restore its legitimate seat in the UnitedNations, the former president of Tanzania, the former OAU secretary general,the Tanzanian permanent representative of China to the United Nations, Salimmade great contributions to this feat. After the announcement of the results ofthe vote, Salim excitedly took the initiative and danced a sort of Africandance; this moment became known as a precious historical moment. After manyyears, in China's accession to the WTO, and when applying for the 2008 OlympicGames and other numerous occasions, Tanzania’s great effort and support alsoplayed an important role.  China andTanzania’s shared weal and woes and brotherhood led their bilateral relationsto develop deeper, laying a solid foundation, a rare and valuable treasure.


The China and Tanzania Cooperation hasachieved great success and accomplishments

Since entering the new century, China-Tanzania friendly cooperation has continuously made new breakthroughs, becominga model for Sino-African friendly cooperation. There have been Frequenthigh-level exchanges between the two countries, in 2013, just after PresidentXi Jinping took office, he made his first visit to Tanzania, where alongsidethe Tanzanian President JakayaMrishoKikwete decided unanimously to enhancebilateral relations to a comprehensive and mutually beneficial and win-winpartnership, to build China -Tanzania relations to stand together through stormand stress, a model of friendship through thick and thin;  a co-operation model of mutual benefit andcommon development;  a model ofoverallgrowth and common improvement; promotion of world peace and aninternational co-operation model to protect common interests.

China and Tanzania in all fields especiallyin the field of economic and tradecooperation realized steady and rapid growthand China has become Tanzania's largest trading partner and the second largestsource of investment. As at the end of 2015, China-Tanzania economic and tradeco-operation had already achieved "four 50 billion U. S. dollar"breakthroughs: China – Tanzania bilateral trade volume exceeded $50 billion,China’s direct investment in Tanzania exceeded 50 billion US dollars, China-Tanzania current construction co-operative project amount breaks through $50billion and the already signed China- Tanzania cooperative project partnershipinvestment amount exceeds $50 billion.

China also offers Tanzania a total of 2billion dollars in preferential loans, to build Tanzania’s major infrastructureprojects needed for its development and to assist development projects for theimprovement of people's livelihood. The friendly cooperation between China andthe government has been highly praised by the government and the masses. In apoll published in early 2015 by the famous African independent research agency,"The African Barometer", China has become the most influential nationto Tanzania and the most popular and welcomed country.


“Five Advantages”, Great Potential

Sino-Tanzanian cooperation is still in theascendant.  Especially with my nation’sindustry "going out" with a faster pace, Tanzania possesses theunique advantage to receive the transfer of china’s production capacity and toattract Chinese investment, making its importance even more prominent.

Firstly, its Geographical location is veryimportant. Tanzania is located in the central east coast of Africa, itsgeographical location has a distinct advantage, a coastline of over 800kilometers, a large number of ports, and shares borders with Zambia, Ugandaandother inland countries hence an important economic port in the eastAfricanregion.

Secondly, the political society isrelatively stable. Tanzania is a multi-party state, but the relationshipbetween political parties has been continuously stable, its ruling party CCM(Party of theRevolution)is strong and has continuously been in power for more than fiftyyears. Tanzania has 126 tribes, Christianity and Islam each account for onethird of the population’s religion, however there has never been violentreligious or tribal conflict. It is recognized by the west as amodel of ademocratic state.

Thirdly, its international status isimportant. Tanzania is a famous “frontline nation” who once made greatcontributions to the independence liberation movement in southern Africa. Also,Tanzania acts as a powerful country in East Africa and also an important pillarof the east.  On this basis, Tanzania’srelationship with china, US and other foreign powers relations ensures itenjoys a unique position on the international stage.

Fourthly, there are rich natural and humanresources. Tanzania has one hectare of land per capita, and the overallworkforce is over 25 million.  Tanzaniais rich in mineral resources, gold, copper, nickel and other reserves.Recently, Tanzania discovered a large area of natural gas resources and hascreated favorable conditions for its future development. Fifthly, Tanzania’seconomy has continued to grow steadily, GDP accelerating continuously for 10years and maintaining at above 7% which is among the best in African countries,an endogenous driving force for economic growth.


“Four Centers” radiating across East Africa

Under the joint efforts of the governmentsand citizens of the two countries, the friendly cooperation between China andTanzania has penetrated into all areas of social and economic development.Looking ahead into the future, under the impetus to push China- Tanzaniarelations forward, Tanzania in all aspects has the foundation, has the power onan international and regional stage to occupy a more important position, andhas the opportunity to develop to become the Center in the East African regionfor logistics, manufacturing, tourism and communication, these 4 greatIndustries.

First is the East African logistics center.Tanzania has a superior geographical location, a strong ability to radiateacross the region, and is important for Zambia, other inland countries and theoutside world for channeling goods. Last October, the China Merchants bureau,the Tanzanian government and Oman sovereign wealth fund tripartite cooperationBagamoyo Port and Portside Industrial Zone project’s foundation was officiallylaid and its construction work is rapidly advancing. After the Bagamoyo Port iscompleted, Tanzania’s cargo handling capacity will be further enhanced. At thesame time, the Tanzanian government is constantly upgrading the nationaltransportation network; Chinese companies have also ensured ample price andquality services for the construction of Tanzanian roads, railways and airtransport infrastructure. With theTanzanian port’s handling capacity increasingby large margins and the communication corridor with its neighboring inlandcountries becomes consistently sound, Tanzania’s logistics operational abilitywill definitely move to a new level.

