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互联互通 联接两国发展之路

互联互通  联接两国发展之路

文| 舒赫拉特·乌米洛夫  乌兹别克斯坦共和国驻华使馆新闻官   翻译| 王晓波

  导 读 


● 联通“中国—中亚—西亚”经济走廊

促进企业直接对话  加强地区合作


共同协商 互利共赢


的确,在各方共同的努力下, 一带一路倡议框架下的双边合作正积极发展。

促进企业直接对话  加强地区合作


共同协商 互利共赢
中国最近5年来取得的成就也证明了这一点。而取得如此巨大成果的背后, 共同协商和互利共赢是必要条件。只有在共同协商和考虑各方利益的条件下,各国才能成为有着共同战略目标和任务的长期合作伙伴。



Connectivity: Linking Both Countries’Roads to Development

By  Shukhrat Umirov

In the past, the Great silk road was of great importance in relations between different States and peoples, promoting the development of trade relations in the vast expanse of Eurasia. Moreover, through the Great Silk road there was an exchange of information, spread new products and crops, there was mutual enrichment of different cultures and civilizations.
The territory of modern Uzbekistan, its ancient cities such as Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva were in the heart of the Great Silk road, acting as a bridge between the regions of Asia and Europe. Today, centuries later, the initiative "One belt, One road" put forward by Chinese President XI Jinping is designed to revive this ancient Silk road, contributing to the deepening of cooperation in the fields of trade and investment, transport communications and energy, infrastructure development and tourism.
It is these issues that are at the forefront of the large-scale reforms carried out in Uzbekistan today, identified by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev as priorities for Uzbekistan. Thus, on April 27, 2019, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke at the Second International forum "One belt, One road". In his speech, Shavkat Mirziyoyev stressed that "the issues of international and regional interconnectedness have always been and remain relevant for Central Asia, including our country, which has no direct access to sea ports. Uzbekistan initially supported the initiative "One belt, One road", the implementation of which is an important factor in the sustainable development of our countries".
The President of Uzbekistan also noted the importance of the formation of the China – Central Asia – West Asia economic corridor. Great prospects are opening up with the launch of the Tashkent – Andijan – Osh – Irkeshtam – Kashgar auto corridor. Uzbekistan – Kyrgyzstan – China and Mazari-Sharif – Kabul – Peshawar railway construction projects are acquire of strategic importance.
It is also economically feasible to establish a through tariff for rail transport on the route: the ports of the Yellow sea – Central Asia – Europe, – said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
Noting that overcoming the harmful environmental consequences of the drying up of the Aral sea is a common task, Shavkat Mirziyoyev invited partners to participate in the activities of the multi-partner trust Fund for the Aral sea region under the auspices of the UN, as well as in the creation of the zone of environmental innovation and technology in the Aral sea region.
Indeed, thanks to common efforts, in recent years we have seen an active development of bilateral cooperation within the framework of the "One belt, One road" initiative.
In 2016, a railway tunnel on the Uzbek high mountain pass Kamchik was put into operation in the shortest possible time by the joint efforts of Uzbekistan and China. This section is intended not in the long term to become a strategic section of emerging new international routes along the "One belt, One road". With this in mind, in recent years, intensified negotiations on the early start of construction of the railway Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan-China. This corridor is the shortest route connecting the land communications of Uzbekistan and China through Kyrgyzstan. In the case of its construction and commissioning, transport, customs and other costs, as well as the delivery time of goods – 7-8 days from East Asia to the Middle East and southern Europe will be significantly reduced.
A significant event in this area was the opening in February 2018 of the international automobile route "Tashkent – Andijan – Osh – Irkeshtam – Kashgar" with a length of more than 900 km. The launch of this international road corridor has significantly increased the volume of mutual supplies to our markets of various goods.
At the beginning of April this year, Uzbekistan joined the China–Kazakhstan–Turkmenistan–Iran railway corridor, through which the period of delivery of goods will be reduced by more than 2 times compared to deliveries by sea. With the participation of Uzbekistan in this route is expected to further reduce the time of movement of goods in the Eurasian space.
In the last two years, there has been a qualitatively new positive dynamics of cooperation, both in the field of trade and economy, and in the field of investment. At the end of 2018, the trade turnover between our countries reached 6.4 billion dollars., increasing by 35%. Today, the number of Chinese companies present in the Uzbek market has exceeded 1 thousand, which operate in various sectors of the economy.
Last year, during the visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to China in the framework of the SCO summit in Qingdao, 46 investment projects worth $ 6.86 billion were signed. We cannot but rejoice at the fact that $ 3.11 billion of them have been allocated. – this is direct investment. Moreover, in 2018, the volume of direct investments of Chinese companies in Uzbekistan exceeded $ 500 million.
