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文|醍乐堃·倪勇泰王国驻华大使  图片提供|泰国驻华大使馆  翻译|徐巍























New Silk Road and New Future


By H.E. Mr. Theerakun Niyom; Ambassador ofthe Kingdom of Thailand to the People’s Republic of China;

Photo Provided by Royal Thai Embassy


The One Belt One Road initiative, putforward by President Xi Jinping, focuses on connectivity between the marketsand peoples of the People’s Republic of China and countries in Asia, Europe,Africa and beyond. According to the United Nations, some 60 countries are alongthe Belt and Road route, accounting for 60 percent of the world’s population,30 percent of the world’s gross product, and 40 percent of the world’s trade.At the time, more than 50 percent of the population along the Silk Road livesbelow the extreme poverty line. President Xi Jinping’s initiative aims to notonly boost economic growth, which will help to alleviate poverty and reduceincome disparity, but also reinforce and further strengthen social, culturaland people to people linkage among communities along the route.     

Thailand welcomes this initiative as webelieve that it will create a more conducive environment to strengthen regionaland sub – regional connectivity, bolster global economic growth, create moreemployment opportunities, and increase prosperity amidst challenges as a resultof uncertainty and stagnation in the world’s economy. In 2015, trading volumebetween China and countries in the Belt and Road Initiative surpassed 1trillion U.S. dollars.

Thailand and China are comprehensivestrategic partners. In terms of trade, both countries are mutual benefactors.From a merely USD $3.6 billion in 1998, the trading volume between our twocountries has surpassed USD $63 billion last year which is more than a 17 timesincrease within 17 years. Currently, China is our largest trading partner,while ASEAN and Thailand are currently China’s 4th and 12th largest tradingpartner, respectively.

Last year, Thailand and China celebratedthe 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations, but in fact our ties are deeplyrooted, dating back over a thousand of years. Many of our ancestors arebelieved to have originated from the area that is currently known as YunnanProvince. They migrated to the South to the place we called modern Thailandsince 6th century B.C. or 2,600 years ago.

Thailand, as ASEAN’s second largesteconomy, is strategically located at the heart of Southeast Asia, a growingmarket of tremendous potential with a population of about 600 million peoplesand a combined gross domestic product of $2.8 trillion. Thailand views itselfas the link to all the 10 ASEAN members and providing opportunities tostrengthen connectivity, in terms of both “hardware” and “software”, as well asto foster more seamless logistical, trade, tourism, and cultural cooperationacross the region. That’s the reason why Thailand has played a crucial role indeveloping the ASEAN Connectivity concept which later was adopted during theASEAN Summit in Cha-am, Hua Hin, Thailand on 24 October 2009.

 Similar to the “One Belt, One Road” framework,the ASEAN Connectivity Initiative called for the joint building of roads andrailways to connect Southeast Asian countries with one another, as well as asystem of ports for RoRo (roll-on roll-off) vessels and short sea shipping tolink Southeast Asian countries with one another as well as with mainlandSoutheast Asia. Therefore, Thailand is a hub that serves as a bridge linkingASEAN and China. 

In view of sub-regional connectivity,Thailand is now upgrading and building world-class infrastructures to link allneighboring countries through railways and highways. The Northern Line willconnect Laos, Myanmar and, in particular, the South of China, and link up toMalaysia through the Southern line. The East-West line will link up Myanmar,Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos, while also connects with key port cities such asDawei in Myanmar, Bangkok, Da Nang in Vietnam.

More importantly, Thailand and China signedthe Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in December 2014 to jointly build a highspeed railway in Thailand. By connecting the eastern Rayong Province, Bangkok,and the northeast Nong Khai province, the railway will link Thailand further toLaos (Vientiane – Luang Prabang) and to China (Kunming) and beyond. Thisrailway will significantly facilitate greater connectivity which will greatlycontribute to regional development and the betterment of people in the region.It is expected that the construction of 253 kilometers railway from Bangkok toNakhon Ratchasima will commence its first phase in September 2016.   

In short, Thailand’s North – South and East- West connectivity which link all neighboring countries and improve ourlogistic transportation in all four directions will certainly compliment China’sOne Belt One Road Initiative.

In addition, Thailand’s Special Economic Zones(SEZs) initiative at provinces along the borders of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar andMalaysia was established as part of our national strategy to stimulate economicgrowth, attract foreign direct investment, foster the development of borderareas and support ASEAN integration. There are 13 types of businesses thatqualify to operate within SEZs, namely, (1) Agro and fishing industries, (2)Ceramics, (3) Textiles, (4) Furniture, (5) Jewelry, (6) Medical Equipment, (7)Automotive and parts, (8) Electronics, (9) Plastics, (10) Pharmaceuticalindustry, (11) Logistics, (12) Industrial estate development, and (13) Tourism.Special incentives are offered to investors in those areas.

The Chinese government’s vision “Made inChina 2025” and “Thailand 4.0” model are the new engine of growth in the 21stcentury. They are complementary. The initiatives are designed to upgrade thecountry’s economic structure to a value – based economy driven by innovation.In this connection, “Thailand 4.0” model will be achieved by (1) reforming theexisting five industries, including, automotive, electronics, affluent medicaland wellness tourism, agriculture and biotechnology, and food, and (2)promoting five new industries, including, robotics, aviation and logistics,biofuels and biochemicals, the digital industry, and the medical hub. Webelieve that this model will enable Thailand to overcome the middle income trapand bring about the new face of Thailand’s economy on global stage.

Thailand and China share the same vision torevitalize of glory in the past as well as the historical and culturalsignificance of the Silk Road in the 21st century. In the modern era, ourpartnership will be stronger and even meaningful because we share similareconomic development initiatives with more interdependent bilateral trade andpeople-to-people connectivity which will lay a solid foundation for growingbusinesses and create wealth and prosperity for our peoples and nations in thefuture.