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文I阿巴斯·亚辛(Abbas Yassin) 苏丹驻华使馆参赞    翻译I邓哲远

● 苏丹战略地位



















油籽:棉花、芝麻、向日葵、高粱 – 高产品种。大米:白和青尼罗州的旱稻。瓜尔豆胶:利润高,欧洲和非洲的需求量很大

多样的气候允许种植不同类型的水果: 南方油棕、北方椰枣,以及芒果、香蕉、番石榴和柑橘。蔬菜:番茄、土豆、洋葱、胡萝卜、秋葵、西瓜、黄瓜等。大多在冬季生产,此时可以销往寒冷的北半球







Sudan Investment Guide

By Mr.Abbas Yassin, Counsellor of the Sudanese Embassy to China

●Country Profile 

Sudan’s Resources

● Investment Climate

● Key opportunity sectors Priority sectors

Sudan, a country located in Northeast Africa, is bordered by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea, Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east.

It also shares a border with South Sudan to the south, the Republic of Central Africa to the southwest, Chad to the west and Libya to the northwest.

Currently, Sudan’s population is estimated at over 37 million people, which occupies a total area of 718.722 square miles, making it the third largest country in Africa .  

Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, is located at the confluence of the Blue and Nile.

Blessed with natural resources, agriculture remains the main source of income to many Sudanese which contribute to over 80 percent of the total workforce, contributing 39 percent of national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). 

Since agriculture is the backbone of the country’s economy, products such as  cotton, groundnuts (peanuts), sorghum, millet, wheat, gum Arabic, sesame seeds and other livestock are very common with the country.

The county is also blessed with fertile land which makes farming very productive as well as the abundance of rivers and water sources.

Sudan has some of the most fertile land in Africa and has big reservoirs and decent annual rainfall which allows farmers to grow a big range of crops such as wheat, cotton, corn, sugarcane, sesame.

The land is not only rich for farming and agricultural production but it is also rich in mineral resources like gold, copper, iron, uranium, chromium.

Regarding climate conditions, the country experience a hot and dry weather during summer and warm and rainy weather condition during winter period.

The rainy season lasts for about three months that is from July to September every year. 

Sudan is also very popular when it comes to tourism as it has more tourist attraction areas like Dander Zoo Park in the south, Pyramids in the north, diving in the East Sea, and in western Sudan is the Golden Sand Dunes in addition to mountains and green lands in different parts of the country.

Throughout the years, Sudan has built infrastructural projects such as railway lines, bridges, roads and free trade zones.

Sudan enjoys a geographical location that makes it a link between the Arab world and the African continent.

China-Sudan relations

Historically, China-Sudan relations date back to 1959 which makes Sudan the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to recognize China as a development partner. 

Today, China is the largest investor in Sudan, and it is the most important partner in Sudan's external relations both political and economic, in addition to the various issues of mutual interest at all regional and international arena.

With regard to the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative which is likely to bring economic activities as well as to present great investment opportunities for Sudan under the huge projects that China would establish in countries covered by the initiative.

Sudan seeks to partner with China to establish a number of key projects in the field of transportation and energy as well as to modernize the railway to links Sudan to its neighbors by providing sea access to these countries.

Country Profile 

• Area: 1882100 sq. kilometer 

• Population: 37 million 

• Federal government system 

• Capital: Khartoum 

• Currency:- Sudanese Pound 

• Language:- Arabic is the main language (English is also widely used) 

• Time Zone:- GMT+3 

Basic information 

Sudan Strategic Location 

• Outlet to landlocked neighbouring countries 

• Neighbours Key Food Deficit SSA Region 

• 8 hours sea navigation from Port Sudan to Jeddah 

• Smooth asphalt roads to Egypt & Ethiopia and the one to Chad is in progress 

Trade Agreements: 

• GAFTA 200 million inhabitants 

• COMESA: FTA 400 million inhabitants 

Sudan’s Resources 

•  Renewable Water Resources: River Nile, Blue Nile, White Nile, Atbara River, Seasonal streams, Rain-fall, Under-ground aquifers (80% of Sudan lies in Nile Basin), The average estimate amounts to 101 cubic meter. 

•  Arable Lands: 140 million hectares 

• Agricultural Only 20% is cultivated 

• Animal over 100 million heads 

• Mineral numerous mineral 

• Gold, silver, chrome, iron, zinc, cupper and tin in addition to considerable reserves of petroleum and natural gaz. 

• Red sea coast, Gebel Marra in western Sudan 

• Archeological sites of the old Kushite kingdom, Blue Nile state and River Nile banks. 

Investment Climate

Incentives package 

• Agricultural projects profits are taxed at 0% rate, and are fully exempted from custom duties on imported capital equipment. 

• Industrial projects are subject to 10% Business Profit Tax, and enjoy full exemption from custom duties. 

• Service sector projects are subject to 15% Business Profit Tax, and have a full exemption from custom duties. 

• Capital equipment and production inputs are exempted from V.A.T upon a list accredited by the Ministry of Investment. 

Key opportunity sectors Priority sectors: 

1- Agricultural & Live Stock sector 

2- Mining sector 

3- Petroleum sector 

4- Service Sector

Key Investment Opportunities- Agriculture

Irrigated Agricultural schemes in the field of fruits and vegetables…etc. 

• Water and Irrigation services, especially companies that drill for water sources underground 

• Manufacturing pipes for well-casing and water connections 

Comparative advantages in the production of : 

• Oil seeds: cotton, sesame, sunflower Sorghum – high yield varieties 

• Rice: upland rice grown in white and Blue Nile 

• Guar gum: very profitable, high demand in Europe and Africa 

Diverse climate allows different types of fruits:

• Oil palms in South, Dates in North and Mango, Banana, Guava and Citruses 

• Vegetables: tomato, potato, onions, carrots, okra, watermelon, cucumbers etc. 

• Most are produced during winter when the Northern Hemisphere is very cold so marketing is available 

Depending on the existing level and future plans for expansion the followings are the promising opportunities: 

•Land preparation 

•Mechanical planting operations 

•Applications of herbicides and fertilizers 

•Mechanical harvesting 


Key Investment Opportunities – Livestock

Live Stock Breeding 

• Slaughterhouses for exports 

• Freezing services and transport 

• Live animal transport 

• Fisheries 

• Poultry production 

• Dairy production 

• Veterinary services 

Key Investment Opportunities – Agro- industry 

• Sugar production 

• Fruits canning and vegetables 

• Planting and processing oilseeds 

• Maize for glucose and starch production 

• Gum Arabic, Cardboard and paper, timber production 

• Soft drinks from hibiscus, Aradeep, mango and citrus fruits 

• Yeast production 

• Meat products 

• Fertilizers and pesticides 

• Tanneries and leather products 

• Pharmaceuticals 

• Agricultural machinery and equipment assembly 

Key Investment Opportunities- Service Sector – Infrastructural projects Strategy of focusing on infrastructure to accelerate development:

Highways and bridges 

• Airports 

• Housing and commercial real estates 

• Dams and irrigation canals 

• Electric power generation and distribution 

• Urban and rural drinking water 

Key Investment Opportunities – Tourism projects 

Tourism attractive tourist sites:

 • Varieties of livestock amounting to over 100 million heads including Cattle, Sheep ,Camels and Goats in addition to wildlife. 

• Considerable fish reserve from rivers and Red Sea estimated at 110 tons

• Coastal tourist villages for diving, water sports etc. 

• Hotels 

• Motor-boats and diving equipment 

• Development of archeological sites 

• Tourist transport 

• Utilizing the Nile for tourism