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In Which Sectors of the Economy does Uzbekistan Attract Foreign Investment乌兹别克斯坦在哪些经济领域吸引外国投资

2024年9月 文/ 斯坦尼斯拉夫·巴格拉莫夫(Stanislav Bagramov)

By [Uzbekistan] Stanislav Bagramov, head of the department of the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan

文|[乌兹别克斯坦]斯坦尼斯拉夫·巴格拉莫夫(Stanislav Bagramov) 乌兹别克斯坦共和国投资、工业与贸易部司长        翻译|胡昊        图片提供|乌兹别克斯坦大使馆







The “Uzbekistan 2030” strategy aims to increase the country’s gross domestic product to $160 billion and per capita income to $4,000. Achieving this goal solely through the domestic market is not possible; therefore, it is crucial to actively attract foreign investments and increase exports.

The Tashkent International Investment Forum plays a significant role in this effort. In May 2024, the third edition of the forum took place in Tashkent, becoming a significant event for the economy of Uzbekistan and the international investment community. The main objective of the forum was to enhance the inflow of foreign investments and promote economic cooperation between Uzbekistan and other countries.

The forum attracted business representatives, investors, government officials, and international organizations, facilitating dialogue and the signing of major investment agreements. In recent years, Uzbekistan has demonstrated significant growth in attracting investments, and the forum has been an important step in this direction.

In his welcoming speech, the Head of State noted that Uzbekistan has attracted over $60 billion in foreign investments in recent years, with approximately $14 billion coming from international financial institutions. These investments have been directed towards social and infrastructure sectors.

The forum has gained incredible popularity, with over 2,500 participants from 93 countries, providing a platform for global dialogue and exchange of investment experiences.

It is important to highlight that the forum garnered attention from international media, with coverage from more than 110 foreign publications in 30 countries, including leading global media outlets such as CNN, Euronews, London Post, and Associated Press.

One of the key events of the forum was the presentation of regional energy projects (the construction of Kambarata-1 HPP and Yavan HPP) to foreign investors. The presentation involved the Prime Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Kyrgyz Republic, emphasizing the importance of these projects for the entire region.

As a result of the Tashkent International Investment Forum, agreements were signed totaling $26.6 billion, indicating the high investment attractiveness of Uzbekistan and the success of the forum. For comparison, in 2022, 167 documents were signed at the forum, amounting to $11 billion, demonstrating a significant increase in investment interest in the country.

Specifically, agreements were reached on the implementation of the following major investment projects:

● Saudi Arabian company “Data Volt” will be involved in the construction of urban infrastructure in “New Tashkent” for $1 billion and will establish a “data processing center” based on green technologies.

● Saudi Arabian company “ACWA Power” will implement projects for the construction of a 5 GW wind power plant in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the creation of 2 GW energy storage devices.

● UAE company “Amea Power” will carry out a project to build a 1000 MW wind power plant in the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

● “Saudi Tabrid” will undertake the modernization of the heating systems in Nukus, Fergana, and Kuvasay.

● Egyptian company “Nile Sugar” will engage in sugar beet cultivation and sugar production in the Jizzakh region.

● Chinese company “Shanghai Knud International” will implement a project for the production of textile and sewing products in the Namangan region.

● “Wilmar International” (Singapore) will produce food products and confectionery in the Tashkent region.

Additionally, agreements were reached with several major global companies, such as “Orascom Investment” (Egypt), “Bonafarm Grup” (Hungary), “Sayar” (USA), “Goldwind”, “Sinoma” (China), “Sam Yapi” (Türkiye), “Pasha Development” (Azerbaijan), “Lasselsberger” (Austria), and “Petrosat Chexelsoton” (Iran), for the implementation of new investment projects totaling.

The event included a rich program of panel sessions, discussions, business breakfasts, and roundtable discussions, focusing on key aspects of economic development. The central theme revolved around the role of the state, investors, and entrepreneurs in supporting small and medium-sized businesses.

During the session on combating corruption, experts emphasized that effective anti-corruption measures are crucial for improving the investment climate. They highlighted that creating a safe and transparent business environment plays a vital role in this process.

“The successful fight against corruption requires a comprehensive approach, including strengthening legislation and increasing the transparency of government actions”, stated Akmal Burkhanov, Director of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The session on retail trade identified the main challenges and opportunities in the industry. Participants expressed the need for improving tax legislation and simplifying import procedures. They also emphasized the importance of creating conditions for successful adaptation of new brands in the market.

“Thanks to the resolution on reducing customs duties, we have managed to establish fair prices, as in the UK and Kazakhstan”, shared Ilya Lyapustin, Sales and Marketing Director of “Tashkent City Mall”.

During the business breakfast dedicated to women entrepreneurship, the significant impact of women entrepreneurs on society was emphasized. Speakers presented inspiring examples and strategies for achieving a balance between profitability and social responsibility.

Special attention was given to attracting foreign investments through residency programs.

“In recent years, Uzbekistan has proven itself as an attractive destination for global investors due to its openness to cooperation and prospects in the real estate sector”, noted Akram Mukhamatkulov, representative of Henley & Partners.

The roundtable discussion on “Supply Chains and Resilience: Finding Balance in Uncertain Times” addressed the problems and strategies for ensuring the resilience of global supply chains.

“Turkey and Uzbekistan have a strategic partnership, and we can significantly strengthen cooperation by working together”, noted Deputy Minister of Trade of Turkey, Sezai Ucharmak.

