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文|朱拜尔·哈桑(Jubair Hasan) 孟加拉国《金融快报》记者   翻译|王晓波  

图片提供|朱拜尔·哈桑(Jubair Hasan)



  • 亚洲特色的经济特区

  • 期望借经济特区实现经济腾飞

  • 米尔萨莱成为投资热土

  • 结语



















































Bangladesh’s SEZs journey; China leads the tally

 By Jubair Hasan, Journalist of the Financial Express, Bangladesh Photo by Jubair Hasan

  • SEZs on Asian context

  • Bangladesh’s leaping dream riding on SEZs  

  • China leads SEZ tally in Bangladesh

  • Mirsarai becomes hot-cake for investors

  • Conclusion

SEZs on Asian context

The concept of economic zone is now considered as one of the best investment and employment generation models across the world in this age of globalisation.

Economic zone (EZ) is a cluster of industries that enjoys liberal fiscal and investment laws and regulations.   

Though the first modern zone applied in the Irish county of Clare in the late 1950s, it started rolling from Europe to America before accelerating the economic wheels of Asia and Africa.

More than two decades later, the wave of rapid economic growth riding on the special economic zones hit the Asian economies with the introduction of four such zones in the Chinese south-eastern coast.

The success encouraged other developing countries incorporate special economic zones (SEZs) into their growth plans to attract foreign capital, boost exports, create jobs, stimulate industry, and improve the existing infrastructure.

Though economic zones have started changing the industrial landscape of many Asian economies, most are poorly-run or do never take off. The success rate largely depends on the number of services available to ease of doing business. From an estimated 500 SEZs in 1995, there are now some 4,300 in over 130 countries (by the most recent count), employing more than 70 million workers.

In the Asian context, China has the largest number with around 1,500 zones followed by 312 in the Philippines, 221 in India and 12 in Sri Lanka while Bangladesh has only eight special economic zones, known as export processing zones (EPZs), facilitating overseas sales.

It is also believed that Chinese economy got momentum in the early 80s after the largest country in terms of population established the first four special economic zones (SEZs) in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and Xiamen. 

Initially, opening up these locations was driven by more political reasons than economic because these areas were closer to Hong Kong and Taiwan and were considered entry points to attract business communities from across the Taiwan Strait and Hong Kong with various incentives such as tax exemptions and land concessions.

In less than a decade, these cities flourished on top of Chinese economic growth. With this experience, one after another coming in and it covers in aggregate 550,000 km2 of land area and nearly one-third of the population.

The SEZs accounted for 22 per cent of China’s gross domestic product (GDP), 45 per cent of total foreign direct investment (FDI), and 60 per cent of exports. There are also estimated to have created over 30 million jobs, increased the income of participating farmers by 30 per cent.

Bangladesh’s leaping dream riding on SEZs  

Bangladesh also joined the league and adopted long-term industrialisation plan to reap the maximum benefits of its geographical and strategic location connecting South and Southeast Asia by developing 100 economic zones across the country by 2030.      

The SEZs-driven development plan was adopted to generate both static and dynamic benefits. Static benefits include employment creation, export growth and rise in government revenues; whereas dynamic benefits include economic diversification, innovation and transfer of technology through foreign direct investment (FDI), and skills upgrading.

The emerging economy in South Asia that recently became eligible to graduate from least development countries (LDCs) to developing ones wanted to successfully reach all 17 goals of SDGs (sustainable development goals) by attracting more local and overseas investors in the way other Asian economy did.

For facilitating the development works in a planned way, the country established Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA) in 2010. It is also estimated that such sites will help attract $40 billion and create 10 million jobs.

The land-starved country where businesses face difficulties in getting land for their industrial setup already acquired 40000 acres of unused land for industrial usage in a short period of time. As a result, global investors started pouring in to the delta of Bay of Bengal.       

The government’s latest five-year plan has a target of attracting $9.56 billion foreign investment in 2020 and special zones are a key part of the policy-mix aimed at reaching this objective.

China leads SEZ tally in Bangladesh

Foreign investor’s interest has been rising gradually, demonstrating the emerging importance of the country’s strategic and geographical location along the Indian Ocean.

China, which has scaled up outbound investment as part as its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), topped the list of overseas investors in terms of securing spaces in the special economic zones.

China has so far secured 2,878 acres of land followed by India (1,400 acres), Japan (1,000 acres), Singapore (100 acres) and Australia (20 acres).

Due to the growing demand for industrial space from China, the BEZA has kept 1,100 acres in the largest economic zone (30,000 acres) in Mirsarai while the Chinese steel giant Kunming Iron and Steel Holding Company (KISC) sought another 1,000 acres for setting up its plant.

A high-level delegation of KISC led by its chairman Zhao Yongping visited Bangladesh in July, 2018 and finanlised everything to setup a production bases with the annual capacity of producing 2.0 million-tonnes of integrated iron and steel.  

