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文|伊马努埃尔·曼诺夫(Emanuel Manov)









科索沃地区是东南欧对褐煤依赖度最强的地区,97%的发电量来源于褐煤。阿尔巴尼亚是东南欧唯一一个没有燃煤发电厂的国家,几乎完全依赖水力发电。北马其顿发电量大多来源于褐煤,占总发电量的65%-70%。希腊大约有50%的电力来源于硬煤和褐煤,30% 来源于天然气,剩下的20%来源于水能、风能和太阳能。太阳能和风能在东南欧地区发挥的作用非常小。克罗地亚的能源结构中有50%的电力来源于水能,其余来源于核能、煤炭、风能和太阳能。塞尔维亚和北马其顿类似,逾60%电力来源于煤炭,其余主要来源于水能。黑山的电力主要来源于水能,30%来源于煤炭。保加利亚和罗马尼亚的能源结构中含有核能,硬煤和褐煤是保加利亚的主要发电来源,罗马尼亚主要依靠水力发电。波黑的电力主要来源于煤炭和水能,水能大约占总发电量的20%。





1. “无脱碳目标”情景。意味着一切照旧。















South East Europe carbon roadmap – energy transition in the electricity sector

The region of South East Europe (SEE) comprises of 10 countries on the Balkan Peninsula. The region consists of the so-called Western Balkans countries, all of which aspire to but have not yet joined the EU – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo  region, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia (WB6), and countries which are members of the EU – Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece and Romania. The Western Balkans countries are parties to the Energy Community.
The power systems of the SEE countries are characterized by rather old and emission-intensive power plants, with predominantly state-owned energy supply monopolies. Lignite plays a significant role in the power system of the region with its total production being close to the level in Germany, the single-largest producer of lignite in the EU. The electricity network of the region is well connected. A brief summary of the structure of the energy sector in each country in the region is as follows:

Kosovo  region is the most lignite dependent country in the region, generating 97% of its electricity from lignite. Albania is the only country in the region which does not have any coal-fired power plants, and its domestic power mix is almost completely comprised of hydro power. In North Macedonia most of the electricity comes from lignite, with a 65-70% share in the power generation mix. Some 50% of the Greek power mix come from hard-coal and lignite, some 30% from gas. The remaining 20% are from hydro, wind and solar. Solar and wind still play a very small role in the SEE region. Croatia has some 50% hydro in the mix. Nuclear, coal, wind and some solar make up the remaining part. Serbia, similar to North Macedonia, generates more than 60% of its electricity from coal and the remainder mainly from hydro power. Montenegro’s power generation mix comprises mainly hydro power and some 30% coal. Bulgaria and Romania have nuclear power in their mix while hard-coal and lignite represent the largest generation source in Bulgaria and hydro power in Romania. Bosnia and Herzegovina produce power mainly from coal and hydro, the latter with a share of some 20%. 

The region is facing high level of energy poverty (estimated at 40% of the households in the entire region), high energy intensity (around three to four times higher than the EU average) and heavy air pollution.  Currently the countries are at a crossroads how to replace ageing coal-based generation. There is a vast potential for developing renewable energy at regional level (especially solar and wind) as well as significant opportunities for enhancing energy efficiency.
One of the most important challenges for the SEE region will be replacing more than 30% of its presently installed fossil fuel generation capacity by the end of 2030, and more than 95% by 2050 if its age structure is considered. This requires a strong policy framework to incentivize new investments in a region currently lacking investors, but also presents an opportunity to shape the electricity sector over the long term according to the broader energy transition strategy.

The replacement of aging power plants across most of SEE in the coming years presents affordability, security of supply, and decarbonization related challenges, but there are several potential long-term capacity development strategies that can meet these requirements.

To assess the effects of different policy decisions, three standard scenarios shall be assessed:

1.    The “No target scenario”, in which everything is business as usual.
2.    The “Delayed” scenario uses the officially confirmed future fossil fuel investment plans, followed by a change in policy direction from 2035 onwards.
3.    The “Decarbonization” scenario, which shows the impact of strict EU regulation and large investments in RES technologies.  

The scenarios differ with respect to CO2 emission reduction targets and the new fossil fuel based generation capacities. Installed RES capacity is an important assumption in the scenarios mentioned. As the other drivers of CO2 reductions (energy efficiency, nuclear power) are kept constant across scenarios, it is the RES expansion that will achieve the targeted emission reduction. However, the RES capacity distribution – amongst countries and amongst technologies – is an important result of the assumption. The distribution is based on each country’s specific geographic and climate fundamentals. 

