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文|阿卜杜拉泰夫·萨拉乌(Abdullateef Salau) 尼日利亚《每日信报》记者  翻译|王晓波

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Digitizing Nigeria's economy: What we can learn from China

By Abdullateef Salau  Journalist for Daily Trust, Nigerian

In China, almost everything happens on smartphones – from shopping consumables, wears and electronics to booking train or air tickets, paying for them through mobile apps and have the purchased items delivered at door steps. It is fair to say that some of the world’s most enthusiastic netizens are Chinese. They message, take photos, and watch videos all day on social media.

As Jeffrey Towson, a business professor at Peking University, noted that in China, "smartphone is the operating system for your life once you had WeChat or mobile payments set up, that enables e-commerce to happen on your phone anywhere you happen to be during your day."

China's digital economy reached 31.3 trillion yuan (4.6 trillion U.S. dollars) in 2018, accounting for 34.8 percent of the country's total GDP, according to a report by the Cyberspace Administration of China in May 2019.

The report, unveiled at the 2nd Digital China Summit in the city of Fuzhou, showed 31.63 trillion yuan of e-commerce trade volume and over 9 trillion yuan of online retail sales last year, as well as more than 600 million users of online payment.

China is among world's top investors in key digital technologies. The country is investing in high-tech industrial parks and incubators focusing on technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics and big data. Internet companies like Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu are investing billions in new research centres, AI experts and data scientists.

The government is working through a 10-year plan, Made in China 2025, to accelerate the development of high-tech industries. The plan outlines how China aims to become a world leader in telecommunication, electrical power equipment, robotics, high-end automation, and new energy vehicles.

This huge spending on technology and innovation has achieved fruitful results. As of February 2018, China ranked second behind the US in terms of its number of unicorns – privately held startup companies valued at $1 billion or more.

China, along with United States, now houses largest digital platform companies, including e-commerce giant Alibaba and tech conglomerate Tencent, which UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) said account for two thirds of the total market value of the top 70 platforms.

Wealth creation in the digital economy is highly concentrated in the United States and China, with the rest of the world, especially countries in Africa and Latin America, trailing considerably far behind, according UNCTAD's Digital Economy Report 2019.

Meanwhile, a mixed picture arises with a view of Nigeria – lofty technology ideas with inadequate investments.
The country has rolled out many ambitious initiatives, including creating government or private sector led incubator hubs, youth innovation programmes, and science technology parks. Digital platforms for e-commerce and electronic banking are popular among Nigerian netizens. The technology sector had recorded some good strides – more than doubling in size over the past nine years, and contributed 13.85 percent to GDP in the second quarter of 2019.
The government is not oblivious of the potential of digital economy, which is projected to create 3 million jobs and generate $88 billion for Nigeria by 2021.

In October 2019, the government renamed a ministry which supervises the ICT sector as Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy.  It said the decision was to further expand the ministry's mandate to capture the goals of digitalisation of the Nigerian economy in line with the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP), one of the key agenda of the central government.

However, Nigeria's burgeoning tech space is faced with challenges, many of which result from inadequate investments in key digital technology infrastructure, the lifewire of digital economy.

As Nigerian government seeks to diversify its economy from over reliance on oil, digital economy provides the best alternative in a technology-dominated world. This is even more so as the world is only in the early days of the data-driven economy. By 2022 global IP traffic is projected to reach 150,700 GB per second.

The backbone of a digital economy is hyperconnectivity, which is only possible with huge investment on building a digital infrastructure and promoting the education sector.

Renaming a government's ministry alone won't achieve much. So, it is imperative that the Nigerian government support the lofty move with sufficient investment in digital technologies if it truly desires to turn its economy around. This is one area Nigeria needs to learn from China where the government is investing heavily on its tech industry.

编辑 | 张  梅

翻译 | 王晓波

设计 | 高  蕊