Experts also emphasized the importance of integrating digital technologies into investment strategies. They highlighted that digitization is not just the future but already a reality, playing a key role in accelerating investment processes and increasing transparency.

The pitch session “IT-PARK Uzbekistan: New Perspectives for Development” presented plans to transform Uzbekistan into a regional hub for information technology by 2030.

Sherzod Shermatov, Minister of Digital Technologies of Uzbekistan, highlighted the significance of recent investments. “Yesterday, we witnessed an important event – the start of the construction of the green data center, Data Volt, a major project of direct foreign investment. We are creating a favorable environment for IT companies and launching the ‘Zero Risk’ program to cover all risks associated with opening and operating offices in Uzbekistan”, he noted.

The roundtable discussion on “Connectivity: Reviving the Great Silk Road” brought together international experts and representatives of government bodies to explore opportunities for expanding connections, economic cooperation, and cultural exchange along the ancient Silk Road routes.

The roundtable discussion on “Integrated Urban Planning: Quality Investments, Environmental and Human Comfort” involved leading urban planners, architects, and business representatives discussing approaches to the development of the city of Tashkent. In particular, Vladislav Butenko, Managing Director and Senior Partner at BCG, emphasized the importance of integrating innovative solutions into urban planning to achieve sustainable city development. He stressed the need to consider both economic and social aspects in comprehensive planning, ensuring a balance between them.

The forum played a significant role in attracting investments for various ministries and regions of Uzbekistan. The signed agreements indicate the development of key sectors such as industry, energy, pharmaceuticals, and automotive manufacturing.

One of the major achievements of the forum was the agreement between the Ministry of Digital Technologies, the Ministry of Energy, and IT company Data Volt on the construction of a data center based on green technologies. Experts highlighted the importance of such projects for Uzbekistan. The signing ceremony was attended by Laziz Kudratov, Minister of Investment, Industry, and Trade, and Rajit Nanda, Director of Data Volt.

The third Tashkent International Investment Forum has concluded, but the planned initiatives and signed agreements promise active work in attracting investments and ensuring sustainable development. Uzbekistan has once again confirmed its role as a strategic partner on the international stage, attracting the attention of global investors and contributing to the economic growth of the region. 












● 沙特阿拉伯公司“Data Volt”将以10亿美元参与“新塔什干”城市基础设施的建设,并将建立一个基于绿色技术的“数据处理中心”。

● 沙特阿拉伯公司“ACWA Power ”将在卡拉卡尔帕克斯坦共和国实施5千兆瓦风力发电厂建设项目和2千兆瓦储能设备建设项目。

● 阿联酋公司“Amea Power ”将在卡拉卡尔帕克斯坦共和国实施建设1000 兆瓦风力发电厂的项目。

● “Saudi Tabrid “公司将在努库斯、费尔干纳和库瓦萨伊进行供热系统现代化改造。

● 埃及公司“尼罗河糖业”将在吉扎克州从事甜菜种植和糖生产。

● 中国公司“上海克努德国际”将在纳曼干州实施纺织品和缝纫产品生产项目。

● “威尔玛国际”(新加坡)将在塔什干地区生产食品和糖果。此外,还与 “奥拉斯康投资”(埃及)、“博纳农业集团”(匈牙利)、“ 萨亚尔”(美国)、“金风科技”、“中材国际工程股份有限公司”(中国)、“Sam Yapi”(土耳其)、“Pasha Development”(阿塞拜疆)、“罗森伯格集团”(奥地利)和 “Petrosat Chexelsoton”(伊朗)等几家大型跨国公司就实施新的投资项目达成了协议。









关于“供应链与复原力:在不确定的时代寻求平衡 ”的圆桌讨论探讨了确保全球供应链复原力的问题和战略。土耳其贸易部副部长塞扎义·乌察尔马克指出土耳其和乌兹别克斯坦是战略伙伴关系,我们可以通过共同努力大大加强合作。


推介会“乌兹别克斯坦信息技术园:发展的新视角 ”推介会介绍了到2030年将乌兹别克斯坦转变为地区信息技术中心的计划。

题为“乌兹别克斯坦信息园:新的发展前景”的推介会介绍了到 2030年将乌兹别克斯坦转变为地区信息技术中心的计划。乌兹别克斯坦数字技术部部长谢尔佐德·舍尔马托夫强调了近期投资的重要性。“昨天,我们见证了一个重要事件——绿色数据中心Data Volt的开工建设,这是一个重大的外国直接投资项目”。他指出:“我们正在为信息技术公司创造一个有利的环境,并启动了‘零风险’计划,以应对在乌兹别克斯坦开设和运营办事处的所有相关风险”。


在题为“综合城市规划:优质投资、环境和人类舒适度 ”的圆桌会议上,顶尖的城市规划者、建筑师和企业代表就塔什干市的发展方法进行了讨论。BCG董事总经理兼高级合伙人弗拉迪斯拉夫·布滕科特别强调了将创新解决方案纳入城市规划以实现城市可持续发展的重要性。他强调,在综合规划中需要考虑经济和社会两个方面,确保两者之间的平衡。


论坛的主要成果之一是数字技术部、能源部和信息技术公司Data Volt就建设基于绿色技术的数据中心达成了协议。专家们强调了此类项目对乌兹别克斯坦的重要性。乌兹别克斯坦投资、工业和贸易部长拉齐兹·库德拉托夫和Data Volt公司董事拉吉特·南达出席了签字仪式。
