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津巴布韦:克服风险 抓住机遇


文I 黄屏   中国驻津巴布韦大使    图片提供I 中国驻津巴布韦大使馆



















Zimbabwe: Avoid risks and seize opportunities

By H.E.Mr.Huang Ping, Chinese Ambassador to Zimbabwe; Translated by Wang Xiaobo

Zimbabwe’s current situation

Zimbabwe is located in the southeast ofAfrica, with an area of 391 thousand square kilometers. According to World Bankdata for 2015, it has a population of 15.6 million. The local climate ispleasant with spring seasons all the year round and beautiful scenery. Thepeople there are warm and friendly; pure and kind; and its public securitysituation is quite in order.

Before 2000, Zimbabwe, known as ‘breadbasket’, was once    a main exporter ofagricultural and mineral products in the area of Southern Africa, and itseconomic strength was at the forefront of that region. But after 2000, becauseZimbabwe carried out the swift land reform, its relationship with westerncountries, such as Britain and United States, became deteriorated rapidly, andthey even took sanctions against it. With the deterioration of the externaleconomic situation, from 2000 to 2008, its economy has been declining year byyear—–inflation getting serious; pillar industries, such as agriculture,manufacturing and mining, having been exposed to strong attack; and itseconomic system and foundation having been damaged greatly. In the year of2009, after the establishment of a new coalition government, it began to focuson restoring the economy, which, in turn, has achieved a continuous and rapidgrowth. In July.2013, the presidential, parliamentary and local "three inone" elections were successfully held in Zimbabwe. As a result, DemocraticLeague Party returned to one-party ruling position, which, focusing onpromoting economic recovery and development, has made some achievements.Optimistic about the economic development prospects of Zimbabwe is apparentlyincreasing both at home and abroad.

Zimbabwe’s advantages

Zimbabwe has rich agricultural and miningresources; and being one of the countries with the highest literacy rate inAfrica, its citizens’ educational level is quite high. Located at ageographical center in southern Africa, it enjoys the privilege of awell-established infrastructure. In general, compared with other Africancountries, it has many unique advantages. Thus, it is of significant economicdevelopment potential, and there is a great hope for it to become a fertileland for investment.

In April 2017, a renowned American company,which provided market research reports to Fortune 500 companies, indicated thatZimbabwe was one of the three countries with the highest rate of return oninvestment in Africa in the past three years. At present, almost all industriesin Zimbabwe, including agriculture and agricultural processing industry,manufacturing, tourism, services, mining, information and communicationindustries, are in urgent need of investment, while at the same time, there areplenty of investment opportunities in these fields.

Agriculture, mining and manufacturing arethe three pillar industries in Zimbabwe. The main agricultural products aretobacco, cotton, corn, wheat, sugar, tea, coffee, timber, beef and bean. As theworld's third largest exporter of tobacco, its tobacco production and exporthave maintained strong momentum in recent years. Because of the heavy rainfallduring the 2016-2017 rainy season, it is expected that this year’s cottonoutput will reach 150 thousand tons; grain output will reach 2.7million tons,among which corn’s output is 2 million tons; and all of them will achieve highyield. While ensuring food security, it will further stimulate the recovery offood processing and manufacturing.

Mineral resources are extremely rich inZimbabwe. According to the data from its minerals Association report, itsexpected reserves of platinum and chromium iron are ranked at the secondposition in the world; while its expected diamond reserve is hundreds ofmillions carats; gold is 13 million tons; nickel ore is 4.5 million tons; andcoal is 30 billion tons. In 2015, mining output accounted for about 8.85% ofits GDP, and mining income reached $1.8 billion.

