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文I 艾哈桑·布哈利法  阿尔及利亚驻华大使    翻译I 王晓波    摄影I鲁门

● 两国关系

● 经济发展战略

● 投资优势







































Factors That Drive Investment in Algeria

By H.E Ahcène Boukhelfa, Ambassador of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria in China;Photo by Armene·G

Algeria and China are strategic partners,their friendship runs deep. The two countries established diplomatic relationsome 59 years ago.Over the years they have been supporting, trusting, andcooperating with each other and they maintained regular political exchanges andcontinued to keep close consultation and coordination in regional andinternational affairs.

In 2014, Algerian PresidentAbdelazizBouteflika and President Xi Jinping were elevated the relationsbetween the two country to a Global strategic partnership, which is the firstGlobal strategic partnership China has established with the Arab countries.

China is the first economic partner ofAlgeria, there are currently more than 1000 Chinese companies active inAlgeria, including 100 companies with headquarters and branches, and more than55.000 Chinese residents in my country, and we highly encourage more Chinesecompanies to invest in Algeria in various sectors.

Furthermore, business-friendly climate,Algeria is one of the important economic of Africa, with an area of 2,381,741square kilometers;Algeria is the tenth-largest country in the world, and thelargest in Africa, the Mediterranean Rim and the Arab world. 

As part of the program of the President ofAlgeria His Excellency Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA, Algeria has launched a strategy togrow its economy with the specific aim of improving the competitiveness of itsnational commerce. The key of this economic policy is promoting Algeria asdestination and attract foreign direct investment in order to, on the one hand,reduce the number of imports, and on the other hand, diversify nationalexports.

There are several fields of investment inmy country, the petrochemicals industry remains the leading recipient offoreign investment. Outside of the oil and gas industry, the investors areshowing an increasing appetite for opportunities, especially chemicals andmetallurgy, telecommunications, construction, agriculture and tourism.   

Many factors affect the amount ofinvestment that pours into Algeria, the most important are:

A great source of energy and naturalresource

Algeria has substantial and diversifiednatural wealth, especially in hydrocarbons, where it occupies the 15th range infield of oil reserves (45 billion of tons in oil equivalent), the 18th in fieldof production, and the 12th in exports.

Its capacities of refining may reach 22million of tons per year. Concerning the gas, Algeria occupies the 7th range inthe world in field of proved resources, the 5th in production and the 3rd inexports.

A real giant of energy, Algeria, strong ofits reserves, production and exportation of natural gas, has no rival in theMediterranean where it is ranked the 1st oil and natural gas producer andexporter. Algeria is also the third supplier of the European Union in naturalgas.Algeria has also a solar potential: 3000 hours of sunshine per year.

In addition to these resources, Algeriahides in its underground huge deposits of iron phosphate, Zinc, Uranium, etc.

This abundance of energy and naturelresources contributes to the success of any investment project in Algeria.


Qualified Human resource

Qualified human resources are our mostvaluableasset and one of our wisest investments for the future. Algeriahasgiven an important place for education in its national policies; there are some8.5 million students in primary and secondary schools in the country (5.5% ofGDP devoted to education). Algerians enjoy free education, which is compulsoryup to the age of 16 (86% literacy rate)

There are1.5 million students in highereducation including 35,000 registered in doctoral training and 90,000 intechnical areas in 106 universities spread over 48 provinces,covering theentire national territory (6.24% of the state operating budget goes to highereducation). There are also 2, 500, 000 graduates since 1962, and 643,700 enrolledin vocational education with an average of 200,000 graduating every year.

In addition, there are centers forprofessional training at the level of most communes.

This qualified labor force is a goodopportunity for the investors in Algeria.



Algeria has an important network ofinfrastructure, especially in field of transport, which plays a major role infacilitating the movement of goods.

The Algerian road network is the densest inAfrica:

Roads: 112,039 km of roads and highways (40thnetwork World, 3rd in Africa) of which 29,573 km of national roads.

The East-West Highway is a majorinfrastructure project. It is a, 1216 kilometer-long highway, linking Annaba inthe extreme east to the Tlemcen in the far west.

Algeria is also crossed by the Trans-SaharaHighway, which is now completely paved. This road is supported by the Algeriangovernment to increase trade between the six countries crossed: Algeria, Mali,Niger, Nigeria, Chad and Tunisia.

Airports: 36 airports, of which 16 international.

Ports: 45 maritime infrastructures, ofwhich 11 commercial ports, two oil ports, 31 fishing ports, one (01) marina and2,200 maritime traffic lights

Railways network:  4498 km of railway network

This infrastructure facilitates the accessto border markets, the Mediterranean Sea on the North and all the regions inthe world.

Advantages of the Algerian market

The Algerian market is one of the importantmarkets in Africa and the Arab world, it contain in particular:

– 40 million consumers

– $ 46. 7 billion of imports in 2016

– $ 262 billion of public investment forthe time span 2015-2019

Ambitious policies of development andsectors' strategies

The Algerian authorities are putting largesums of money for development (200 billion dollars for the 2004-2009 program,286 billion dollars for the 2010-2014 program and 262 billion of publicinvestment for the 2015-2019 program).

The new industrial revival policyhighlighting 12 strategic sectors, namely the steel and metalworking, hydraulicbinders, electrical and household appliances, industrial chemistry, mechanicsand automotive, pharmaceutical production, aerospace, construction and shiprepair, advanced technology, food processing, textiles and clothing, leatherand timber products, wood and furniture industry as well as outsourcing.

– Agricultural and Rural Renewal Program.

– Development Plan of Fisheries andAquaculture Activities by 2025.

– The Master Plan for Tourism Development.

– Renewable Energy Program (solar, thermaland wind) to produce 22000MW by 2030.


New law for promotion of investment inAlgeria

Algeria has adopted on 3 August 2016 a newlaw on the promotion of investment (Law No. 16-09). The adoption of this Law ispart of an approach to improve the business climate in Algeria, initiated bythe Algerian authorities.

The investment projects may enjoy, underthe Law No. 16-09, from tax exemptions and reductions, depending on the projectlocation and impact on the economic and social development.

An intensified protection and internationalarbitration agreements

– Algeria is membership to internationalinvestor’s protection conventions, relating to international guarantees andarbitration;

– Signing of 48 bilateral agreements andagreements on the investments promotion and reciprocal protection;

– Signing of 65 bilateral agreements onnon-double taxation.


Advantages of agreements signed by Algeria

The Investors benefit from the advantagesof the international agreements signed by Algeria, especially the EU-AlgeriaAssociation Agreement was signed in April 2002 and entered into force inSeptember 2005 and The Greater Arab Free Trade Area.



These factors have attracted investors frommany countries including Chinese companies, we encourage others investors inChina to avail themselves of this possibilities of investment in Algeria.

There are enormous opportunities. Welcometo investors!