At the same time under the G2G (government to government) basis, a SEZ only for the Chinese investors is being built on 778 acres of land by China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd. in Anwara of port city of Chattogram.

 The country-focused SEZs will be built in an arrangement where Bangladesh government will have 30 per cent equity and foreign investors will hold the rest.

Indian investors will get 1,000 acres in Mirsarai, 300 acres and 100 acres in Bheramara and Mongla SEZs respectively while Singapore-based Wilmar Group will get 100 acres in Mirsarai where an Australian company also booked 20 acres.

On the other hand, the BEZA has just started the land acquisition process for the Araihazar SEZ, which is being developed on 1,000 acres of land for Japanese companies while two Indian developers have been shortlisted for the job.

When contacted, BEZA executive chairman Paban Chowdhury said the authorities had selected four country-specific SEZs under G2G basis with 30 per cent government equity.

He said that they have received investment proposals worth $17 billion until now, of which overseas investors share stood at $8.0 billion.

“It’s not just a proposal because the interested investors are also required to deposit one per cent of the proposed investment in accordance with our requirement,” he said.

He said large number of Chinese entrepreneurs is coming to get space in the economic zones, which is a good sign. “These sites are very important for businesses, who will get all kinds of services uninterruptedly from the areas,” he added.  

About the Anwara zone, he said they have handed over the site to a Chinese developer who started developing the site. “I do firm believe it will deliver hugely once the site is completed,” he added.

Mirsarai becomes hot-cake for investors

Just 20 years back, land-starving Bangladesh was blessed with a considerable volume of reclaimed land from the Bay of Bengal at the Mirsarai point of Chattagram.  And local people say the vast char land was used as a sanctuary for the cattle population including buffaloes.

Assessing the potential and economic viability, the government moved with an idea to go for planned industrialisation in the area. The infrastructural initiative was named Mirsarai Integrated Industrial City, a cluster of 25 economic zones.

The mega zone is being built on mostly reclaimed 30,000 acres of land, encompassing Chattagram and Feni districts, to create 2.0 million manufacturing jobs. The potentially biggest economic zone is expected to produce exportable goods worth $5.0 billion a year.

It will be readied in phases and the project involving Tk 23.47 billion will house industries like garments and garments accessories, integrated textiles, motorbike assembling, automobile assembling, automobile parts manufacturing, LPG plant, power plant, shipbuilding, ceramics, pharmaceuticals, light engineering, leather products and footwear.

The industrial site has become a hot cake for both local and overseas investors, thanks to its strategic and geographical advantages.

Besides fiscal benefits, the major advantage of the mega zone is its close proximity to the sea, the Dhaka-Chittagong highway and railway and the Chittagong port. At the same time, less complexities over the land acquisition and the assurance of utility providers to supply energy and power have generated interest in this zone among the industrialists. Only 10 per cent of land is privately-owned in the zone.

Managing Director of Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Ltd Ali Mohd Al-Mamun said the state agency has taken a new project named Construction of gas pipeline project for Mirsarai Economic Zone.

Under the project, the company finished installation of 11 kilometre-long pipeline with 1,000 PSI pressure capacity by the help of GTCL. The tender process was completed to start the construction of a sub-station there with a supply requirement of  200 million mmcf.

“I am confident of supplying gas to the zone by December next. There will be no problem from our side,” he said.

He also said the gas pressure would be better in the zone, adding: “If there is any severe gas supply problem in future, we are prepared for the LNG connections in Mirsarai.”    


Weak infrastructure and poor business environment are critical problems for Bangladesh in attracting both domestic investment and FDI. According to the 2017 Doing Business index of the World Bank, Bangladesh ranks 176th among 190 countries. In terms of sub-components of the Doing Business index, Bangladesh's worst performances are observed in the areas of 'enforcing contracts', 'getting electricity' and 'registering property' with rankings of 189th, 187th and 185th respectively.

There is no denying that rapid and sustained economic growth is very important for the Bangladesh economy on its way to becoming a middle income country. The importance of SEZs, aimed at propelling both domestic investment and FDI for rapid and sustained economic growth in Bangladesh, can't be undermined.

Bangladesh should analyze zoning experience in other Asian countries and chalk out proper plan for getting maximum outcomes from the zones. It needs to be considered why India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Pakistan are not so successful in implementing SEZs; factors behind the Chinese success story in using SEZs.

Two factors Bangladesh needs to be seriously considered for getting maximum benefits from such special sites. One is smooth connectivity with roads, rail and rivers or ocean and another factor is availability of services. Such industrial climate requires to be ensured so that entrepreneurs do not need to go outside the industrial parks for any service.

BEZA is working to implement an OSS (one-stop service) project, a package of nearly 70 services. Once it is completed, Bangladesh will turn into a hot cake for investors.