Zimbabwe was one of the largest and mostfully managed manufacturing countries in sub Saharan Africa with a soundindustry foundation. In 2013, manufacturing output accounted for about 12.82%of its GDP. There are nearly 2000 factories and enterprises throughout thecountry, which produce as many as 8000 different kinds of products from food,clothing to hardware, electrical appliances and automotives (assembly).And theself-sufficiency percentage among products is as high as over 90%.In Zimbabwe,the manufacturing sector is divided into eleven main categories, and they are:food, beverages and cigarettes, textiles and clothing, shoes and caps, wood andfurniture, paper making and printing, petrochemicals, non-metallic minerals,metals and metal products, transportation equipment, and other categories,which are mainly located in the capital city of Harare and the second largestcity, Bulawayo; while Gweru, Kwewe, Mutare, Kadoma and  Masvingo are also the main cities or regionsfor manufacturing. But due to the long-term economic downturn, themanufacturing sector has also been affected severely, which is just slowlyrecovering.

Zimbabwe is also rich in tourism products.Great Zimbabwe Ruins, Vitoria Falls, Manna Powers Biological Reserve, Kami Siteand Matobo National Park have been listed on the world heritage list by UNESCO.Besides, in Zimbabwe, there are other famous scenic spots, such as KyrgyzstanNational Park, Kariba Lake and Eastern Highlands. In recent years, its tourismindustry is doing quite well. The data from the bureau of statistics showedthat hotels’ occupancy rate in major cities was over 50%, and the volume oftourists is about 2 million per year. The tourism sector has set a target thatthe number of tourists should reach 5 million per year by 2020, and the valueof revenues should amount to $5 billion.


Zimbabwe’s future

China has established an ‘all-weather’friendly relationship with Zimbabwe, and we are good friends, good partners andgood brothers. Zimbabwe’s resources and development potentials can positivelycomplement China’s fund, technology and market. The people of Zimbabwe arefriendly to China, so the potential for future cooperation between the twocountries is enormous and the prospect is broad. And it is promising forChinese enterprises to invest in Zimbabwe.

In December 2015, President Xi Jinping paida state visit to Zimbabwe and held talks with President Mugabe. At the meeting,President Xi pointed out that China and Zimbabwe are truly all-weather friends;and the friendship between the two countries is enduring and unshakable. Chinais willing to promote Sino- Zimbabwe economic and trade cooperation towards thedirection of production, processing and investment management and encouragemore Chinese enterprises to invest in Zimbabwe to help to modernize agriculturalindustry chain, mining industry chain and manufacturing base; to  participate in infrastructure constructionand operation of power, information, communications and transportation, and toinnovate in financing approach. China and Zimbabwe will further strengthencommunication and cooperation in the fields of education, culture, health,tourism, youth, media and other humanities to consolidate the traditionalfriendship between the two countries.

In accordance with the directions indicatedby the two heads of state, Sino- Zimbabwe achieved fruitful results throughpractical cooperation in the fields of trade, investment, project contractingand economic aid in recent years. In 2012, bilateral trade volume topped $1billion for the first time; in 2013, the amount reached $1.102 billion; in2014, the figure was $1.24 billion; and in 2015, it was increased to $1.308billion. Since 2011, Zimbabwe has become the hot spot for Chinese investors inAfrican. For three years in a row, it was one of the top three Africancountries that attracted Chinese investors most. In 2013, the amount of directinvestment that Zimbabwe gained from China was $0.602 billion, the biggest onein African. At present, a throng of Chinese enterprises are engaged in projectcontracting business in Zimbabwe, involving communications, water conservancy,power, transportation and other fields. Among the major projects newlycompleted or under construction, such as the new Vitoria Falls Airport, theexpansion of the hydropower station at southern Kariba, the expansion of Hwangepower station, and ‘Mobile one network’ national broadband network project,most of them were undertaken by Chinese enterprises.

It is true that for the time being, theoverall economic situation in Zimbabwe is still weak, and there are someuncertainties in its investment policy, which means risks do exist. But on theother hand, risks often contain opportunities. So for those enterprises thatintend to invest in Zimbabwe, they should be fully prepared to avoid risks as muchas possible and in the meanwhile seize the opportunities promptly.