Along with the above directions, the priorities are joint projects in the sphere of high technologies and innovations. The common task should be to create integrated industrial techno parks, scientific and innovative clusters and free economic zones along the line of the Silk road Economic belt, the land component of the "One belt, One road". At the same time, it is important to develop direct dialogue between the business circles of the two countries and strengthen interregional cooperation.
It should be noted that last 2018 was a breakthrough year in terms of the development of cooperation between the regions of our countries. In 2018, the leaders of 11 regions of Uzbekistan visited large and industrialized provinces of China, during which fruitful negotiations were held. As a result, trade, economic and investment agreements worth more than $ 3 billion were signed.
Such a high level of Uzbek-Chinese relations lays a solid foundation for deepening cooperation in various spheres, not only in the political and economic, but also in the cultural and humanitarian sphere. I would like to focus on the potential of cooperation between our countries in the tourism sector.
Uzbekistan, like China, is a colorful country with a rich historical and cultural heritage, unique ancient architectural monuments. Opening to the world, Uzbekistan is becoming one of the most attractive tourist centers on the Great Silk road, a very interesting part of this route. In 2018, Uzbekistan was visited by a record number of foreign tourists – more than 5.3 million people, which is 2 times more than in 2017.
It is also encouraging to note the increasing flow of Chinese tourists to Uzbekistan. In particular, in 2018 their number increased by 111%, exceeding 35 thousand people. We are making every effort to multiply these figures in the coming years.
Such impressive results could not have been achieved without "joint consultations", mutual consideration of the interests of the parties involved in the implementation of projects under the "One belt, One road". Of course, only then will countries become long-term partners, guided by common strategic goals and objectives.
It should be noted that the Strategy of actions in five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 years many points of intersection with the initiative "One belt, One road".
The presence of a strong mutual interest in Uzbekistan and China to cooperate in the format of the "Belt and Road" initiative is the main condition for successful cooperation between our countries.
I would like to emphasize that today the relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the People's Republic of China have reached a high level of comprehensive strategic partnership. This is facilitated by the following factors.
First, there are personal, open, trusting relations between the leaders of our countries, who hold bilateral meetings on an annual basis not only within the framework of mutual visits, but also on the sidelines of international forums. This is the most important guarantee for the further strengthening of relations of comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.
Secondly, Uzbekistan and China are neighboring States that have been forming centuries-old ties of friendship and cooperation for thousands of years. Today, Uzbekistan and China are close strategic partners, which are firmly aimed at all-round deepening of long-term multifaceted cooperation, based on the principles of equality, mutual respect and benefit.
Thirdly, Uzbekistan and China unite active cooperation within the SCO and the "One belt, One road" initiative. The Republic of Uzbekistan, as a country historically located on the Great Silk road, is an important partner of the PRC within the "One belt, One road".
Fourthly, Uzbekistan and China have similar or coinciding positions and approaches on many topical issues of the regional and international agenda. Our States support each other on key security issues, especially in Central Asia.
During these decades, thanks to the policy of reform and openness, China has become the second economy in the world, playing the role of the locomotive of global development. The nomination by President XI Jinping of the "One belt, One road" initiative, which was attended by more than 80 countries, is a clear confirmation of this.
On the one hand, Uzbekistan, as noted above, has entered a period of dynamic large-scale economic reforms, in which China, due to its huge financial, investment, innovation and technological potential, acts as an important partner. On the other hand, China is interested in close cooperation with Uzbekistan, both with the largest fast-growing market in Central Asia, and the historical hub at the crossroads of transport corridors connecting Asia and Europe.
In short, there is a mutual long-term interest in Uzbekistan and China. And this is, without a doubt, the main guarantee of successful cooperation between our countries within the framework of the "One belt, One road" initiative.
I am confident that the implementation of this large-scale project, which now covers more than 60% of the world's population, will contribute to the formation of a single belt of peace, prosperity and progress, strengthening cooperation and friendship between our countries and peoples.

| 舒赫拉特·乌米洛夫

编辑 | 张梅

翻译 | 王晓波

  设计 | 孙子悦