The ‘no target’ scenario projects the implementation of current energy policy without CO2 emission reduction targets in the EU and the Western Balkans. Although a CO2 target is not imposed, producers face CO2 prices. The scenario assumes countries meet their 2020 renewable target, then gradually phase out support for renewables between 2021 and 2025.

The ‘delayed’ scenario involves an initial implementation of current (fossil fuel) investment plans followed by a change in policy direction from 2035 onwards, towards larger RES instalment. 

In the ‘decarbonization’ scenario the entire remaining coal capacity in the SEE region is based in three countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Greece.

In all three scenarios the capacity mix shifts away from fossil fuels towards renewable capacities, driven by increasing carbon prices and decreasing renewable technology costs.

The 94% decarbonization target for the EU28 + WB6 region translates into a higher than average level of decarbonization in the SEE region for the electricity sector; by 2050, regional CO2 emissions are 95.9% and 98.7% lower than 1990 levels in the ‘delayed’ and ‘decarbonization’ scenarios. This is due to a relative advantage for renewable electricity generation in the region compared with the European electricity sector in general, despite higher WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) levels than in the EU. The comparative advantage for the region relative to the EU lies mostly in hydro potential and solar irradiation. The data  shows that even in the ‘no target’ scenario, substantial carbon reduction – close to 91% by 2050 – is achieved driven by the carbon value, which results in a changing generation mix.

The described changes in the SEE electricity network lead to significant changes on the electricity markets. 

Investment levels increase significantly in all scenarios. This is partly due to the very low investment levels in the sector presently – which has been characteristic of the region during the last decades – but mainly due to the transformation of the electricity sector from carbon-intensive coal and lignite towards renewables in the ‘delayed’ and ‘decarbonization’ scenarios. In the ‘delayed’ and ‘no target’ scenarios, coal and lignite plants built in the 2018-2030 period (18-20 GW according to the current official energy policies in the region) become stranded, resulting in billions worth of stranded costs. Stranded costs are significantly lower in the ‘decarbonization’ scenario where most planned new coal assets do not materialize (limited to 4.5 GW).

With the exception of the first decade, generation investments are dominated by renewable technologies, even in the ‘no target’ scenario. The average RES support required to reach high penetration levels of RES in the ‘decarbonization’ scenario remains low, peaking in 2030 but even then remaining low and decreasing thereafter as a result of increasing wholesale prices and the falling cost of RES technologies. 

The introduction of a well-functioning competitive market is a key driver for the SEE electricity sector. It will enable more intra-regional trading opportunities between countries, leading to price equalization and higher RES deployment. 

Additionally, a uniform carbon pricing scheme would have a significant impact on SEE electricity markets. If the carbon price increases significantly compared with current levels, it can help RES penetration in two ways: by reducing the profitability of fossil fuel based generation and at the same time reducing the level of RES support needed (due to the impact of the carbon price on increasing the wholesale price). By 2050, RES can reach above 85% of electricity consumption in the region, but the contribution varies between individual countries. Those with high RES potential, become RES exporters, while others, exhibit less growth in RES output and increasing import dependence. If introduced in a timely manner, a carbon pricing scheme would send the appropriate signal to investors and reduce the risk of locking-in carbon intensive technologies. If currently planned coal and lignite investments are realized, they will lead to stranded costs after 2035 exceeding the cost of RES support needed during the same period to decarbonize the electricity sector. The utilization of fossil fuel plants will fall below required economic levels after 2040, with most newly built coal and lignite plants entering early retirement. If consistent decarbonization policy prevails, with a significant and persistent CO2 price signal, the role of gas remains transitory in the region. The high penetration of renewables in all scenarios suggests that energy policy, both at the national and regional level, should focus on lowering the cost of RES integration, as RES will be a key component of the future energy mix.. 

Stranded costs should be carefully considered in fossil fuel generation and gas network investment decisions in order to avoid lock-in to carbon intensive technologies. Regional cooperation helps to handle security of supply issues and reduces the cost of decarbonization by enabling the utilization of the most economic RES resource potential in the region. EU and international financial institutions have a key role in this transition process by helping to meet growing investment needs. 

The results suggest that establishing an ETS scheme would be a major policy instrument in achieving 2050 carbon targets. The role of the EU and the Energy Community is key in order to steer the WB6 countries in this direction, as presently an ETS is not on their policy agendas. 

编辑 | 张    梅

翻译 | 齐晓彤

设计 |     米