Second is East Africa’s manufacturingCenter.Tanzania is a country with rich natural resources. Tanzanian governmentseeks to accelerate industrialization and increase exports with high addedvalue, and ultimately achieve the “Made in Tanzania” highly held expectation.In order to help the Tanzanian government to achieve development goals, ourcooperation with Tanzania‘s industrial production has been in full swing. Atpresent, I have already at the initial stage built "two lines" and"four parks" as the center of the industrial zone.Where the "twolines" mainly produce clothing, footwear, glass, plastic products,building materials, bags and other products, the "Four Parks"includethe agricultural demonstration park, a modern industrial park, Bagamoyoport and lingang industrial zone and other large comprehensive co-operationzones.In the Future, Tanzania will not only have the ability to manufacturedaily necessities, building materials and import substitution products, but canalso be able to make use of local resources advantage to produce leather,cotton and other high value export products, making it a major manufacturingpower.

Third is East Africa’s center of tourism.Tanzania has rich cultural and natural resources, and they exclusively possessthree of the new seven wonders of Africa. Zanzibar Island is a world-famous Resort. 40 national parks and animalprotection zones have been established in Tanzania, 38% of the land area isdivided into wild animal, marine and forest protection regions, ranking as oneof the best in the world.

Not long ago, a Chinese company donated abatch of tablet computers to the Tanzanian Ministry of culture. These computerswill be distributed to all the nation’s cultural administrative departments toassist Tanzania to find and record it’s yet to be unearthed culturaltreasures.Many Chinese companies also saw the great potential of tourism inTanzania and hurriedly entered into Tanzania to invest in hotels and othertourism infrastructure. With the tourist receptive capacity continuouslyimproving, Tanzania will usher in an unprecedented climax of tourist visitors.

Fourth is the communications center of EastAfrica. The Tanzanian government attaches great importance to the developmentof the communication industry, and are presently increasing investment in thisarea.Tanzania's Communications Management Bureau just released statistics whichshow that Tanzania’s registered mobile phone users has reached 39.8 million,accounting for 90% of the total population, the number of Internet users ismore than 17 million and still has still maintained a rapid growth.Itsinformation and communication industry has great potential.Not long ago, withChinese companies assistance to Tanzania on the construction of national ICTfiber optic backbone transmission network project seeing its officialcompletion, the project achieves coverage over Tanzania’s major cities andeconomically developed areas and with six neighboring countries connected on aninternational circuit, Tanzania will make the East Africa regionalcommunication hub. As Tanzania’s communication infrastructure continues toimprove, it will have the opportunity to lead the development of thecommunications industry in East Africa.


Deepen co-operation prospects

The Sino African Cooperation ForumJohannesburg Summit highlighted the "win-win cooperation and commondevelopment" theme for pointing out the direction for deepening SinoAfrican Cooperation in the future. Tanzania has high expectations forstrengthening China-Tanzania industrial cooperation, eager to promote the rapiddevelopment of its industrialization through the China-Tanzania cooperation,boost the strength of the national economy and to shake off its dependency onwestern developed countries.At present, China is in a period of economictransformation, a large number of high-level labor-intensive industries areseeking cooperation with foreign countries and the industry transformationcannot be stopped.The China-Tanzania co-operation’s perfect timeliness,complementarily strength, reliance on rich natural resources and huge marketpotential makes Tanzania fully capable of becoming known as the “Maritime Silkroad” registering it as the bridgehead of East Africa. By making full use ofTanzania’s five advantages combined with the advantages of funds from Chineseenterprises, technology advantage and management advantage, the China-Tanzaniancooperation on production capacity has a brilliant future.

Last year October, Tanzania successfullycompleted elections and the revolutionary party candidate John Magufuli waselected the fifth president of Tanzania. The new session of the Tanzaniangovernment has been outstanding in areas concerning anti corruption, lazygovernance, accountability and benefit to the masses”, with a public approvalrate surpassing 90%. The president has repeatedly stressed the significance ofstrengthening cooperation between the two countries, the significance ofimproving the livelihood of the people, and a call to those from all walks oflife to continue adhering to “look east”. The China- Tanzania co-operationwhich can be called “an irresistible trend, a common aspiration,a solidfoundation, a broad prospect”, will inject a steady stream of growth momentumfor the economic development of both parties, and will depict a betterblueprint for the comprehensive development of Sino-Tanzanian relations!



Lu Youqing Chinese ambassador to Tanzania

born in 1963, holding a Doctor Degree,married, has one daughter.


●1982~1984: Administrative Staff in the Agricultural MachineryStation in Leshan City, Sichuan Province, China;

●1984~1986: Administrative Staff in Shizhong District Government,Leshan City, Sichuan Province, China;

●1986~1989: Study at the Academy of Social Sciences of SichuanProvince, China;

●1989~1991:Staff Member in the Policy Planning and Research Office ofSichuan Provincial Government, China;

●1991~1992: Assistant Chief Executive of Hongya County, SichuanProvince, China;

●1992~1995:Deputy Director of the Policy Planning and Research Officeof Sichuan Provincial Government, China;

●1995~1997: Vice General Manager and later General Manager of theGear Factory of Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, China;

●1997~2001: Vice Mayor of Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, China;

●2001~2003:Vice Mayor of Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, China (Servedas Deputy Director of the Department of Trade and Market of the State Economicand Trade Commission from May 2002 to November 2002);

●2003~2011, Vice General Manager of CHINALCO (Aluminum Corporation ofChina) ;

●2011, Minister of the Chinese Embassy in the United States ofAmerica.

●2012~ , Ambassador of People's Republic of China to the UnitedRepublic of Tanzania.