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文|安哥拉共和国驻华大使馆   翻译|王晓波

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Angola:Investment and Business Opportunities

By Embassy of the Republic of Angola in China

Angola has attended the 2nd China International Import Expo with a delegation of about 50 people, among them private business people, government officials and public enterprises representatives.

Aiming to get more private investments from China, the delegation headed by the Minister of Trade, H.E. Joffre Van-Duném Junior, hosted an Investment Forum on November 7, 2019 at Pullman Hotel, in which the Administrator of the Angolan Agency of Investment and Promotion of Exports (AIPEX), Ms. Sandra Dias dos Santos, presented the ongoing business environment in the country.

Sandra Dias dos Santos explained that the Government under the leadership of President João Lourenço has been taking structural measures to diversify the country’s economy since 2018.

These measures include the ratification of the Trade Facilitation Agreement, the simplification and de-bureaucratization of imports and exports as well as attractive fiscal and tax benefits, which include incentive packages based on development zones.

She added that Angola also has implemented a new Private Investment Law and a new Competition Law and other legislations that outline principles and rules to safeguard the entrepreneurial activity, prevent unfair competitiveness among economic agents and encourage efficiency in the supply of goods and services.

With all these structural and legal instruments in force, she added, the Government of Angola shows its commitment and determination on increasing the openness of the country’s economy to domestic and foreign investors without red tape.

The new Law on Private Investment stipulates principles and grounds that facilitate, promote and ensures a speedy application process. Among other advantages, the new private investment law scrapes off the compulsory national partnership in the investments and the minimum value of one million United States Dollars to start business in Angola.

In addition to the new legal framework to support the economy, the country has many natural resources and its geo-strategic location in Africa allows investors to easily expand their business to other markets in the southern region of the continent, whose number of consumers is above 300 million.

Sandra dos Santos explained that Angola is also implementing the simplification of the process of investment and creation of companies and the facilitation and acceleration of the procedures for obtaining entry VISAs in order to encourage domestic and foreign private investors to join the efforts of diversifying the economy and the sources of forex earnings away from oil-crude. 

In this regard, Chinese investors are welcome to actively participate in the process of economic diversification, industrialization and strengthening of logistical infrastructures in the country and along the borders, as well as to help us in re-launching the production of bananas, coffee, cereals, textiles, wood, ornamental stones, cement and fish for domestic consumption and export.

⬆In Investment Forum , the Administrator of the Angolan Agency of Investment and Promotion of Exports (AIPEX),
Ms. Sandra Dias dos Santos, presented the ongoing business environment in the country

Agri-business Investment Opportunities

At the Forum, AIPEX informed that Angola has more than 57 Million hectares of forest and it is a potentially rich agricultural country with fertile soil and more than 35 million hectares of arable land. According to updated official records delivered by the minister of agriculture, about 86% of arable land is available for farming business.

AIPEX explains that although the land belongs to the State, the companies have 60 years to lease the land where they will implement their investment, and this lease process is renewable.

In this regard, Chinese investors have the opportunities to make substantial investments in targeted fields such as crops production, livestock, agricultural machinery, irrigation, energy, storage, logistics as well as post-harvest production services.

The variety of land and climate across Angola makes it possible for investors to bet on agricultural commodities including fruits and vegetables; grains, such as wheat, triticale, rice, corn and sorghum; legumes, such as field beans and peas; animal feed and forage crops; rangeland and pasture; seed crops; fiber crops such as cotton; oil crops, such sunflower and corn.

The ministry of agriculture and forestry has been reporting that the fertile soils of Kwanza Sul, for example, are proven to be extremely fertile in producing vegetables and fruits; Benguela and Huambo provinces are considered as natural habitat for maize and wheat, while the lands of Northern provinces of Cuanza Norte, Malanje and Uige are appropriate for coffee, cotton, sugarcane and bananas.

Commercial forestry is also an attractive alternative in agri-business investment, mainly in the provinces of Cabinda, Cuando Cubango and Moxico, taking into account the profitable value-added timber products of furniture, bio energy, pulp and paper, sawlogs as well as building and transmission poles.

Sandra dos Santos explained that Angola is indeed a huge market and Chinese investors interested in agricultural and farming business can seize these untapped opportunities to supply the domestic consumer and export to wherever they want to.

She revealed that Chinese investors who produce in Angola and export to China are benefited by the newly signed bilateral agreement that allow their products to enter into the Chinese market with zero quotas and free of tariffs.

Fishing Business and Investment Opportunities 

The fisheries sector has been identified as one of the natural resources available for Angola’s economic diversification and the Secretary of States for Fisheries and Maritime Resources, Carlos Cordeiro, explained at the Forum that Chinese investors have the opportunity to turn the country’s Atlantic coast into a good source of income.

Angola has 1600 kilometres coastline and has commercial fishing infrastructures in the municipalities of Tombwa, (Namibe Province) Baia Farta (Benguela province) Porto Amboim (Kwanza Sul province) Luanda, Soyo and Cabinda, but all of them have been struggling with the lack of equipment and know-how.

The Angolan ministry of fisheries believes that fish derivatives are well known as profitable, since fish oil is highly sought after by the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries; while fishmeal is used by farmers as animal feed.

The most recent of reports on Angola fisheries says that, apart from a critical lack of large fishing ships and processing factories, the fishing industry across the country also lacks spare parts and maintenance facilities and Chinese private investors can bet on this market and help Angola to revitalize its fisheries sector.

Such as stressed by the Administrator of AIPEX, Chinese investors have the right to choose the activity sector, starting their investment with or without a partnership with a local partner and the investment can be done in cash, machinery or equipment, technology or know-how.

Additionally, investors have the freedom of choosing the field of investment although of the fields of Agriculture, food and Agro-industry, Education, Technical and Vocational Training, Higher Education, Scientific Research/Innovation,  Specialized Health Units and Services,  Fishery, Mineral Extraction, Timber, Textiles and footwear, Hospitality, Tourism, electricity, information technology, telecommunications, Construction and Public Works have been set as government’s priority sectors for the economic development.

At the Forum, the Angolan Minister of Trade said that currently, more than two hundred Chinese companies already operate in various segments of the economy in Angola, but this still does not reflect the full potential of economic and trade relations between the two countries and Angola expects to get more businesspeople from China to invest and give their contribution to the economic diversification and development of Angola.  

编辑 | 张  梅

翻译 | 王晓波

设计 | 高  蕊